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Well I made my way from TN to VA and Miss Siri tried to get pictures of me - but she said it was impossible because I was too busy rubbing all over her, purring, rolling around, twining around legs, and following her everywhere! I was giggling because she was getting so frustrated trying to get me to look at the camera :) So I guess you'll have to watch my video!
Name: Coco

(FKA Opala)

ID#: VA7784
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/08/11
Adopted: 06/26/11
Congrats: Alice
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Coco had her annual check-up on June 8. Included bloodwork ,urinalysis and shots. Vet is very satisfied with all. Her one remaining kidney is doing a good job, bacterial infection is under control.. We keep watch on condition with urine rechecks every 3-4 months and feed CD urinary stress formula diet - wet and dry. Feliway helps control out-of-litterbox incidents. She even survived a week of the dog with no problems (except she insisted on eating HIS food) Enjoys lap visits and bedtime snuggle time on her terms. Loves her sunporch with her chair, her cat tree, and full view windows from which she can watch birdies,etc and has been known to put passing cat in its place. Ever the DIVA but a great cat..

2017 A total charmer at her vets office. She has been there so many times she acts very much at home She gets quarterly check-ups to monitor her 1 kidney and keep chronic UTI at bay. Doing well on all counts.

6/26/16 Coco continues to do well. Passed her annual checkup except needs to lose weight. Crazy lovable cat!

08/07/2014 Coco wants everyone to know she is doing well after a very hard year. Her check-up showed that her one remaining kidney is functioning well. It's been over a month since any out-of-the-litter pan episode (some stress related, some disease related). We seem to have found a combination of special care food, litter, Feliway, etc that works for her! Seems more bonded than ever - atrue seal diva!

Becoming more& more at home in her forever home each day. becoming less suspicious of visitors - actually allowed pets & scritches from someone besides mom! Held my breath as she climbed all the way to the very top of her cat tree and stretched her body up to check out the skylight above! A very strong, sturdy, muscular, intelligent girl who is also learnining to enjoy and initiate lap, cuddle, & snuggle times as well as playtimes!

Coco has joined me to help write this. She has very much settled into her groove at her furever home.Friendly, but not overbearing. Lap cat when she wants to be, loves scritchs, combing, belly-rubs, tolerates hugs & being picked up. Still prefers under the bed when the dog visits or the vacuum cleaner is out, but much more people friendly than at first.! Loves to hide behind the shower curtain or tunnel under the bed quilt and the punch with her front paws! Joins my Thursday ladies group by greeting each one & then going up in her tree house (we meet on the sunporch). Great at ferreting out stinkbugs! Have to watch what she munchs - house plants, ribbon, dried plant material , & more! Will send pictures soon!

(Last update: Jul 1st, 2017 9pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Chin
ID#: VA4953
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 06/01/07
Adopted: 07/01/07
Congrats: Jan
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

Hi there! I just arrived at this new home and I'm not sure what to make of all the changes in my life the last two weeks. I went from a loving home to a cage in a clinic, where I sat for a week. Then this nice lady came to see me and petted me and said things were going to get better. Hurmp!!!! I don't know if taking away my manhood is better, but that's what she did! But now I have an nice soft bed to sleep in and she comes to pet and love on me all the time. She said in about 10 days I can get out of this playpen thingy and have my own room, and meet all the other kitties here. I'm not sure I'll like that, but we'll see.
So as things happen I'll pop back in here and tell you all about it. Maybe it will convince you you'd like to take me home to live with you.
For now,
Update: Well I told meowm one of my secrets, I just couldn't help myself. I love to hug her neck and suck on her ear lobes. It makes her laugh and makes me feel good. I saw the dog and the other kitties here, and they scare me. Meowm says she'll give me time to get used to them, and if I still don't like them, she'll make sure I get a forever home without any. Sighhhhhhh

Update: Guess what!??? Meowmy put something on me she called a walking jacket and let me out of the playpen to explore. boy was that fun. I got to climb on the couch, sniff noses with Jada and MaiLing, (and I didn't growl) and sniff every square inch of the room. She said that I was such a good boy we will do it again tomorrow for a longer time. I can't wait!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Chin is as wonderful and loving as ever ! Such a sweet and gentle boy. Loves his new little buddy Scooter (Ellison). The joy this boy has brought to this house is unmeasurable !!!
(Last update: Jul 1st, 2017 7am)

Seriously? Life is so unfair. Too little space and so many great cats. SIGH.
Name: Minuet

(FKA Natalia)

ID#: VA9320
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/14/13
Adopted: 06/29/13
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Minuet is a sweetheart! She is playful and talks to her Daddy and Mommy when she needs something..like food! she plays with her two brothers Jack and Tiberius and chases them or they chase her...sometimes no one can tell the difference!

She is sleeping in bed every night with her Daddy and Jack sleeps with Mommy. Minuet is a very happy cat and loves her house. She runs everywhere (why walk) and is very very happy!

She is eating well and still remains skinny which makes her daddy very jealous!
thanks to all at Siamese Rescue from Minuet!

July 29, 2013. Minuet here! Okay, it's been one month that I have been here in my forever home. I must say that I am one lucky girl. My brothers Jack and Tiberius are pretty taken with me. We chase each other all around the house and we especially love to play in Daddy's music room which is mostly carpeted.

Mommy here! What an absolute treasure! A "gem" as some would say! Affectionate, intelligent and so very lovable. Minuet fit in with all of us almost immediately. On a scale of one to ten, she is a ten in every way. She has a winning and positive personality. She is very tuned into Jack and Tiberius' personality and as a result, gets along with them extremely well. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you Siri, JoAnn, Jackie and of course, the "Magnificent Meezer Express."

Mommy was a little lax in writing an update on me. I kept telling her to get to it! Anyways, all is great and I am a happy girl. Mommy and Daddy say that I am one of the most intelligent, beautiful girls out there. I greet Daddy when he comes home from work and insist on jumping onto his shoulders so that he can hug me and walk around with me. Mommy plays games with all of us every night. Jack, Tiberius and Benjamin are my brothers and they are great but I am the queen.

Today is a special day because it marks one year for me being in my "forever" home. The attention and love that I get is every "meezer's" dream. I still greet Daddy every day when he comes home from work. I jump on his shoulder and hug him and rub his face with my face. I will always be thankful to my Aunt JoAnn, Aunt Siri and to Aunt Jackie for picking me up from the shelter in New Jersey and keeping me overnight in Pennsylvania before I went to Virginia and then on to my "forever" home in Connecticut.

June 29, 2015 - Minuet is doing absolutely great. We just adore her! She is an extremely happy and good natured cat. She is also interactive, intelligent and beautiful. If you don't believe that she is beautiful, then get on up and look at your 2015 Siamese Rescue calendar. There has never been a more beautiful Miss November.

June 29, 2016 - Three years ago today we met the "Meezer Express" and we could not have been more thrilled to meet this girl. Minuet delights us with her adoring personality every day. We are truly blessed to have this smart, loving, beautiful girl.

In some ways it seems like she has been a part of our lives for more than four years. She is with me when I wake in the morning and she is there when I go to bed at night. This smart, beautiful girl could not be more loved. She is up-to-date on her shots and her dental. We adore Minuet more than words can express.

(Last update: Jun 30th, 2017 8am)

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Name:   Gareth
ID#: VA5680
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 05/21/08
Adopted: 06/29/08
Deceased: 01/01/17
Congrats: David
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

I am gaining weight, growing like a weed, and playing all the time. I am not too rough but can certainly hold my own. I am a sweet boy and like to be held and I purr up a storm. I will be ready to go home in a couple of weeks. Do you have a home for me?

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Notes from Home
It is with a very heavy and sad heart that this update is to let you know that Gareth has passed. We had battled numerous medical issues in the last year, including diabetes and an undiagnosed possible immune system disease over the last few years. Last year, everything just became too much for his little body and we had to release him from his pain.

Thank you so much for helping to bring Gareth into our lives. We loved him so very dearly and were blessed with the seemingly few years we were privileged to share with him.

(Last update: Jun 29th, 2017 12pm)

I was dumped in the overnight drop off cage at the local county shelter in a cardboard box. It was dark and stuffy in that box and I tried to escape but I was trapped because the box was taped shut. The rain made loud noises when it hit the box and the box got soggy and I got wet. The big dogs were barking really loud and I was scared.
Finally a man came and took the dogs away. He came back for the box and was going to throw it away but I cried out for help. The man opened the box and said "There's a cat in here!" He grabbed me, took me inside a building, and handed me to a lady. The lady took me into a noisy room and stuck a needle in me. Then she took my picture. After that, the lady put me in a cage. She gave me some food and water and a shoe box with a towel in it. I crawled into the box, cold, wet, and shaking.
I stayed there for three days until foster mom saw my picture on the internet. Foster mom had a hard time finding me because my cage was on the bottom in a corner. The lady said it was because I had so many fleas. Foster mom took me out of the cage and held me and told me she was here to rescue me. Then she took some pictures. She told the lady I needed something for my fleas. Then foster mom put me back in my cage. I cried and told her I wanted to go with her. She said not now but promised me she would come back in a couple of days.

I am at foster moms house now and things are getting better every day. Foster mom calls me Raja; she said it means" little prince". Foster mom gave me a bath and washed away all of the fleas and dirt. She gave me lots of different medicines - one to get rid of the worms, another to boost the iron in my blood, and another to make sure the fleas do not come back. I got some fluids and some special food that foster mom fed to me like a baby. Foster mom snuggled me and told me I was special. Then I got a kitty cold and foster mom had to give me medicine again. Foster mom said I will get over that soon too. I sure hope so!

Raja has been through a lot and now, unfortunately, he has developed a URI (kitty cold). He is eating and drinking and he takes his medicine like a good boy Raja will not be able to meet the other cats until he is over his cold and I know very little about how active or playful Raja is because he has been feeling so poorly. So, if you are interested, hit that Ask About Me paw and I will keep you updated:)
Name:   Raja
ID#: VA7051
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/12/10
Adopted: 06/29/10
Congrats: Marianne
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
A 6-month update! Raja is doing great...he fits right in with the rest of the family. He eats well, tumbles with the others, sleeps on me at night, and "pretends he is a stud" with both the male and female cats. Raja still loves to drink from the bathroom sink every morning. One beautiful happy cat!!!

A 1-year update! Raja is home for sure. He has a routine he follows, and as comfy as he is in the bathroom with me in the mornings, he still is suspicious about contact during the day...it must be on his terms. He hides when people come too. He loves to play and tussle with the other two cats and has his special resting sites. Raja puts up with my cuddling for about a minute or two, then he is off. He is loved and appreciated and still struts around like he owns the house. Just had his rabbies shot and the vet thinks he is doing great. Following him around for a photo shoot was not an easy task...the best I could do.

A 2-year update! Raja...the little prince...is just that. Holding him is like cuddling a mink coat. He goes in for the routine vet visit tomorrow. He loves playing ball on the steps, drinks from the bath sink every morning, and mostly enjoys his buddies and me...and we all enjoy him too.

Raja (now Sumatra with the nickname Big Bear) is the best! Still drives the 4-yr-old male crazy...must think he is a female meant for mating. But they also enjoy playing together. Loves waiting in the bath sink for the water to be turned on. Still hides from company, and at times me. But getting a lot better accepting affection; mostly wants it on the bath carpet and then he is off. A strange and wonderful, furry cat. (No pics right now.)

Hard to believe Sumatra has been with me and the other guys for five years. He still does not know how to relax, but that is okay with us. He is comfy on his terms only, and I can work with that. Healthy and handsome as ever. Still jumps on the young male (mostly in the mornings), and plays in the bathroom sink as his routine, and we all get along.

2016...Sumatra is still my adorable, cuddly, bundle of fur...sleeps right by my at night, and loves back rubs. Purrfect wonderful loving cat.

2017...Sumatra, or Big Bear as I call him, is still as lovable as ever and healthy and independent. Still "jumps" the young male when feeling frisky. I have the three Siamese inside and the two 4-year old black and white cats that were born next door on the mountain (they live in the basement and are indoor-outdoor cats). Cannot transfer cats as before because of the Lyme disease, but able to support and enjoy the five I have now. Thank you for your organization and to all the volunteers out there.

(Last update: Jun 29th, 2017 10am)

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Name:   Jasper
ID#: VA10670
Location:  Delaware
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 03/14/15
Adopted: 04/11/15
Congrats: Angela
Foster: Diane

Foster Notes

Found in a feral colony, Jasper definitely appreciates a warm home, filled food dish, and human kindness. So far he's wonderful!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
It has been 2 years now that we have adopted Jasper. He is still such an amazing cat. He is so loving and always wants to be around me and my whole family. We moved to a bigger home a few months ago and with all the extra space Jasper is getting along so much better with his sister now and he is even tolerating the dog lol. Our new home has a three season porch where Jasper loves to hang outside without being outside. I am so glad Jasper has come into our lives. I can't even image at this point what life would be like without him.
(Last update: Jun 29th, 2017 9am)

Why hasn't anyone picked mel? I mean, I've been here for four months and nobody wants me?? I'm PURRFECT! Ok, so I might be a little bit shy for a few days until you get to know me, but after that I'm gonna be your best friend and companion. I always look 'surprised' and it makes foster mom giggle and happy every time she sees me.

And I'm so easy! I only eat dry food and a little Fancy Feast flaked fish food, I never EVER miss my litterbox, and I'm happiest just snoozing the day away in the sunshine. I get along okay with other cats, I love to play with toys, I sleep through the night without waking you up.... the list goes on! What's not to love!!??

Go ahead - push that button and ask about ME!
Name:   Roxy Louann
ID#: VA9026
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 01/17/13
Adopted: 05/19/13
Deceased: 06/01/17
Congrats: Kathy
Foster: Belinda

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Roxy was diagnosed with Lymphoma. There was no treatment available for her. With love and many, many tears,
Marvin and I held her and each other as our Vet euthanized her on March 20, 2017. She maybe gone, but she still is in our hearts.
Kathy & Marvin

(Last update: Jun 27th, 2017 10pm)

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Name:   Socks
ID#: VA7015
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 06/02/10
Adopted: 06/18/10
Congrats: Kay Marie
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats
Hi there! I came from a home where too much of a good thing, was, well, just too much for me! Three dogs, three cats, three children, and I just couldn't keep up! So while I got along with everyone and everything, I'm looking for something a little calmer this time around! Understandably, I'm a little bit nervous at fast movements and new things, but I've only been here an hour and you can see from my video how quickly I settle in!

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Notes from Home
07/18/10 - Socks has been here a month, as of today, and has totally settled in. By his third day here, he was jumping on the bed, headbutting and crawling under the covers. In spite of having his choice of a Millie bed or a snuggle sack, he prefers to sleep at our feet every night - then in the morning, his favorite 5:00 a.m. activity is jumping up on his cat tree and watching the birds. He seems happy to be here with us and we're totally in love with him!

Three months adopted - Socks has had a few issues - upset tummy and an increased eye discharge but we've been working with the vet and all is under control. Socks now eats sensitive stomach food with a nutritional supplement and has medication for his eye. He is a total lovebug - he curls up next to me when I'm watching TV and looks up with those big blue eyes - my heart just melts. If I'm at the computer, he either lies under my chair or jumps into my lap. He still doesn't like thunderstorms, but otherwise, no longer jumps at noises or sudden movement. He would rather give headbutts than hide. What a great cat!

What a year this has been! My first anniversary in my furever home is today and I couldn't be happier! I'm on my 'downstairs' cat tree in my latest picture. Here I get to watch the rabbits romp in the yard and sometimes a deer comes right up to the window to say hello. Mom also put a big cat tree upstairs so that I can talk to the birds in the morning. While I like my trees, my favorite place to relax is next to Mom - I also keep watch over her. During the winter, when she got really sick, I didn't leave her side for three days....I wouldn't budge, not even for a treat or a toy, until I knew she was feeling better. She takes great care of me so I have to take good care of her. I love her, she loves me -- what could be better than that?

Had a trip to the vet this week - just routine, Mom said, and she was right. The techs trimmed my nails and made a big fuss over my white socks and blue eyes. Got checked over, weighed, and had one shot that didn't hurt at all. The vet told Mom that whatever she was doing, to keep doing it -- that I'm a very healthy boy and that he would see me next year!

Three years - wow, have they gone by quickly. I love being here - as an only boy, I get all the attention I want. Mom tells me she loves me every day and Uncle Doc brushes and plays with me almost every night. I have two cat trees so I can keep up on what's happening outside - now if only they could make the thunderstorms go away...still don't like loud noises.

Well - I've been with mom seven years now and I'm still a spoiled happy boy. Mom took me to the vet two weeks ago - I'm doing great except for a little arthritis - I really don't like anyone, not even mom, clipping my claws - mom was so embarrassed when I growled and hissed at the tech and tried to take a swipe at anyone who came near me with the nail trimmer. The vet explained the anatomy of the paw to mom and how they can get sensitive as a cat gets older. I have some meds now that we hope will help.
In spite of the vet visit, this has been a fantastic spring - mom retired from her job in March and now I have her home with me EVERY day! I get a lot more attention and exercise these days 'cause I constantly follow her around the house - wherever she is, that's where I want to be...and the best thing is getting to sleep past 5 a.m. on her bed. I don't hide under the bed or the dining room table anymore when she leaves the house since I know, now, that she's not going to be gone for 10 or 12 hours. Life is good!!

(Last update: Jun 27th, 2017 3pm)

Hi my name is Yule. I spent the last month under the bed at foster Bonnie's house and she decided I would be much happier at foster BJs house who knows a lot about very scared kitties. There is not an under the bed here but lots of safe cat hidey holes where she can pet and massage me. I just love the massages and head butte her for more and more. We are working on being in the lap. Foster mom keeps asking my what happened to make me so scared? It is a mystery! But no matter. We are working on it day by day. She says I need a quiet loving home with a very patient person who will work with me to gain my trust. I know there is a home that will love me for beautiful sweet me. BECAUSE I am TRULY YULEE worth it!
Signed the princess in the castle.

Name:   Yule (U-Lee)
ID#: VA11973
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 03/12/17
Adopted: 05/27/17
Congrats: Nancy
Foster: BJ

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Yule is doing really well. Had a good visit with the vet last Friday. Vet thought she is doing great and he was very impressed with your organization as well as all the photos and x-rays from Yule's dental work. The vet suggested Yule be fed the Prescription Diet CD both dry and wet so she wouldn't have any future urinary problems. She's not crazy about the wet. I have to hold off one more week on the dry food as she still has a couple sutures that haven't fallen out yet. She has her play time with her favorite toy still being the mouse on the wand and she sleeps with me at night. She is such a sweetheart. So many thanks to everyone at Siamese Rescue and a special thank you to Barbara (BJ).

Yule is really doing great. She's such a sweetheart! She didn't like the Prescription Diet wet so we're back to the Sheba wet. She had a little upset tummy yesterday but seems to be doing good today. She's such a lovely addition to my life. Really enjoy talking to her and her little replies as well as playing with her. She's not a happy camper when I get out the vacuum but none of my other Siamese were either. But once I'm done she reappears ready for conversation and to play. She has adjusted really well and brought out her little personality.

(Last update: Jun 27th, 2017 8am)

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Name: Lindsay Abigail

(FKA Abby Cadabby)

ID#: VA9776
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/30/13
Adopted: 06/25/14
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Divorced and tossed outside, luckily one of the neighbors nabbed me and took me to the vet. While typically I don't like vets, they did a full work up, getting me in tip top shape and ready to go home - so if you're looking for a 8 pound Meezette, let me know! I am deaf but don't startle easily, I love you and love everyone, and would just like to cuddle. How about doing a nice thing for the start of the New Year and giving me a home?

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Notes from Home
has it only been three years Abby? its seems as if you have been here forever. she still hisses and spits at everybody. she still does NOT want Rufus in her bedroom and this 8 pound cat still chases 15 pound Rufus out of her room. don't mess with her majesty!! Just within the past year she has decided its okay to sleep on top of me and does so quite regularly now. she has moved permanently to my bedroom and will not come downstairs at all. being deaf and with poor eyesight (though she can spot poor Rufus a mile away) i think she's just more comfortable in the one room. she seems to be healthy as a horse with only yearly checkups and one trip to get some fur mats cut out that got out of hand.

(Last update: Jun 25th, 2017 6pm)

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