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Meet the snuggliest cat on earth! I just can't get enough cuddles and petting, and I'm so soft you'll want to pet me forever.
You're probably wondering about my name: Yamaneko means Lynx in Japanese, a tribute to my beautiful points, which also give me my funny/sad looking eyes. And the shortened form, Neko has two meanings: Cat, but also Lucky, which describes me for being rescued and getting a chance at a wonderful new life with you!
I just arrived in foster care on Dec 31, so my foster mom will post more once I've had time to settle in and meet everyone. Meanwhile, enjoy my photos and video!
Name: Emma

(FKA Yamaneko (Neko))

ID#: VA11894
Location:  Illinois
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 12/31/16
Adopted: 01/15/17
Congrats: Barbara
Foster: Melodie

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Emma has settled in nicely. Unfortunately she and Ivy, my little black DSH, have not become the friends I'd hoped they would be. They squabble a bit, but all I have to do is holler at them and they'll break it up. I'm also not sure how much of that is really a form of play. Emma will chase Ivy, but when she stops and turns away, Ivy will come and take a swipe at her as tho wanting to continue. I do feel comfortable leaving them alone together when I'm out.
For an older cat, Emma is surprisingly playful. She loves improvised toys, like an empty brown paper bag, box, empty pill bottle or toilet paper core. Tho she also plays with 'bought' toys that I'd gotten for Ivy or Trissa (my lost love), which neither of them were interested in. We have one of those 'crackle tunnels' that Emma also enjoys.
She's not quite the lap-lander that my beloved Trissa was, but for all that, if I settle down in the recliner or on the couch for a nap, she will often join me. She IS the snuggle kitty that I'd wanted, whom Ivy, alas, is not. (But Ivy is both beautiful and cute, and I love her for who she is. It's just that who she is, isn't who I thought she would be.)
I would note also that Emma's coat has filled out nicely, so she's a properly beautiful meezer now. Due to her background as an apparently long-time stray and then shelter cat, she looked just a bit scraggly when I got her, but good food, love and occasional brushing have done good things for her. I would count this adoption as a definite success!

(Last update: Jul 21st, 2017 10pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Moony
ID#: VA10705
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 04/11/15
Adopted: 05/03/15
Congrats: Eowyn
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Shy, but hopeful! Quieter home and some loving and I should be right as rain!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
May 7, 2015 - Moony is settling in very well. We have her in her own room and she was willing to come out and eat with us in the room (at the other end) by the end of the first night. By the next morning, she would come out with some coaxing and purr up a storm when we petted her. Last night she started looking like she wanted to play rather than just get attention. I tossed a toy and she pounced on it, I tossed it again and she pounced on it, wrestled, kicked, then carried it off with her. Today we introduced her to a toy on a string on a wand. She LOVED it and when I took it away after a few minutes she spent the next several minutes systematically searching the room for that toy. She seems to not at all be bothered by the trains passing by or the comments from the other cats on the other side of the door. We don't want to introduce them until we get her checked and get everyone's claws trimmed.

May 17, 2015 - We are experimenting with different names for 'Moony'. She was very well behaved at the vet visit and was up to 6.4 lbs. We have been transitioning her to the food that the boys eat and there seems to be no GI distress. She has settled into her room VERY well. We have let her loose in the house (with the boys locked up and after several hours she was curled up on the clean laundry taking a bath. We have started face-to-face introductions. The first one didn't go well (Touchstone got terrified and I got scratched in his eagerness to get out of town. However, since then things have gone well. She and Feste have gotten the closest and while she warns him to not come too close if he is looking at her. When he isn't looking at her she will approach him. This morning she jumped over the cat tree (on its side for now) to land about 8 inches from him. He looked a little startled but other than that didn't really react. If she hisses, he will hiss back but his posture is very calm. Hers is fairly calm as well she just doesn't want him looking at her from too close a space and he is giving her that space. Touchstone is staying about 8-10 feet back watching with interest. She is very demanding of attention when we are in there with her alone and is starting to want some attention when the door is open. We are still separating them when we aren't at home and today is the first time we are letting them together without one of us right there to watch though I am keeping my ears open.

May 20, 2015 - the 3 cats are now fully integrated. The most worried of the existing cats was playing with one of his favorite toys this morning. She and Feste are getting close to each other and trying to figure out how to play. She ended up taking control of the toy-on-a-string session last night. She is comfortable enough with the boys to turn her back on them to take a bath and comes waltzing through the doorway around them (though she will accelerate a bit). She has been running all over the house and really playing with the various toys when we throw them for her. She is learning our routines and setting herself up for meeting us where we can pet her or play with her as we do things. When my Mom came to let her out a couple of days ago she was willing to play with Mom as well.

June 2, 2015 - The 3 cats are becoming very well integrated. Chris & I were on vacation and my Mom cat-sat for us. 'Moony' quickly learned that Mom had the same rules we do (it rains in the bathroom, it rains if you try to get to our food). She started doing lap sitting with Mom and really latched onto her. To the point that she would shove one of the boys out of the way if Mom was petting them. She and Feste are starting to really play with each other. There is still the occasional hiss to indicate desire for personal space but that is all. She is incredibly athletic and creative in her play (I've never seen any cat bunny-kick a cat tree while climbing the trunk).

June 22, 2015 - the 3 cats are very well integrated now. I have seen some play behavior in all of the 2-cat permutations. Touchstone took the longest but he is now willing to hunker & pounce toward her face (quick paw to the forehead then sit and look). We had some visitors on Friday afternoon and all three came out to say howdy and 'Moony' put on quite a show playing with toys and running around. She has really learned our routines and sets herself up as toll-keeper to insist on attention at strategic locations and times.

November 2015 - we are sticking with the new name we came up with "Schlau Mau" aka clever cat. She is very clever and thinks things through. She has a routine where I am expected to worship her when I come out from taking my middle of the night medication. I can now trim the claws on one complete paw before she says "enough". She is sleeping on the bed with the boys but not in a heap (yet) and it is hard to believe we have only had this wonderful little girl for 6 months.

March 2016 - She is getting more and more comfortable with us and demanding of attention. I have seen her exchange a quick lick with Touchstone. She is often sleeping on the bed with me (though not against me). We still regularly see all combinations of a pair of the cats (and occasionally all three) go flying by.

May 2017 - Schlau (FKA Moony) has really come into her own. She was a champ at the vet for her check-up. She has quite a few routines that she regularly requests our participation in (morning toss the ball up to the landing so she can chase it down, get petted while at the computer. She is still a bit shy about attention if she isn't already sitting/lying down. However she is starting to sit down to get the scratching she loves. She is starting to be much more comfortable with being picked up and letting me mess with her mouth in preparation for training her for teeth brushing. She is being a bit nervy but improving about her claw trimming. Finding the correct treat to motivate her helped a lot.

July 2017 - Schlau is getting more into the routine of teeth. She doesn't like the brush but is letting me use it briefly. She is into the Greenies enough that she is now first in line for me to do tooth related things. She is also sometimes setting on my chest for a snuggle and staying for quite awhile (20 minutes). She and the boys are still taking turns chasing each other and she is very clear on which toys are HERS.

(Last update: Jul 21st, 2017 5pm)

'm just a itsy bitsy ball of fluff, not even weighing one pound, but I've got a ton of purrsonality.
I already know how to feed myself and I use the litter box like a big girl! TOYS? I know what
to do with those! I even know what to do with a scratching pad!!

I have some major growing to do, so it will be awhile before I'm ready to go home. .

Stay tuned while foster mom gets to know me!


I'm not so itso bitso any more! I'm a whole 2.7 pounds of whirling, running, playing, leaping fluff.
I am losing some of that fluffy baby fur and am even prettier.


Name: Tigger

(FKA Tigger fka ThomThom)

ID#: VA10782
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 05/23/15
Adopted: 07/18/15
Congrats: Janice A
Foster: Nancy


Notes from Home
Hello All. Here is yet another update from the home owned by Tips and Tigger and partially rented to that crazy cat woman (Big Mommy). Tigger has been unofficially renamed Tigger the Tiny Terror. Wait, you say, how could anyone so adorable be called Terror, Tiny or otherwise?
Well, let me enumerate how: stealing potpourri from the buffet; pulling towels off of towel bars in both bathrooms; stealing Big Mommy's bottles of smelly stuff from the vanity; smelling Tips a-double-scribble to make him swish his tail simply because it is so much fun to play with said tail; loosing countless toys that then Big Mommy and Little Mommy (Emily) have go searching for; grooming Big Mommy's head and eyebrows while she is sleeping. Well, the list could go on and on, but Big Mommy is beginning to get agitated trying to type it all.
Big Mommy calls little Tigger her "bad, bad, baddie boy." Then she looks at him, calls Little Mommy, they talk on the phone and then they laugh and laugh and laugh. And the next thing ya know, Little Mommy is back visiting the Two Ts. Tigger likes that.
One day when Big Mommy was sitting in the chair that the Two Ts have graciously allowed her, suddenly Tigger was spotted dragging his little a-double-scribble across the rug. "Oh my," thought Big Mommy, it's time to take that trip to the Vet she had been thinking of taking. She even said it out loud since Tips wasn't in the room and what does Tigger know, anyway. So Tigger went with Big Mommy, Little Mommy and big brother Tips to the Vet. Well, let me tell you. The next time Tigger will know "Vet" when he hears it, you betcha! It was a really scary place! Poor little Tigger had that same thing stuck up his you-know-what. Then he had other stuff done to him, including something about his poop! Big Mommy was told later that nothing was wrong with his poop. Of course there wasn't; how could anything be wrong with that stuff! And something else happened at that terrible Vet place that wasn't mentioned in Tips' report: both the brothers had a mani-pedi. Really. The guys had a mani-pedi. Ugh! Tips thinks that had something to do with Tigger's very early life as Thumbelina.
Little Mommy reports that Tigger is not such a good student. She has decided not to try any tricks except "Come." Tigger thinks that's a good idea--he he.
Tigger's September, 2015 Update:
He is just so silly. Here are two quick stories. 1) I just finished peeing, had my but half raised off the seat, when goof-ball jumped up. Being too little to see up over the top, he assumed (incorrectly, of course) that the seat had no hole in it. Well, three of four paws landed okay, but the fourth one was a pee-pee paw for sure. Boy did he run. I had to catch him to wash him off. 2) He often gets up on the sofa to dig between the cushions, as if the spot was a mousy hole. Once he got so enthused with this business of looking for a non-existent mouse in a non-mouse hole that he got himself turned upside down, back up against the back of the sofa, all four paws under his silly little chin, with his tail curled up over his belly. So, what does one do with a tail in that position? One plays with it, of course. Except he got so excited, he bit it, yelped, jumped down off the sofa and ran under it. (I hope you can picture him as I described. It was funny enough with him standing on his head, but when he bit his own tail and yelped, I just lost it.)
What can I say, Tigger is a baby, still.

1/28/16 Tigger's update: Well, Tiggie, as I mostly call him, is very much a baby, a kitten still. And a baddie boy kitten at that. This is the story of his latest escapade. It was 5:00AM, his and brother Tip's usual morning feeding time. I walked into the kitchen in my sleep socks and stepped on something hard and unusual. I ignored it long enough to walk over to the sink and turn on the overhead light. I turned around to see two things: the peacock feather I had just stepped on and Tiggie covered, head to toe, in peacock feathers. "Oh Tiggie, what did you do," I gasped. There he was, his whole little self except for his muzzle, ears and paws, covered in the small, light feathers that go down the shaft of peacock feathers. I knew at once that in the middle of the night he had knocked over the vase on the small table in front of the sliding glass doors in the living room. Baddie boy! I picked him up and groomed him as best I could at 5AM. Meanwhile, brother Tips was meowing for his breakfast. Oh boy, what a cat house I have! I finished pulling feathers off of Tiggie, fed the two kitties and then went to pick up the vase in the living room and the rest of the feathers off of the floor. I found feathers in the kitchen, foyer, living room, dining room, down the hallway, in the spare room (aka the princes room), the powder room--everywhere but in my bedroom. Of course not. Tiggie may be a kitten, but he's not stupid, just endlessly playful. Over the course of the next week or so, every now and then I would find more feathers on Tiggie, He had obviously hidden a stash of peacock feathers where only he could find them, and find them he did. Feather play continued for about another week, after which I finally didn't have to de-feather him anymore. What a cuttie-pie he is, my little kitten, Tigger. He's so cute you just have to forgive him. Besides, it's his job to play. How else will he learn about life.
UPDATE 7/21/16: Tigger is still our little baby boy: Baby Tiggy we call him, even though he's all growed up by now. He's as cute as cute can be and still very playful, unlike big brother Tippy Toes Tips, who feels it his continuous duty to demonstrate feline beauty and dignity. That not being Baby Tiggy's bag, as they say, Baby Tiggy is just silly always and that's it. Silly! We like him that way.
And one more thing, Baby Tiggy and big brother Tippy Toes Tips have a new sister, Tappy. You won't believe what she is: a D-O-G. You got that right, a D-O-G! At first Baby Tiggy was really, really a scaddy-cat, but not so much any more. That's mostly because Tappy is a rescue who is so traumatized that she won't come out of the Princes Room (spare bedroom) and prefers confinement behind a baby gate for her living quarters. But Big Mommy and Little Mommy are working at her rehabilitation and hope that someday soon she will want to come out of her room and joint the rest of the family in the whole house. In the meantime, Tiggy has decided that she's not so bad after all; he'll never be her best friend, but she'll be well tolerated, at least.
On another note, Baby Tiggy is up-to-date on all his shots and vet visits and continues to be ultra cute, cuddly and healthy. We like him that way, too!
7/19/17 Well, hello form Baby Tiggy and all of his family. Tiggy has something to tell you. "I can jump way up and hit the handle to open the bathroom door in my Mommy's room," says Tiggy. At least that's what he would tell you if he could talk like his mommy. That's not all, says Mommy. She thinks he does it to let his big brother Tippy Toe Tips into the bathroom so that Tips can have fun pushing the bottled candles off of the countertop. Mommy says they are both bad boys. Geeshhhh! That's okay, they are both so lovable that Mommy doesn't mind. In fact she's kind of proud of how smart Baby Tiggy is and how brotherly Tiggy and Tips are with each other. And they both want to report that their "sister" (doggy), Unhappy Tappy is still living in the Princess Room exclusively, but she is coming along really well. She no longer hides under the bed all the time whenever Mommy comes into her room. And once she was actually caught playing with Baby Tiggy! Wowwy wow wow, indeed! Everybody is scheduled for the vet's next week with no expectations of any problems. Bye for now from Columbus, NJ.

(Last update: Jul 19th, 2017 2pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Kili
ID#: VA10822
Location:  Illinois
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/08/15
Adopted: 07/18/15
Congrats: Quinn
Foster: Joy

Do you like to share? My brother Fili and I do, not much sibling rivalry here. We insist on sharing the same food bowl, the same water bowl, and the same toys. We even snuggle together in a cat bed that foster Mom says was only meant for one. I just have a question for you. Do you happen to have a lap you could share with us? We love to sit together in laps, and get tons of love and attention. Foster Mom shares her lap with us, but she says there's someone out there who will love us and share their laps with us forever. Are you that someone? If so, hurry and ask about us. We'll share our playful antics to keep you entertained, and of course we'll share lots and lots of love.


No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Kili has a new name: "Shinobi". He has settled in well and is doing fine. He loves to antagonize his brother even though he's the smaller of the two.
He is a *notorious* picky eater. I'm rotating through three flavors of FF wet after weeks and weeks of trial-and-error. If given something he doesn't like, he'll take a sniff, attempt to cover it up then look at me and complain loudly. When he finally realizes nothing different is forthcoming, he will eventually eat.

No litterbox issues.

He's an absolute joy.

July 19th, 2017
Happy 2nd anniversary!
Shinobi has been eating better this past year; I've identified flavors of wet food that appeal to his persnickety palate.
He's becoming more comfortable in the past couple of months in challenging his brother for my lap, affection and attention, in general. He *LOVES* to be brushed, still has his kitten-level energy and is a real charmer to anyone that visits.
He adores his brother and doesn't hesitate to stand up to him, although Genghis outweighs him by several pounds. He's the more mischievous of the pair, and enjoys knocking things off shelves for the sheer enjoyment factor.
No litter box issues -- EVER.

(Last update: Jul 19th, 2017 2pm)

Do you like music? We do! My brother and I love to sit and watch foster Mom play piano. I even try my paw at it every now and then. But you don't need a piano to adopt us. You just need enough love for two of the sweetest boys you'll ever want to meet. Foster Mom told me to say that last part. We are happy, outgoing, playful and just everything you could want in a pair of Siamese. Don't wait, ask about us today.

Name:   Fili
ID#: VA10823
Location:  Illinois
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/08/15
Adopted: 07/18/15
Congrats: Quinn
Foster: Joy


Notes from Home
Fili has a new name: "Genghis".
He's my snuggle buddy. Likes a lap and has a specific place he likes to sleep: in the crook of my arm.
Watching him play with his brother is hilarious. He is the stockier of the two and gives no thought to body-slamming Shinobi when he's being annoyed.
Having said that, I've never witnessed a stronger bond between cats.

He is a chow-hound. He'll eat whatever is placed in front of him, and then some.

No litterbox issues.

July 19th, 2017
Happy 2 year anniversary!
Genghis is doing well.
He's my affectionate buddy, still loves to sleep in the crook of my arm at night.
Adores his brother but is a tad jealous when Shinobi wants me to pay attention to him.
No health issues, no litter box issues.
He's an absolute joy.

(Last update: Jul 19th, 2017 1pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Phoenix

(FKA Red)

ID#: VA11897
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 01/03/17
Adopted: 01/19/17
Congrats: Arianne
Foster: Adrian

Foster Notes

Red here! I may still be a young kitten but I'm already working on my championship snuggling skills. I just absolutely love to be petted on. I will whine for love and will make sure you pay attention to me. I also love to play. I'm not quite the athlete my brother, Kirk, is but I make a spirited effort at catching the feather toy. I adore fuzzy mice and frequently steal them from other cats.

I'm going to be a big cat as I'm already 5 pounds and nearly twice the size of my sister.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Phoenix and Felix love each other.
(Last update: Jul 19th, 2017 9am)

I'm a typical, high energy kitten. I love to run, pounce on toys, snuggle with you, run some more, pounce on the featherwand, meow, meow, meow, and eat my kitten food.

I need a playmate either a young cat already at home or another kitten.

Since I am so very curious, make sure those breakable knick-knacks are locked away, all those houseplants are hanging or put outside and cabinets with cleaners are tightly closed.
Name: Rhaegar

(FKA Pei Wei)

ID#: VA12014
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 04/19/17
Adopted: 05/13/17
Congrats: Anita
Foster: Chelsea

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
So I drove home yesterday with these two new humans. One of em kept looking back at me saying how cute I was. I am pretty adorable. They call me Rhaegar. One said it's a Prince, the other does not like it too much, but she calls me by the name anyway.
It was a long drive and then I got to my new home. It was a little scary at first. The humans put my transport crate down and there was another kitty. She seemed nice but she hissed at me and went away. I think she is not happy with me being here right now. The human said I am her little brother. She gave them a look as if to say "Who said I needed one?" I am sure she will come around.
The humans have a see through door to the room I am staying in. The other kitty can see me but she can't be with me yet. I was still a bit scared and was hiding under the bed. There were a lot of toys on the floor. They kept whizzing by me and I finally couldn't resist and had to investigate.
I really like the small cat tree. It has a little mouse attached on the bottom level and a bird that chirps when you move it on the top level. I REALLY like that bird.
I ate my dinner and used the bathroom like a good boy. The humans are so easily amused. I eat, they think it's an accomplishment. I use the bathroom and they are watching. Seriously, I have no privacy. Back to the bird. I REALLY like that bird. I jumped on the bed and cuddled with the human, for about 5 min, and then I remembered the bird. So I attacked it again. Then back on the bed, chasing their feet. Oh, and they have long hair. That is fun to play with too, especially when they try to fall asleep. I let them sleep for about an hour and a half at 7 am. I was tired and needed a nap. I am actually pretty tired now. I have to rest for a new game with the bird tonight.

I think I like my new home even though the humans are no fun at night.


Update 5/20/2017:
Tomorrow will be one week since I moved in with the new humans. They're OK, I guess. They play with me for 2 hours before they go to bed. It makes me a little sleepy too. I like to sleep on top of their heads, or on top of the pillow so I can look down on their insignificant bodies. I got a bunch of toys to play with. One of them puts the squeeky bird in the closet at night. Such party poopers!
They removed the screen door to the bedroom and now I can run around the apartment. My older sister, Patches (they call her Patchy Poo, or just Poo,.. or sometimes Poo Bear, don't ask, they're silly) lives in the other rooms. She lets me touch noses, but when I do a fly-by and go for her tail, she hisses sometimes. It gets less every day though. Today, she was sitting on the coffee table, being all high and mighty, and then she started flicking her tail. I took that as an invitation to catch it. If it moves, I have to chase it, bite it, grab it. That's just how it works. She should know! She didn't hiss at me when I did it, but she softly tapped me on the head. I fell over and just grabbed my tail.
Today I also imitated a bear. One of the humans came into the bathroom and I was in there, nosing around. So I stood on my hind legs, put my claws in the air, and swiped at her legs. She started laughing. Not the response a bear would get. I saw it on TV. Guess I need to learn to growl to sound more intimidating. My little chirps just don't do it.
I found a great cat tree in the other bedroom. My sister showed me. I like the little hammocks. I go all the way to the top and look down. I like to bite it too, just cuz I can.

I think I'll stay here for a while. It's not that bad. I bet by the end of next week, I can get my sister to play with me.


Update 5/31/2017
I had my check up last week. I know, should have told you about it right away. Everything was good, and the doctor said I am soooo cute. She used that many o's. My humans were beaming. I like how they take credit for my cuteness. As if they did something. Humans, weird creatures. But they serve me well, so I'll let it slide. I am now a little over 4 lbs of cuteness. My humans will keep an eye on my canines to make sure that my adult teeth come in correctly. The lady doctor gave me some worm medicine, and I have to come back in 2 weeks for another weight check.

I've been playing with my sister more, and she's playing with me now too. Sometimes when I play too rough, she puts her ears in F-16 wing mode and throws me down. She does it gently though.

One of the humans plays hockey and the equipment bag is sitting in the room with the big cat tree. Me and my sister played King of the Hill on it. Well, she was on top of it, and when I tried to get on, she knocked me down. She thinks she rules the roost...for now.

I hope you enjoy the pictures of me and my sister playing.


Update 7/18/2017:
Today is a big day for me. I lost my last baby canine tooth. I’m going to be a big boy soon! I did very well. They were all pushed out nicely, without any help from the human doctor. She’s really nice, but I don’t like going there. I do get lots of cuddles and everyone wants to hold me. I rather stay home with my moms.

My humans are very well trained at this point. They buy me new toys almost every week. I get bored with the “old” ones easily, or I destroy them. My new favorites are the little squeaky raccoon and the tunnel. I can go in it on one end and race out the other to pounce on my raccoon. It chirps, and then I flick it in the air, swat it around and eventually pick it up and run off with it. I like hiding my toys too. Mom always finds them in odd places when she cleans up. My sister Patches likes the tunnel too, but she doesn’t go it in much when I’m around because I will jump on it.

Patches is a cool sister. She’s always willing to play with me, even if she doesn’t feel like it much. I can tell she gets a little annoyed with me sometimes. That’s when the humans distract me with something else. She also teaches me cool things to do. Like sitting in the bath tub and staring at the humans. It makes them come over and open the faucet for us. Because drinking out of a water bowl, that’s so lame! No respectable cat does that! I’m glad I have a sister who teaches me things like this. I want to be the coolest cat in town!

Mom says I look like a spider monkey sometimes. I like it when she flings me over her shoulder and we walk around like that. I try to grab her hair, and sometimes I bite her in the shoulder. I’ve learned just how hard I can bite so she still lets me and doesn’t squeal. When I get tired, I like to sleep on my moms. They’re nice and cuddly. They also like this. If I do something bad (like try to climb up on the blinds), but I go to them and cuddle, they don’t mind as much. Mom says I’m so cute I could get away with murder. I don’t know what that is, but it sounds like something I’d be good at.
It’s been very hot lately, so we have not been on the balcony much. Mom doesn’t let me and my sister go out there by ourselves. There’s a net out there so birds can’t come in and we can’t get out, but she wants to make sure we don’t bite holes in it, or have any other accident. It’s fun being out there though. Mom dries her hockey gear out there too. Patches likes to roll on her equipment. I just like to try and catch the bugs that fly on the balcony. It’s also a lot of fun watching the birds fly by. I can see why mom won’t let me out here by myself. I get so focused on the birds, I would totally try to jump at them, not thinking of where I was. My moms are smart, just like me.

I can’t wait for Fall so I can spend more time out with mom on the balcony, watching leafs fall. But now it’s time for a nap. I can’t keep this gorgeous body if I don’t take my beauty sleep. I will keep you posted.


(Last update: Jul 18th, 2017 10am)

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Name: Ellie

(FKA Hallyne)

ID#: VA9353
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 06/23/13
Adopted: 07/17/13
Congrats: Autumn
Foster: Heida

Sweet, snuggly, loving- has a bit of a cold right now but getting better. Loves her brother Lennox and promises to always take care of him. Ask about them now !

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Notes from Home
Eleanor ("Ellie") has much more energy then before. She loves to eat, play and nap all day! She also loves her scratching post.
While we are still giving her eye drops once a day, and cleaning her ears periodically, her eyes and ears are clearing up. Now we can see those big beautiful blue eyes!

September 24th 2015:
Eleanor has quite the lot in life. While she is a very loving and cuddly cat she has chronic health issues. About a year after adopting her it was determined she has allergies to dust and dust mites, as well as food allergies. This is on top of Feline Herpes which causes flare ups and makes her extremely itchy. Two years later I am still trying to manage her symptoms, and while she does get constant care with the vet, and a vet dermatologist you can tell she is constantly uncomfortable. One thing I do worry about is how long she is left home alone while I am at work. I do want to make the rescue aware of this issue as when I adopted her it was believed that she had an ear infection. The vet used kept recommending topical ear treatment. Given that ear and skin on cats is very sensitive this caused issues and was never really THE problem. Only after many vet visits did we figure out part of the issue and have her on Famciclovir for flare ups which helps in cycles. I don't need a follow up, again just letting you know in case other felines come in with similar issues. The allergies and herpes has led to itchiness, and excessive grooming.

December 2016: Feline Herpes and Allergy issues. Sensitive skin. Cannot be vaccinated. Immunological issue result in a bad reaction to vaccines. Last vaccine was distemper and rabies, but DR recommended to not do again. Should be okay as long as other pets receive vaccines and animal does not go outside.

February 2017: Eleanor Passed away due to complications with her Feline herpes and other flu like symptoms.

(Last update: Jul 17th, 2017 4pm)

Who, me? Yes, I am peeking around at you hoping that you might just choose me. I am a very loving interactive cat looking for a one on one or one on two relationship. I'm very bonded with women (tho men are okay too), I am very good in my habits but do like a quieter situation. I would like to be the only cat and am perfectly happy to sunbathe and get my beauty rest while you're out working for kibbles. And then when you come home, I'll tell you about my day, you can tell me about yours, and we can enjoy a quiet evening together. What do you say? Cuz I say MEOW!
Name:   Micha
ID#: VA8324
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tonkinese
DateIn: 01/22/12
Adopted: 03/03/12
Deceased: 07/01/19
Congrats: Chris
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Micha has settled in well and is exploring the house and chasing after her catnip stuffed mouse. Occasionally she gets a bit out of sorts if I am not immediately available for a lap and petting and will sit and cry at me until I pick her up. Her favorite routine is to be picked up so she can nestle into my neck while getting petted and go to sleep.
She loves to watch movies with me, although her activity mainly consists of getting comfortable and then falling asleep while being petted. Dinner time has been the subject of some discussion. At the moment we have worked out the arrangement that she is permitted to lie down on the far corner of the table while I have dinner. She is still trying to understand why I'm not thrilled about her curling up around my plate while eating.
During the work week Micha follows me around in the morning until I pick up my laptop to go to work. That is her cue to then trot off downstairs to explore or take a nap on "her" chair. She is very prompt to run and greet me at the door when I come home, loudly telling me what she did all day. And demanding attention.

Micha has been at her new home for six months now. She's been getting along great, sitting in the windows and watching the great outdoors. Playing with her "mouse" in the hallways, tossing it around and throwing it up and catching it. She likes to position herself where she can see me all the time and comes running and talking if she "loses" me. Micha is also very possessive, letting visitors know that I am hers. She insists I pick her up and hold her while she stares smugly at visitors from my shoulder.
A great talker, Micha spends a lot of the time we are home letting me know what she has been doing and expressing opinions on what I'm doing. Her only really bad habit is darting out the door when I come home. But, all she ever does is roll over on the porch and then trot down the steps and eats grass at the bottom. All the time looking over her shoulder waiting for me to come down and pick her up. At night she yells at me to remind me it's bedtime, then crawls up on my chest for petting time before curling up alongside me. Micha is a very friendly and charming kitty and I always look forward to coming home to her greeting.
1 year with Micha and she's doing fine. She had a very complete workup when a routine exam found her calcium elevated. X-rays and Ultrasound revealed that one kidney has some damage and calcification but after further testing it looks like it is old damage. The other kidney is find and Micha shows no ill effects. She is happy to be carried around the house on my shoulder and still complains if I don't pick her up fast enough when I get home from work. Her new trick is to sit in front of the automatic laser toy and meow for me to turn it on. She loves chasing the red dot around the living room All in all, she's settled in quite nicely and is great company.
2 years with Micha and she just continues to be her loving self. She recently had her yearly checkup and received a clean bill of health from the Vet. Her minor issue with high calcium has been resolved with putting her on prescription food and all her blood work is now fine. Micha also likes the prescription food so that has not been an issue.
Micha continues to run the house, demanding to be carried around when I'm home, and helping me work on my laptop when I work from home. So far Micha has managed to do the most amazing things when walking across the keyboard.
Watching the deer on the property has been a big pastime for her, running from window to window as they walk around the house. During the really cold days her favorite spot has been the radiant heated floor downstairs. Unless I'm home and then its laptime. Anytime I sit down, that means she gets a lap. At night she is tucked in tight against me and then helps me get ready for work in the morning.

Hard to believe so much time has gone by! Micha continues to do well and has bonded well with me. She is quite happy here at the house and has staked out her "territory". She has her side of the bed, when she isn't tucked up against me. My office chair is hers during the day, as is the recliner when I'm not using it. We have worked out that she is allowed to sit with me me during dinner (on the table) but doesn't bother my meal. She and I have not quite communicated that it's hard for me to work on my computer when she's curled up in my arms and she doesn't understand why she can't sit on the keyboard.
Her recent checkup came back with flying colors although she has indicated that going to the Vet is not her favorite activity.
Occasionally she will join me on the deck outside, curling up beside my chair and watching the bugs that fly by.
Micha rarely shows much interest in going outside, when she does trot out (before I bring her back in) her routine is to stop at the bottom of the steps and eat grass. Then she rolls over when I come down waiting for me to pick her up and bring her back in.
Micha does have her unique communication methods. In the morning I feed her on the counter, but while she gets up there on her own whenever she wants, I have to pick her up and put her there for breakfast and dinner. In the mornings she gets to drink from the sink faucet while I brush my teeth. Then she waits outside the shower until I get out. We frequently have interesting conversations in the mornings as Micha is quite vocal. And it's understood that she gets a certain amount of petting before I leave for work. When I get home she greets me at the door and I have to pick her up and carry her around for short time to make up for being away during the day. Micha has settled in quite well.

Moved to a new home. Micha is enjoying the larger space and the opportunity to sit out on the screened porch. She now sits by the door and meows to go out. I leave the door ajar so she can come in when done. On sunny days when I'm home she'll spend much of the day sunning herself and watching the birds in the backyard. Other times she sleeps in her perch on the cat "tower" by the front window where she keeps an eye on things. At 14 she is starting to slow a bit but still insists on her lap time and follows me around when I'm home. At night she waits until I'm in bed than jumps up and snuggles in with her head on my shoulder.

(Last update: Jul 17th, 2017 7am)

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Name:   Weeble
ID#: VA11883
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 12/25/16
Adopted: 01/16/17
Congrats: Roxanne
Foster: Debi

Have you ever seen such a cute face? Well I'm as cute with my personality as I am with my little face!

I have a different walk & my foster meowm just posted a video of me walking. I may require a special adopter that will love me just the way I am! I like other cats & I lived with dogs before, so I won't mind sharing.

I am not fond of traveling & get all upset & talk the entire way, but hopefully my new family will not live too far away & will open their hearts up for a bundle of a love bug!

Check back soon for pictures. My foster meowm has had difficulty getting pictures, as I love to run & play & all the pictures she's taken have been blurry!


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Notes from Home
After taking his anti inflammatory medicine his walk is improving. It could be that he is just figuring out how to deal with it, or he could be getting better. He climbs and runs with ease. He is a wonderful addition to our family. We love him.

3 march- Weeble is doing so well. I've been trying to take a picture of him for weeks. He is a wonderful boy.

16 July 2017 - Weeble is amazing. He has fit so nicely into our family, we can't live without him now. He has learned to jump and run somewhat normally. Sometimes he still goes too fast and his back legs slide out from under him. He makes it look like he did the slide on purpose and just gets back up and runs again. He is a wonderful little man, such a joy. We love him!

(Last update: Jul 16th, 2017 4pm)

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