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Looking for a long, lean, beautiful girl? Look no further! I'm a model not only in looks, but in deeds too (I have perfect litter box habits).

I love laps, watching the squirrels and birds, and give little Meezer chirps. I'm just meeting the resident cats and dogs so more on those critters soon.

Click on Ask About Me!
Name: Suki

(FKA Nina)

ID#: VA4898
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 05/08/07
Adopted: 06/24/07
Congrats: Patricia A.
Foster: Linda

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
New Pictures posted
(Last update: Jun 24th, 2017 11pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Mia
ID#: VA11741
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 11mon
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 10/10/16
Adopted: 11/12/16
Deceased: 06/23/17
Congrats: Debbie
Foster: Belinda

My name is Mia and I was found living with my three siblings under a shed in rural Virginia. I'm being fostered with my brother Miles and I'm very attached to him. We'd like to go home together. I'm a little bit bigger and braver than Miles, so I'm trying to show him that everything is going to be okay 'inside' instead of 'outside. The two of us are as plush as bunnies and just gorgeous with our lilac/lynx markings. So if you're looking for a ready made pair, please ask about us both!

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Notes from Home
Mia crossed the rainbow bridge on June 23, 2017.

After her brother's passing several months we had hoped to shower her with twice the amount of love and attention as she grew up but sadly it was not meant to be. We find comfort in knowing that she is once again with her brother.

(Last update: Jun 23rd, 2017 2pm)

My name is Miles and I was found living with my three siblings under a shed in rural Virginia. I'm being fostered with my sister Mia and I'm very attached to her. We'd like to go home together. Right now I'm a little scared of my new surroundings, but it's cozy and safe, so I'm sure I'll be okay in a couple days.
Name:   Miles
ID#: VA11740
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 8mon
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 10/10/16
Adopted: 11/12/16
Deceased: 03/15/17
Congrats: Debbie
Foster: Belinda

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Miles crossed the rainbow bridge on February 28, 2017 due to FIP.

During the short time that we had him he was the sweetest little kitten.

(Last update: Jun 23rd, 2017 2pm)

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Name: Koji

(FKA Man Lee)

ID#: VA12064
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/27/17
Adopted: 06/18/17
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Siri

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats
I am super social once I know you - and then I love to be carried everywhere. But beware, I will leap from floor to your back or to your shoulders, so you had better be ready for that! Talkative and affectionate and needy, that's me! Oh, and did I say smart and handsome? But of course!

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Notes from Home
Update on Koji:

Arrival, Sunday June 18th:

Koji came out of his carrier and greeted me with head butts and kisses. He told me all about his journey while exploring my bedroom. He went under the bed for about 30 seconds. He let me pet him and even took a treat from my hand. As I tended to his litter box he leaped onto my back - Siri was not kidding about this! I was happy that he was so comfortable with me. I anticipated several days of him needing time and space to get acclimated to his surroundings. Apparently this only required about 12 minutes. I thought I'd leave the room to give him time to himself, but he just wanted to go with me. I decided to let him out to explore the rest of the house. He was "confidently cautious," and looked around the living room and kitchen. I sat on the couch and he joined me, purring and loving all of the attention.

A couple of hours later my son came home and Koji showered him with the same affection. They became fast friends. A surprising trick he does is leap from the floor into my arms! (My son, Cooper, is very jealous that he has not done this with him yet). He ate, drank, and used the litter box within the first few hours of being home.

June 19th and beyond:

Koji has continued to show us more of his personality. He uses his scratching pad and has left no countertop untouched. (Admittedly I am not very good in the discipline department). He loves his toys but loves hanging out with the family even more. He follows me around during my morning routine and at the end of the day when I come home from work. I will have to get used to putting my makeup on while having a friend on my shoulders, but how many women get that kind of interest from a male companion???

I could not ask for a sweeter cat, and he is everything I wished for in a feline companion. I am so happy with this boy and so thankful to all the volunteers for everything they have done to bring us together!

I will continue to send updates and try to get a video clip of him doing the jumping hug!

(Last update: Jun 22nd, 2017 9pm)

I am a kitten with a small body and a big voice. I have learned how to eat and I love to dig in and get my meals. I am growing but it will be awhile before I can go to my forever home. I think I will be the boss.
Name:   Jacee
ID#: VA11788
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 10/30/16
Adopted: 12/21/16
Congrats: Priscilla
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Saki is perfect, and she and her brother could not be better matched. Like i tell them before bed at night, we will love and protect these babies every day of their lives. They are about 8-9 months old now, so they slow down long enough to cuddle with us a bit more. We love them dearly.
(Last update: Jun 21st, 2017 11am)

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Name:   Bandit
ID#: VA11368
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 03/05/16
Adopted: 05/02/16
Congrats: Steven
Foster: Kay

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I am back in Siamese Rescue because my kitty friend would not accept me into her home. I love other kitties and would love to have a kitty friend who likes to play or if I am an only cat would like for my human to spend some time playing with me. I am not a dedicated lap kitty but do spend a little bit of lap time getting petted and scratched and do like to be involved in what you are doing. Foster mom says I'm a great supervisor.
I had an issue with my kidneys in the past but since I have been on a special diet, everything seems to be normal. Just had blood work done and all the values were perfect and Dr. M said I am in very good shape with a great future prognosis. . If you think my future might be with YOU, please ask about me.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Bandit is a wonder. He is fully integrated into the home. He and Memo get along well. Bandit is playful and young and Memo is middle-aged and not so playful. The integration went well with the expected hissing and posturing. Silly but necessary cat-talk. A change in food and daily doses of probiotics have helped Bandits stink and liquid stools. All stools are formed now and we are down to a single litter pan. Bandit was permitted by Memo on the bed two weeks ago. They do not sleep entwined the way Maxx and Memo did; that may never happen. We will see. They do both like to sit on the back of the couch and look out the window. I think it has gone well.

At five months with Memo and me, he is doing well. His kidney function continues to be puzzling, sort of high-normal. Bandit's stools became solid-er and still stinky. Getting him off of corn-based kibble seems to have helped. Using some fancy, expensive kidney diet food. NOt convinced that helps anyone but the vet or the manufacturer or the distributor. Last night for what I think is the first time, Bandit really wanted to join Memo and me under the covers. Memo would have none of it, though, and Bandit persisted. I fell asleep before they worked out whatever they worked out.

At six months, Bandit seems well integrated into the family. They are certainly not the same animal. Bandit is getting better at submitting to petting and affection. I can tell he likes and wants it but still is not comfortable being picked up for petting or being in my lap. The efforts at dominance have dwindled down to playing and rough-housing. Memo tolerates it most of the time.

6/21/17. Bandit's kidneys have not rallied and I have with great sadness asked the vet to euthanize him. Great sadness, an awefull decision, the right decision. What a sweet presence he has been in my life for the past 15 months. I never before had a cat that chirped. How much I will miss that--and this sweet face. All creatures are made of stardust. His stardust will always be out there.

(Last update: Jun 21st, 2017 9am)

I'm Lucy, a bunny soft, beautiful sealie girl.

It's a close call as to which I like best - getting petted or getting fed. I spent some of the winter outside so my body coat is still a little dark from those cold NE temperatures. It also helps explain why I'm still so worried about where and when my next meal will be coming. I'm great in the litterbox and unlike some others in this household who shall remain nameless, I'm not a counter surfer.

I've met the other cats (aka - the counter surfers) who live here and I mostly ignore them. I could live with another cat who didn't bother me but I would be just as happy being your one and only, not having to share your attention or any of my food. I would miss the opportunity of licking all the other cat's bowls clean though - no cat food goes to waste with me around.

I will pester Foster Mom to get more pictures but in the meantime - hit that button and ask about me!!

Name: Little Blue

(FKA Lucy)

ID#: VA9269
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/20/13
Adopted: 06/23/13
Congrats: Dawn
Foster: Diane

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
6-23-14 It is our one year anniversary and Blue is doing great. She is the perfect companion for me - sweet, loving, but definitely her own girl. Every month she has revealed more pieces of her varied personality. She loves sitting in the sun, eating, and playing with her "plague rat" toy. She is very friendly, curious and really smart.

6-21-17: We are fast approaching our 4 year anniversary, and Blue is awesome. Everyone who meets her loves her. Here's to many more anniversaries.

(Last update: Jun 21st, 2017 9am)

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Name: OBX(Banks)

(FKA Xanto)

ID#: VA8549
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 05/19/12
Adopted: 06/21/12
Congrats: Patti
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

Hello? Is my new family out there? I'm anxious to find you. If you are looking for a happy, healthy, playful, confident kitten then you should ask about me.

Please check out my before and after videos!

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Notes from Home
Hard to believe it's been five years! Banks has grown into a BIG beautiful bunny-fur kitty who is definitely Mom's baby boy. He is highly opinionated and bossy, and a sweet funny playful boy. Do not get between him and catnip, you could get hurt. Can you hear him purring? 😎
(Last update: Jun 21st, 2017 7am)

Because I'm happy
Clap along if you have a room that has a roof
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you can give me happiness that's the truth
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you know I'll bring happiness just to you
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do

I'm sensitive, loving, needy, and would do well with an experienced owner who loves deep Siamese. (If you must have two, I'd do well with a kitten!) And I love men, just in case you are one :)
Name: Tips

(FKA Pharrell aka Tips)

ID#: VA10744
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/09/15
Adopted: 06/20/15
Congrats: Janice A
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
For all those who helped me to adopt Tips (Pharrell), here is a little cat tale about him. It goes like this:
If a person has a cat and a cat tree in the same room, is it not right to expect that the cat climbs up the cat tree on his own to get to the nice soft cat perch while the person continues to sit in her chair? I'm just asking, because I know a cat (I won't mention any names) who thinks that while the person sits in her chair, the cat comes over to her, sits right next to her in front of her chair and stares at her and stares at her and stares at her, until finally she gets up, picks up the unnamed cat and puts him on the nice soft cat tree perch.
Like I say, I'm just asking.
New note for everyone:
My granddaughter, Emily, who is my adopter-in-tandum, has been to visit me everyday this past weekend. She usually only comes on Fridays. Of course, she isn't visiting me; she's visiting Tips. The two of them are becoming best buddies. Emmers has got it into her head that she will train Tips to come, sit and stay. And because Tips is so Siamesey and thinks he is a dog, he is responding really well. "Come" he responds to about 1/2 the time. "Stay" he is responsive to about a third of the time. On "sit" he had some work to do. But I will tell you that he would do none of this for me. I think it is because Emmers is down on the floor with him and I am up in my chair. He won't even play lazer tag with me, but with Emily, he loves it. They are wonderful together. When she is here he can't decide which one of us to follow around the house. What a good, beautiful kittums he is!
New Note on 8/6/15
Hello everyone. This is a report from the home owned by Tips and Tigger and partially rented to a crazy cat woman (Big Mommy) who is slowly being relegated to a small portion of the big bed in the back of the house and one chair in the living room. Admittedly, she sometimes tries to take up part of the sofa, too; but not to worry, the Two Ts are wise to her.
Tips reports that he recently acquired a little brother. Geesh! Tigger, he thinks the kid's name is. This kid is a pain in the a-double-scribble--literally. Every time Tips tries to take a cat nap, this ball of fluff comes over and sniffs you-know-where until poor Tips is forced to swish his tail. Then the little Terror plays with it!
On a separate front, when Tips' Little Mommy (Emily) comes over, Tips reports having a good time learning tricks. (Although, he requests that you do not repeat this "learning tricks" to anyone on account of his dignity being compromised.) Tips (for treats, of course), now reports that he does the following: "Comes," "Sits," "Lays Down," and "Gets your treat." Little Mommy is so proud.
Recently, Tips went with the aforementioned kid to see the Vet. Ugh! The creep stuck something up his a-double-scribble! The very idea of it! Talk about one losing one's dignity! The Vet reported to Big Mommy and Little Mommy that everything was just fine, except for some tartar on his teeth for which an additive has been put in his drinking water. And one final thing: because of that kid mentioned above, Tips poop (again, Ugh, the dignity thing, ya know), had to be examined, but everything turned out to be okay.
Big Mommy and Little Mommy love Tips very much, which of course Tips thinks is both necessary and expected.
My Tips, what a kitty. He is almost completely weaned of his biting habit. It took constant gentle handling over all of the time I have had him. He still gives me that ears-back distrusting look sometimes, but he doesn’t follow through with the nip I used to get. I have a wonderful video of Emily and Tips showing the six tricks she has taught him. I will try to e-mail it directly to Nancy, since I cannot find a place here to upload it. I hope she will pass it on to everyone. It is quite amazing.
CORRECTION: I will try sending the video to Siri since I think she was the foster for Tips.
New Update, 12/22/15: Well, Tippy Toes Tips is well established in his forever home with Big Mommy (Janice) and Little Mommy (Emily). He has grown to be a super trusting boy with little or no biting (except maybe with strangers--with the emphasis on "maybe"). He has truly come a long way in the trust department. Tippy Toes Tips is so beautiful and he knows it. He loves his people and even loves his little brother, Tigger. They have a new game that Big Mommy calls Fast Mousey. First you play with the battery operated mousey with you little brother and you let him steal it from you. Then, on a very secret signal, both of you run as fast as you can through the house (forget the mousey at this point). When Fast Mousey is all over, Tips sits in one of his favorite spots and watches the little one continue to play and play and play. Did Tips mention that Tigger is a glutton for play. Everyone concerned, Big Mommy, Little Mommy, Tigger and Tips are doing so well together. The kittums love their new home and their new people. And boy-oh-boy do their people love their kittums!
New Update 8/21/16: Tippy Toe Tips is a well-established member of the household in Columbus, NJ. He is the much-loved senior member of the feline branch of the family. He is a beautiful and trusting member of the household, one who never bites or scratches at all any more. However, there is one new development in the house: a D-O-G! Egad, you read that right. A D-O-G! But not to worry. The dumb thing (Tip's take on her) is self-confined to the Princess Room (spare bedroom) where she is s-l-o-o-o-w-l-y learning to trust people. She came to us from rescue from where no one wanted to adopt her because she was so traumatized. She was a big worry to Tips (and Tiggy) when she first came to live in their house, but now Tips has decided that she is rather insignificant after all, self-confined and confined by a baby gate as she is. Big Mommy and Little Mommy love Tappy (that's her name) and are working continuously to rehabilitate her so that she will soon blend into the whole family and come to live happily with us in the whole, open house. In the meantime, Tips says, "Ahh, so, a dog. I got over it, ya-know-whad-I-mean?"
On another front, Tippy Toe Tips has been to the vet and is up-to-date on all his shots and exams. He's also been to the groomers several times for a mani-pedi, but mostly the mommies do them for him. And he continues to be a very handsome and healthy big brother to all other four-legged people in the household. If you asked him, he'd reluctantly admit that it's a love-fest here and we like it that way.
New Update 6/20/2017: On the 2nd anniversary of Tippy Toe Tips' adoption, he would like everyone at Siamese Rescue to know that he is very happy in his forever home where he reigns supreme in the four-legged regions of the household (i.e., everywhere). Little brother Tiggy, doggy Tappy and Big Mommy (Janice) and Little Mommy (Emily) continue to acknowledge Tips as the master of the household. Feeding, playing and all other household activities of any real importance are at Tips' command and on his schedule. We all agree (w e l l l l, maybe not Tiggy all the time) that Tips deserves it because he is such a handsome and loveable boy. We have an appointment with the Vet coming up soon and expect everything to be reported as good--no health problems expected. Much love and happy thoughts go out to everyone at Siamese Rescue. We hope you all continue to do the wonderful work that you; many thanks from Tips and the rest of his family to everyone there.

(Last update: Jun 20th, 2017 1pm)

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Name:   Kyle
ID#: VA11717
Location:  New Hampshire
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 09/25/16
Adopted: 02/01/17
Congrats: Mary
Foster: Mary

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Let me think.....what can I say?
I'm a handsome guy - lovely fur which doesn't appear to mat, large boned with a nice floofy tail. And I don't have an obvious shedding problem.
My history, such as it is, has left me a bit timid and hesitant. What can I say on that one.
I have no problems with other pets who won't treat me like a punching bag (I cower in fear of being beat on - it's apparent I was probably low cat on the totem pole of life in the hoarding situation I originally came from).
Yes it takes me a while to get out of my funk. I'm capable of learning to trust but it's very very difficult for me to overcome my fear of all things human.
Foster Mary feels I have made much progress in my time with her, but life is very scary for me. I would love a forever home that can accept me as I am but will be proud of every little baby step I can make.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Kyle is doing pretty good. Still scampers off when we approach where he is but he no longer runs in panic; now it's a saunter.
He enjoys playing with my current Siamese Rescue foster kitten (Mae VA10278) and is playing the role of the favorite uncle. It's good to see him acting like a carefree cat, which is most likely a mindset he has never experienced.
We are able to entice him to join in some wand toy play with the kitten and I think this has been a huge break through for him.
Recently Kyle had an impacted anal gland which abcessed and ruptured. It was quite tricky getting him to the vet for this emergency. And although he was under anesthesia for the clean up/care process I was able to love on him and realize how big of a cat he actually is. Soft silky fur....too bad he can't let himself enjoy that kind of attention for people while awake - at least not quite yet.

(Last update: Jun 20th, 2017 8am)

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