Previously Adopted Siamese
The Meezers on these pages have been adopted and are now in their new homes. These pages allow the adopters to provide updates and pictures of their new cats for their friends and our volunteers to see. Only cats with updates are listed below. If you are an adopter and would like to make an Update, visit your Application Status page and look in the Previously Adopted section for the Update button.
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Last Update: Feb 18th, 2025 7:42:51am |
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Hi, Buchi here but you can call me Boo. I'm settling in to my new digs and I'll write more later. If you have about 3.5 seconds, you can become my new bestie! That's how long it takes me to warm up to new people. I like being held and if you pet me, I'll purr and make happy feet for you. If you aren't paying attention to me, I'll headbutt you to get your attention and remind you how good it feels to pet me!
I also like catnip! More to come.
Name: Katie
(FKA Buchi)
ID#: VA12047
Location: Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/16/17
Adopted: 06/03/17
Congrats: Robert
Foster: Adrian
Notes from Home
Well we have had our Meese for about six weeks and all is well.
In fact all is excellent,she is the most affectionate cat we have ever had.
One change is that her name is now Hatie
She has been to the vet which is:
Dr Gail Perfect DMV
Paddock Park Animal Care Center 3931 SW 42 ST Ocala FL.34474
Phone 352-237-4176 Fax 352-873-3314
We want to thank each and every one of you for the time and effort to get her to us Thanks again
Bob and Liz
Hope the pictures come through, I'm not good at this
(Last update: Jul 16th, 2017 2pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Tanuki
ID#: VA12072
Location: Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 05/31/17
Adopted: 06/24/17
Congrats: Kim
Foster: Michelle
I am a rough and tumble boy who loves to play hard and rarely stops. I will need someone who can teach me some manners, as well as feline playmate who likes to play hard. Don't get me wrong, I love to purr and I will purr the whole time I'm gnawing on your hand!
If you like rough housing and boy play, ask about me!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Tanuki aka Peanut, is doing great. He has been to the vet twice now and all is good. Vet suggested stop feeding kitten food and probiotic to stop diarrhea and it cleared up over night. He has had his first bath here and actually likes the water. He is a total ball of energy, the vet thinks he has ADHD, and I agree. Everything that moves distracts him...except for food. He is quite the little piglet. He now weighs almost 5 pounds. He eats his food as well as my other two cat's food and then begs for more. He is a very smart little boy. After 2 days he learned to check the floor for the red laser light after hearing the jingle of the key chain. He also learned the word "hungry" after 4 days. If we say "hungry", he runs to the kitchen and sits, waiting for his food. He has learned how to climb almost everything in the house, but has had some trouble with getting down from the floor to ceiling cat tree. But that's ok, he just yells for mom and I come get him down.
My female cat, Lynxy, has finally realized that we are not getting rid of this little thing, so she ignores or avoids him. My 7 year old boy, Booboo, didn't care for him at first and hissed and ran a lot from Peanut. But that didn't stop Peanut from tackling him every chance he got. My boy had to teach him a lesson by putting him in a headlock and holding him down to let him know who was boss in this house. That happened a couple of times. Now Peanut follows him like a puppy dog and waits for cues from Booboo when he is ready to play. They love to chase each other through the house (and we have wood floors) usually between midnight and 4 am. Lots of sliding and banging going on at night here. Once they get tired they both usually come crawl up in the bed with me till morning or someone says "hungry". And I noticed something, he doesn't sleep curled up like most cats. He sleeps on his back all stretched out. It's cut though. Guess that's all for now. I'll check back in a couple of months to let you know how he is doing.
(Last update: Jul 16th, 2017 12am)
Beautiful gal who likes other cats and would like one I could play with please! I love my humans and come with all my history. Wait till you see my video posted later today, I'm settling in right away, in purrfect health, and ready to go home!
I have lived with another cat (male) but he got too old to play - I love race and chase games! I sleep with my owners and am very well behaved in my habits. I come with lots of belongings (even my chair!) so you know I was one well loved kitty! Just click to Ask About Me to hear all about who I am!
Name: Tiki Maylay
ID#: VA8642
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/07/12
Adopted: 07/13/12
Congrats: Joyce
Foster: Siri
Notes from Home
It's been a wonderful six months with Tiki in our home. She loves to hide under quilts and be "found". She loves to play and retrieve soft balls and pipe cleaner toys. Tiki is very curious about the birds at the bird feeder. She enjoys occasional visits from her cousin cats. She has bonded with both of us but maintains her independence. Surprisingly, she sits on the piano bench when Joyce plays. The vet reminded us of her fifth birthday on February 6 which she celebrated with one jumbo shrimp.
Tiki (Tiki Maylay) is a happy kitty! She likes to be near us and joins us at bedtime. She is her Meowpa's girl and sleeps with her head on his knee. We are so happy to have her in our family. She has had issues with an allergy which caused excessive licking that resulted in fur loss. It took a while to find the right medication but, thankfully, the meds are helping. She has regrown her missing fur and is now more interested in us and the birds on the feeder than licking. Thanks so much to our vet, Dr. Ereio at VetXpress, and Dr. Harrison at Vet Dermitology, for their help. Tiki loves looking at the birds out the window. She loves to be invited to sit on the piano bench when I am playing or on the sofa when I am quilting. We are delighted with Tiki! Thank you, Siamese Rescue, for matching her with us! We are so pleased with your wonderful organization.
July 13, 2016
Our Tiki Maylay loves to find new places to relax. Her favorite recently was a new daisy wreath laying on a table waiting to be hung. We entertained changing her name to Daisy 4 years ago when we adopted her but she ignored any uses of the new name. She answers to Tiki but does enjoy sleeping among daisies. We may have spoiled her just a bit!
July 13, 2017
Tiki is a great fur baby member of our family. She plays and retrieves her pipe cleaner and cat nip fish toys. She finds new places to rest such as my new daisy wreath. Tiki loves warm sunny spots and, at night, sleeps with her head resting on my husband's leg. We are so pleased we found Siamese Resue through the ad in Washingtonian magazine and gave Tiki a forever home.
(Last update: Jul 14th, 2017 8pm)
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Name: Zoe
(FKA Murray)
ID#: VA10863
Location: North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 06/20/15
Adopted: 08/22/15
Congrats: Deborah
Foster: Christy
Foster Notes for Murray [VA10863] |
Snuggles and cuddles! |
Foster Notes
Sweet, Petite, Lilac Meezer girl in search of couch potato, telecommuter, or happy homebody to share hours of snuggling and conversation. I will give lots of hugs and kisses, and only require unlimited time on your lap, your arm, your neck, and your pillow.
Oh, and I will be your biggest cheerleader - my short, bent, fluffy tail looks like a pom pom! You'll never see another one like it!
Please don't keep me waiting - click to ask about me! And watch my videos!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
8/24/15 Murray made the journey without much difficulty- a few meows. She has settled into her room nicely- although she spends a good deal of time under the bed- it hasn't yet been 48 hours. I think I will be changing her name to Zoe. She has been eating both wet and dry food and has been using the litter box. I was treated to a grooming session this morning around 6:30 am. I have slept with her in her room and she has cuddled me and given lots of head butts. The dog got into the room once while I was there with her and she definitely was afraid of him but he just wanted to sniff her butt. I made him leave and she calmed right down. She is interest ed in seeing what's outside her room but we will wait another day before i let her explore another room. She is so sweet!
Murray's name has been changed to Zoe at our vet. Vet gave her a thumbs up! Saying she looked good just need to try to brush her teeth! She was universally admired as pretty and sweet! She doesn't love car rides but did ok- just a lot of complaining. She guesses she's between 1.5-3 y/o. Now back home, she choked down on some food and curled up for a
nap- going to the vet is exhausting!
Zoe continues to do well. She is queen of the castle! She has gone nose to nose and nose to butt with the other cats and the dog. The dog wants to play with her but is still a little cautious. There is a tentative friendship beginning with Will. Lots of stares, sniffs but no hisses which is good. She follows me around when I'm doing house stuff except vacuuming- she and the dog head for the hills together when that noisy machine comes out! She's also a good eater and cuddler.
Zoe is doing very well. Will sleep in the same bed with the other cats!
Zoe is superb. She wold like to rule the roost! She is very verbal. She is a happy cat. She even plays with the dog and some toys. We all love her.
Meowey Christmas! Zoe is a love. She is a talker and sometimes we joke she is a squeak toy. touch her and she meows. She is super, super sweat=always wanting belly rubs. She plays with the dog- they chase each other and play with each other's toys. She is a chow hound- reminding me to feed her at any chance she gets but I am watching her weight for her. Everyone loves her and she is so friendly that everyone gets to pet her. My other two= well Lucy tolerates her (the 18 y/o) and Will is not particularly fond of her but oh well! We muddle on! Thank you so much for letting me add her to our family
Zoe is a wonderful kitty. She loves everyone and has really bonded with her dog. They even play together. She has also finally gotten some love from our other 17 y/o Siamese- Will. They have been witnessed cleaning each other. :) Love her so much she has brought joy into all our lives. One of my friends always jokes that he and Zoe are having an affair- don't tell his wife...:)
7/14/17 While I'm on hoping to adopt another I thought I'd give an update. She is a wonderful cat- likes to sleep on my head and rearrange my hair. She misses having another cat to hang with. (since we lost Will in March)Still very vocal and still afraid of thunder storms and the cleaning ladies. She greets them and then hides...She is a sweetie and most of my friends and family would steal her if they could..(but she's not going anywhere!) She's still not a great traveler but has improved- especially if there was a cat to share the carrier.. Thank you. She is a joy and we have conversations every day!
(Last update: Jul 14th, 2017 11am)
Shy but loud, scared but loving, sleek and gorgeous. I am practically perfect in every way . . . but theres just one little, teeny tiny problem. Can you keep a secret? Shhhhhh! Sometimes I wet the bed. My foster mom and the vet found some medicine that helps me a lot. In fact, I'm earning a great track record and the problem might be gone. But then again, I am a rescue Meezer and an older gal, so there are no guarantees.
I am shy and scared at first not for long but you have to know I will be the Queen of your house but I will need an adopter who will give me time to settle in before I rub against your ankles and plop myself in your lap. Once I do, I am yours forever! I feel safe and warm in my Millie bed and sleeping on your shoulder. I will bring my favorite toys and my collection of Millie beds so I'll always have a clean one. I'll bring my freeze-dried chicken treats, too, and promise to be your BFF if you keep them coming my way!
Are you up for the challenge? Please click to ask about me!
Name: Chloe
ID#: VA11337
Location: Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 02/11/16
Adopted: 06/11/16
Congrats: Jeanette
Foster: ShirleyBo
Foster Notes for Chloe [VA11337] |
Shy and lovable gal with a big Meezer voice! |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Not with Female Cats
Notes from Home
Chloe is doing great. She is sleeping wth me quite a bit, getting more comfortable with the dogs, eating lots of chickie treats, playing, and just being cute. She fits right in. :-)
8/11/2016 - Chloe seems to be adjusting fine. She sleeps with me every night, and isn't leaking much if at all (for about 2 weeks now). She still seems to get annoyed with Sam, but did let him lick her neck and clean her left ear (after initially hissing at him when he started) when they were on my lap the other day. If I'm alone petting her for a little while, and Sam comes in she gets angry and hisses and strikes out at him. They do hang out in the same room upstairs most of the day so she can tolerate his presence for long durations. :-)
8/15/2016 - Chloe has started to be a bit more accepting of Sam. I've seen Sam get close to her a couple of times and she didn't make a peep. She loves play time and Sam has gotten a bit more active, too. She hasn't left the room when he tries to join, so that's a good sign, too!
9/3/2016 - Chloe sticks with me about 75% of the time when I'm home. She still hisses a bit at Sam, but has been known to come and cuddle with me when Sam is already with me. And, she's more accepting of Sam when he comes to cuddle with her and me. She's pretty moody--there are times that nothing will make her purr, other times she's a purring machine.
1/13/2017 - I can't believe it's already been 7 months with Chloe! She is still doing good. We actually found a kidney diet food that she likes. She got a new brother in October, who she seems to tolerate more than she tolerates Sam. She *loves* sleeping in the soft cube bed next to the heater. When she's not there she is on the heating pad.
7/13/2017 - Chloe developed mammary tumors that I discovered in January 2017. I chose not to put her through the surgery to remove both chains of mammary glands, mainly because of her age and her diagnosis of early renal failure in the fall. I had the Lap of Love Hospice vet come to the house in February to assess Chloe. Chloe seemed fine overall. She did slow down over time, wasn't playing as much, and spent most of her time on her heating pad. On Sunday, 7/2/2017 I saw her hovering over the water bowls, but not drinking, which suggested she was very thirsty buy likely nauseated. She stopped eating as well, including her favorite chickie treats, which was my primary indicator that she wasn't doing so great. She spent the next few days as usual on her heating pad, but didn't appear to feel very well, and didn't start eating. On Friday, 7/7/2017, the Lap of Love vet came to the house to "give her her angel wings." It was very sad. She was with me only about 1 year. She was a small girl, but had a big presence. She slept with me every night, so her absence is very noticeable. I wish I had had more time with her, but I'm glad I was able to spend the past year with her.
(Last update: Jul 13th, 2017 10am)
 No new pictures yet
This beauty just arrived. So far she is confused by her change of venue as she has moved around a lot in the past 2 years. She must be an only cat - loves people, but cats not so much. She prefers to be the princess. Hopefully her next home with be her forever home! More about Maxine's purrsonality as soon as she reveals it to me.
New photos soon!
Name: maggie
(FKA Maxine)
ID#: VA11274
Location: Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 12/31/15
Adopted: 01/16/16
Deceased: 01/01/17
Congrats: Nancy
Foster: Michelle
Not with Dogs
Must be Only Cat
Notes from Home
My experience in adopting Maggie was a good one The information provided by her foster, Michelle, was very helpful. It helped greatly in getting ready for her to come and live with me. We are still in the getting to know you phase but she is the most loving cat I've ever had. She is still rather shy and hides from me put I'm sure that will get better in time.
All was going extremely well until she went to the vet the other day. The whole experience frighten her and since then she hides. Maggie was having problems with vomiting and loose stools and red eyes so she is taking several medications. The vomiting and loose stools have stopped, eyes are clearing but she doesn't like her meds. The loose stools and eye issues were well documented in her history so I know that would need to be addressed.
I will update again in a few weeks by then I know her shyness will have worn off.
3/25/16 Update:
I first want to start with the fact the Maggie is the most loving cat I've ever had. She is beautiful, loving, sweet little girl who I have fallen totally in love with. Maggie is in her forever home. She knows her new name, is always by my side and has wonderful manners.
Now for the not so good news. Maggie has had bouts of vomiting and loose stools since coming to live with me. Initially my vet changed her food and seemed to help for a few weeks. She always ate well for me but couldn't find a dry food she liked. My vet, Dr. Williams did a ultrasound in January which showed a small thickening of her small intestines, we tried conservative treatment at first and it seemed to help. But a couple of weeks ago she would vomit and not eat for a day or two along with loose stools. She started to loose weight.
Maggie was back at the vet this past Monday and a TK feline cancer panel was done and yesterday I received the bad news. Maggie has small cell lymphoma. The plan is a 6 week course of chemo, hopefully starting Monday. Maggie is also on numerous other medications at this time. The goal is to get Maggie in remission, continue with a good quality of life, and expand her life expediency.
Please keep Maggie in your thoughts and prayers, she has a long road ahead of her.
7/18/16 I received an email from Kathy the other day asking how things are going with Maggie since it's been 6 months since her adoption. As I stated in March Maggie was diagnosed with small cell lymphoma and IBS. She went through 1 month of chemo which was very hard on her. She had a lot of nausea, vomiting and anorexia from the chemo. Maggie was rechecked for cancer 2 weeks ago and she is in remission. Her IBS is still not well controlled but she has gained the weight back she lost during her treatment and I've tried to upload a new picture of her today. I hope it went through.
As far as Maggie's behavior goes there are no problems. She loves to be near me or on me, sleeps with me every night and enjoys making biscuits and her litter box habits are excellent! She can be shy around company but usually warms up to people. She isn't big on playing with toys or interactive play (looses attention easily). She does like to go out on the screened porch and smell the air and the garage is her hunting grounds. She loves to be brushed and really enjoys belly rubs.
Maggie will be on medication for IBS for life, she still vomits occasionally and has soft stools. But my vet is on top of things and follows her regularly. Maggie is a wonderful companion and I enjoy every day with her.
Thanks for remembering Maggie's 1 year anniversary, we plan on celebrating later today. As I've stated before Maggie is the sweetest, most loving cat I've ever had. Matter of fact, she is sitting on my lap while I try to type this update.
Maggie's health issues continue to be problematic, in September she stopped eating and had severe diarrhea Maggie was hospitalized and diagnosed with pancreatitis. After 4 days of severe vomiting and diarrhea my vet felt there was little else that could be done and the only avenue left was exploratory abdominal surgery which I okayed. When Maggie was shaved it was noted she had a large abdominal scar indicating she had abdominal surgery in the past. My Vet stated the mesenteric closure was not well performed and Maggie had severe intestinal adhesions and a loop in her bowels as well as an inflamed pancreas, no sign of cancer. The next day Maggie had a feeding tube inserted and developed a severe bladder infection. Maggie was hospitalized for 2 weeks and came home with tube feedings and 2 page list of medications. The vomiting and diarrhea stopped, the feeding tube stayed in for 6 weeks. Maggie remains on multiple medications and still needs an appetite stimulate to eat an adequate diet. Maggie's weight is up to 8 lbs. which she has maintained.
Even with all these medical issues with Maggie her lovely disposition hasn't changed. She is such a joy to be around. Since her surgery Maggie has become more active, vocal and playful. She still has her IBD and will be rechecked for small bowel lymphoma in the spring. I do feel Maggie is happy in her new home even though she doesn't like taking her medication.
It was with great sadness I have to report that my precious Maggie passed away yesterday. She started with an unsteady gait 2 weeks ago and quickly progressed to the point she could not walk or hold her head up. After many tests (that were normal) the vet felt there was a cancer somewhere in her spine. We decided not to do an MRI because of the distance to drive and expense and it wouldn't change the outcome. I kept her at home hoping the prednisolone would allow more quality to her life but by Sunday it was clear it wasn't working. My Maggie Mae stole my heart and I shall miss her more than I can express it words. Our last night together we snuggled in bed and as I stoked her she purred for hours. No matter how sick she was she remained the sweetest little girl.
(Last update: Jul 11th, 2017 11am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Mimi
(FKA Mimi Meow)
ID#: VA11455
Location: Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 05/14/16
Adopted: 07/02/16
Congrats: David
Foster: Jane
Not with kids under 5
Must be Only Cat
Hey, you. Yes, you! Stop right now. Why are you even looking at any more of those other cats when you know you have found the perfect one. Yes, that is right....Me. First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Princess Mimi Meow of Maryland. A most exquisite and very affectionate Torti point if ever there was one. Now that I have your attention, let me begin by telling you what type of man servant I am looking for. First of all, because I am such a wonderful and truly magnificent feline, you will only need me. I love talking to my staff, leg winding, head butts and have a deep throaty purr. So you have to trust me when I tell you that I will be more than enough Siamese for you to handle, so no point even thinking about putting me in a home with another cat. I have so much to say for myself all the time, I cannot possibly share my servant with another feline. But in return you will have my undivided attention, so much love and many nose kisses. I will keep you amused all the time with my antics and activities and I will sit on your lap during the day and cuddle up on your bed at night. So, now that we have that taken care of, let me tell you what else I am looking for. I need someone to pay very close attention to my every whim and desire and in turn I will promise to make sure that I keep you under control and busy at all times. Honestly, I do wonder sometimes what humans did before they lived with a cat, they are so scattered and unfocused, it really takes a fantastic feline like myself to keep them on track. It is exhausting. Oh, and another thing, I do not care one bit for those very small servants on two short legs who have high pitched voices. I call them aliens because I believe they are from another planet. However my current servant says that is not polite and they are actually called children. Anyway, I do not want to share my castle with them either. Now let me get back to my favorite subject.. me. I am very beautiful, with large blue eyes, that light up the stars, and a face so exquisite, it could launch a thousand ships. My coat is really a beautiful multicolor, with so many different shades and patterns. I have a very busy tail, that wags all the time, like a dog. Even when I sit still it wags, and it turns into a kink at the end when I walk. Sometimes my tail even surprises me. So, if you think that you will make the perfect servant and you have a palace that you feel is suitable for a loving young princess to live in, please feel free to contact my current slave and let them know you are interested in applying for the position. All applications will be carefully reviewed by myself. May the Paws be with you... Princess M.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Mimi has been with us for a month now and is doing just fine. Her personality is just as described by Siri and Jane. A bit on the cautious side but quite interested in the family activities. Certainly becomes social when she wants, loves to do her "face bumps" Appears out of nowhere and has some hiding places that have amazed us when we are about to leave and need to make sure she is OK. We call her just Mimi and have dropped the meow for the most part. Our grandson calls her "cutieface" which is approppriate as an alternative.
She uses her litterbox and loves her food although occasional spit ups happen
We are quite happy to have her in our lives and are so pleased with the Siamese Cat Rescue Center. Thanks so much!
Update February, 2017 Mimi has been with us for seven months now. She is doing very well and it is so nice to have he as a part of our lives.Essentially all of my comments above continue to apply. She is her own girl, and although her social integrations are quite gradual, she certainly appears comfortable in our home. She is still quite the neat freak with her litter box and loves her Nutro dry food. No interest at all in people food. Continues to find the most comfortable sunny napping places imaginable.looking at her pre adoption pictures she has "filled out" a bit and is a bit chubbier. She still races around the house from time to time and we should encourage that type of activity a bit more. She spends hours looking out the windows at the bird feeder etc. Makes us wonder if she was an outdoor kitty in the past. Is not trying to sneak outside the way she did when she first arrived but as the warm weather approaches we likely will need to deal with that again. Thanks so much for your help, will attempt to upload a picture. We love Mimi for sure!
One year has gone by and Mimi is doing just wonderfully. She is healthy, pretty as ever and appears very content. She has not become a lap kitty as yet but we still hold out hope. She seems quite comfortable in her routines and is just so pleasant to have around. She has her favorite room in our home which is our sunroom and spends most of the day there on her perch looking outside, grooming and napping. She is after us to follow her there, and wants to be brushed frequently. she is very "easy" and very much the neat and tidy type. We just love living with her. Thanks again for doing what you do!
(Last update: Jul 9th, 2017 10pm)
Just arrived here. I want a home where I'll be loved and never dumped alone again. No bully kitties, either. I'm gentle.
More information as I get to know my foster mom.
Name: Dodger
(FKA Abednigo)
ID#: VA11843
Location: Delaware
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 12/03/16
Adopted: 12/18/16
Congrats: Deb
Foster: Diane
Foster Notes for Abednigo [VA11843] |
Total sweetness and calm! |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Hello Everyone!
We just wanted to report Dodger is doing extremely well. He is a very happy boy! It has taken quite a bit of patience to help him feel completely comfortable in his new home. It took 4 months before we could pet him while he was at his food bowl. We still can not walk over to him and pick him up in some cases. He doesn't like to be held. He will tolerate it however. I think he must have been a stray cat that did not have much handling. His name Dodger fits him well...although he will let us pet him and sometimes hold him, he will not allow anyone else close to him such as visitors or grandparents here for a week. He watches from a distance and wants to be nearby, and loosens up and watches TV with us, but on his own terms.
He does love to sleep with us at night and loves petting and playing at that time. He follows me around and is my shadow....he goes into every room with me and helps me get ready for work. He enjoys routine and knows it well. He has his favorite sleeping spots and loves his cat stand. He has many toys and enjoys carrying his stuffed mouse in his mouth. Dodger's favorite pastime is bird watching! His favorite bird is the hummingbirds....he sits by the feeder inside the screened in porch and flicks his tail in enjoyment. We have a gray parrot, Lucy, that Dodger keeps a close eye on.
We are already in love with Dodger and he is an important member of our family. We will continue to help him with his confidence, which continues to improve with time and understanding.
Again, thank you for all you did for us so that we have the joy of our wonderful companion, Dodger......
(Last update: Jul 9th, 2017 11am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Nuria
(FKA Princess Snowflake)
ID#: VA11792
Location: Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 11/03/16
Adopted: 12/10/16
Congrats: Amalia
Foster: Deirdre
Foster Notes for Princess Snowflake [VA11792] |
Super busy and playful kitten |
Foster Notes
Playful, active little Meezerette. Rambunctious, affectionate and oh so sweet. Petite and delicate in stature but with exceptional energy and courage. Fearless in play, climbing the cat tree or inviting larger cats to wrestle or chase.
After an active day, she tucks into bed with her purrson. She loves to be covered up and sleep with her head on the pillow.
Excellent use of litter box and scratching post.
A delightful kitten who will need a home with at least one other playful, younger cat and an appreciation for a independent little girl who still loves to snuggle.
Her soft peach colored points are still coming in, as is typical for flames. Don't miss your chance to ask about this unusual female flame kitten.
Kitten and transport policies apply.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Nuria is doing great! She loves her brother (9mo old black domestic shorthair named Nox) and is more inclined to cuddle and play with him than anything else. She is very sweet and intelligent and curious, she always knows when I'm about to leave the apartment and tries to go with me. She likes going outside and exploring on her leash, though she's still learning to like the harness. She has gotten more orange in her points and a bit more pudge around the middle, which makes her so soft and cuddly. She mostly won't sit on me but will sit near me with her paws on my arm or leg. From time to time she will climb under the covers with me and purr loudly. Her favorite passtime is letting Nox get into trouble and then benefiting from whatever food or toy he has knocked to the ground for her. We are a very happy family!
(Last update: Jul 8th, 2017 1pm)
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