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I'm one of Daisy Mae's baby boys. I love to play with my sister Peanut and brother Frankie. So far I'm the most adventurous. I love to be held and I have a gigantic purr for such a little guy !

Will probably be ready to go home around Nov 8th.

Kitten policies apply.
Name: Dante

(FKA Snoopy)

ID#: VA5968
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/21/08
Adopted: 11/08/08
Congrats: Wrenn
Foster: Joyce

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Dante is doing well. He's getting older now and take a couple of medications everyday, but otherwise, he's healthy and happy.
(Last update: Aug 24th, 2019 8am)

No new pictures yet

Name: Bella

(FKA Darcie)

ID#: VA10239
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/16/14
Adopted: 09/13/14
Congrats: Renee
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Outgoing well adjusted gal who takes things in stride, I made the trip from FL to VA in the blink of an eye, and now I'm exploring my new digs and looking forward to getting to know a new pool of adopters. Ask about me, lots of information to share, if you're looking for an outgoing playful gal!

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Notes from Home
Hi all! Well it's been 1 month since Bella (yup we've officially changed her name!) came to us and she is doing just great!! She truly is an easy going cat, very social and inquisitive and super playful! She is completely holding her own with our dog! They play/wrestle around a few times a day and then it's nap time for the both of them for a bit! Oh, and man she looooves to eat! She is learning to beg at the table just like our dog! I brought her to our vet today just for a check up and they said she looks perfect-she weighed in at 9.1 pounds. We are soooo very happy to have found her, so again, many thanks to all of you that made it happen! I'm going to try to upload some pics of her, she is so very pretty and very photogenic!! Love, The Ralstons

Hi there from the Ralston's and Miss Bella! It's hard to believe that it's been 9 months since our gorgeous Bella came to us. This cat is a total piece of work! She's crazy!! She goes zooming around the house at 100 mph and then just flops down in the middle of the floor and starts giving herself a bath with a total blase look on her face, like a cat tornado didn't just go thru the house!! She is completely food motivated/obsessed! I swear to you, she begs at the kitchen table every night just like our dog! She even goes chair to chair, sitting next to the kids hoping they drop or just plain give her something! She is always underfoot whenever food is involved! She's loves to be around people and will often follow someone from room to room just to be near them! Unless she's out on our screen porch, which is her absolute favorite place to be this summer! Like I said she wants to be around us but she is still fresh in the sense that she will bite and or scratch us when she is "done with us". This kills me as all I want to do is pick her up and squeeze her!!!! She'll go a couple of weeks without biting me and I get all excited and think awwww, she finally truly loves me and then wham! she gets me good! Lol! Don't get me wrong, she does let us love on her when She Wants! But the trick is to stop before she is over it and decides she's had enough!! I'm hoping to fully win her over one day!! She is a true crazy character!! Oh and her foster was sooooooo right in that she does lay/sleep in the funniest positions! I have sooo many pics! Thanks so much for our cra cra girl! We love her so!!
Hi there. I’m signed up to do a transport this weekend and it made me think that I haven’t given an update on our Bella in Forever! She continues to be very self assured and the most interesting cat I’ve ever known! She looooves to be around people but still doesn’t really like to be petted much unless it absolutely suits her! She is still totally a food hound and Insists on her snacks at night when she knows we are going to bed. She is so very gorgeous and very photogenic! We are still extremely grateful we found this unique girl and love her soooo much!

(Last update: Aug 22nd, 2019 10am)

Nothing not to like here! Quantas is a gorgeous, sweet, outgoing, playful, cuddly, purr machine!
Name: Perseus

(FKA Quantas)

ID#: VA10323
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 09/19/14
Adopted: 10/18/14
Congrats: Mike
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
10/22/14 - Just weighed Perseus, he is 5.1#! Adjusting well, will update more later

10/25/14 - Perseus went to see his new vet...of course he grabbed everyone's heart soon as they saw him, he is quite the ham when it comes to that ! Dr Z said after we got there he wanted a stool...unfortunately we didn't know until arriving.....so he said to leave him quarantine until we know what is causing the loose stool, concerned might be a parasite....in the meantime he has him metronidazole for 10 days....more to come!

05/23/15 - Perseus is doing well has adjusted fairly well with his new brother and sister!

9/28/15 - Perseus has adjusted quite well....he definitely likes to cuddle, but only on his terms, he quickly clarifies his terms! Lol . He has been great to have around though!

8/19/16 - Perseus has come a long way, as I type this, he is on the couch next to me watching tv, stretching out, laying less then a foot from his sister Lexy, (9 year old Pom)! He still doesn't like a whole lot of holding, he gets testy, biting and clawing, not hard or aggressive just enough to say, ok, we are done, ,but we just make sure to give him all the loving he can take every day and that amount of time is getting longer as time passes

3/8/18 Cannot believe how long it’s been! Perseus has come so far! He has remained very vocal, especially when it’s breakfast or dinner time! We adopted a new pomeranian and they quickly became buds....he still doesn’t like being held or cuddled, after a min he makes that very clear!

8/18/19. Wow, coming up on our 5 year anniversary! He has been a terror and a delight! We have all learned what not to do, (no belly rubs! lol) and what to do, just likes face and behind the ears touched! He has adjusted with the two poms well, they all nap next to each other occasionally...His Dr diagnosed him with IBD, he is on special diet and daily meds, but his stool is. firm, and seems more comfortable so all is well!

(Last update: Aug 18th, 2019 7pm)

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Name:   Salem
ID#: VA10886
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Flame
Date In: 07/03/15
Adopted: 07/19/15
Deceased: 04/03/19
Congrats: Cheryl
Foster: Siri

A snugglier, lovelier, funnier hair cat guy can't be found!

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Notes from Home
8/18/2019 What can I say about my best friend, Salem? He was so gentle, loving and confident. Not afraid of anything. He liked everyone and everyone liked him. I got him because my shy flame point Dorothy needed a new buddy after our senior seal point Max passed away. It was difficult to find a cat who wouldn’t bully Dorothy. Then I found Salem. He did not disappoint us and Dorothy adored him. She would purr so loud when he would give her attention. I wish I had taken videos. My pictures never do them justice.

Even though Salem liked everyone, he loved me the most. He would wait by the door when it was time for me to come home. He always wanted to be in my arms or be on me. I could not get enough of him either.

Salem was my sunshine and I had to say goodbye to him on 4/3/2019. He had kidney disease, high blood pressure and other complications that I only knew about for two months. I am so grateful for the time we had together. Dorothy and I miss him terribly. -Cheryl

8/2/2015 (2 weeks) Hello from Flame World! Salem is a wonderful kissie face kitty cat. He is cuddly and very lovable. As you can see from the pictures, he loves the cat tree in his safe room (laundry room). He is getting comfortable in the rest of the house and took a nap with me today. Integration with my other flame point, Dorothy, is going slow. She's still not sure about having another cat in the house. Salem is trying to be friends but gives her her space. I am very pleased and hope to one day post a picture of them together. -Cheryl

(Last update: Aug 18th, 2019 4pm)

Greetings! My name is Chessi & I just landed in my foster mom's B&B! She tells me how sleek & beautiful I am and that I have personality plus!! I came from the streets of a colony I'm told, but I'm just as friendly and playful as you would want a kitten meezerette to be!

If you're looking for a people friendly and playful kitten, look no further, as here I am!! Go on and click on that button!
Name:   Chessi
ID#: VA13034
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 5 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 07/17/19
Adopted: 08/03/19
Congrats: Jodie
Foster: Debi


Notes from Home
Chessi came home, and the first thing she did was go straight for dinner. She ate perfectly and drank. Later that night, she used the litter box. She demonstrated what a little treasure she is. She curled up in my lap the first night.

Over the next few days, Chessi indicated she might be a door darter. The first time, Chessi rushed the door,but she slowed down at the end of the hall ad let me collect her before Mitzi, my older cat, was any the wiser.

THe next day, she did it again. Really tricky, because Chessi was the same color as the carpet. THis time, Mitzi saw her, but Mitzi didn't hiss. She just blocked the way.

Over the last week, I've become convinced that the reason she darted the door was to be with me.

She does love her ribbon wand; however, she has some to like combining it with tunnel toys. She will set herself up at the start of a tunnel and then catch a wand toy at the other side. If she has a mid to set herself up for the chase, she will ignore the wand toy until she is set. She has even figured out how to fun through two tunnels to catch the ribbon.

Friday night, Chessi spent a little time in the carriet while Mitzi explored the room. THere was a little hissin on Mitzi's part to let the kitten know who was the senior feline, but nothing horrifying. Once, Mitzi even rubbed her self against the carrier.

In her excape Saturday morning, she finally came eye to eye with Mitzi on the stairs. THe big cat ( though Mitzi is actually very small as far as cats go, blocked the way. Chessi happily went back to the room with no incident. Not even a hiss. Later that afternoon, Chessi (who will possibly be renamed Sprite), had her first real meeting with Mitzi. Chessi behaved perfectly. Mitzi groused abit, but both enjoyed a dinner tail to tail with bowls about 5 feet apart.

Chessi did love getting the run of the rest of the house.

Some other fun things: Chessi loves Kindles. Especially a fish simulation app. Also, she was attempting to sun in the window, but she's so light, she wasn't warming. She has taken very well to my black sweatshirt and now shuns other beds. All in all, a great transistion.

Vet appointment is scheduled with Mitzi for the 15th.

15 August

Chessi, now named Sprite, had her vet visit with Mitzi. The vet thinks she might have herpes based on some eye congestion, but she's been pretty healthy and happy. The plan is to keep an eye on it. She is a whole 4.01 lb now and the vet thinks she is 5 lb, and wants to taper her off of the "up to 20 weeks" feeding instructions to adut food. We're going to take that under advisement and just move to the next level of kitten feeding from 20 to 30 weeks. the kitten is not going to like it because eating is one of her favorite things.

The best thing about the vet visit, as odd as it seems, it that Mitzi, the 15 year old 6.02 lb cat that Sprite moved in with, was grateful to Sprite for being a familiar smell at the scary vet's office that she warmed up to her a bit after the vet visit. They enjoyed a meal together, especially enjoyed trading bowls at the vey end of the meal because each seemed to think the other had been given the better meal, and they electively sniffed one another for the first time after dinner (Sprite would have happily exchanged scents earlier, but Mitzi has been a little kermudgeonly). The kitten interpretted Mitzi's warming as an invitation to play tackle Mitzi, but all her time in the kitty colony taught her to respect her elders, so when Mitzi said 'no', Sprite was pretty good about obeying.

About the door darting--I had started to get very worried for her for the eventuality when she would move out of isolation. As an engineer, I've even come up with a new concept for a door darting tool because I was worried she'd eventually try it on the front door once she no longer lives in the spare bedroom. However, the websites that sugested not looking at or acknowledging your cat until you come in, shut the door, and move to a greeting spot has been amazing. She doesn't rush the door. She meets me at it, and then comes with me to the place in the room away from the door where she will get pet. I may be able to forego patenting my door darting design!

All in all, things are going great.

17 August, 2019
Sprite and Mitzi had breakfast together--or rather had each other's breakfast today. Or, Mitzi chose to have some of Sprite's breakfast and Sprite chose to have all of Mitzi's breakfast and the rest of hers. Sprite was delighted with getting to eat downstairs and then play. She and Mitzi got into a spat, and then were separated for a couple of hours. I deliberated, but the decided that Sprite would come along for Mitzi's vet visit midday. Mitzi and Sprite had both had a check-up two days earlier with a new vet I was trying who is about 7 minutes from home. I wasn't fully comforatble with the place, so I decided to go back to my oldvet who is more like 20 minutes away for a second opinion for Mitzi. A vet's office might seem like a terrible place to bond two cats, but Mitzi has always relied on a more comfortable cat being around to let her know if a situation is safe. Sprite's not really afraid of much. Plus, when Mitzi and Sprite had their appointments on Thursday, Mitzi warmed up to Sprite after. In fact, there was a point that Mitzi was rolling around and purring on one side of me, got up, and walked to a point on the other side of me pretending to take and interest in an object, and then walked over to where Sprite had been watching her. Mitzi tried to touch noses with the kitten, but Sprite felt that was a little too familiar after all the hissing and swatting that Mitzi had done earlier that day. Sprite hissed and batted at Mitzi who pulled away looking offended. Mitzi cried a little bit when I separated them. Since the first vet visit seemed to have positive effects, I decided to give it a shot. Pus, I didn't want Mitzi to acquire the vet smell without Sprite similarly acquiring it. (Mitzi would hiss at her sister and best friend in the world when Sonja would separately go to the vet, or get a bath.

Vet offices can be stressful places, and these girls were treated to loud and untrained dogs during a long wait. When we got in the private room, away from the loud dogs, Mitzi was taking cover in her carrier, and Sprite was happy to be out in my arms--shepurred and purred, and that seemed to calm Mitzi. They both almost touched noses of their own volition--Mitzi really liked having Sprite with her in an unfamiliar situation.

When we got home, I lined their carriers up and let them out at the same time. They came out and touched noses--somewhat accidentally, but I think they could have avoided it if they had wanted to . Later, in the "isolation" room, they deliberately touched noses using me as neutral ground. And then leter in the day, I turned a corner and caught them touching noses without me around at all.

Sprite is still properly cautious around Mitzi. Mostly. She did pounce on Mitzi when Mitzi was curled up in my chair under a blanket this afternoon (post vet visit). Mitzi allowed it without even stirring, though I quickly pulled Sprite away. Mitzi really hasn't hissed at Sprite today--she's meowed at her with her scratchy little voice with a tone that says 'I'm keeping an eye on you', but I haven't really seen any hissing, other than the early morning spat. I can't believe how well the day went afterwards. As I write this evening, Sprite is sleeping on the couch that Mitzi had territorially refused to allow Sprite on 2 days ago. Earlier, Sprite napped on the cat tree without incident.

(Last update: Aug 17th, 2019 10pm)

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Name:   Meeko
ID#: VA12963
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 05/11/19
Adopted: 06/08/19
Congrats: Nicole
Foster: Elizabeth

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
My name fits me to a T. I am very meek. I won't pester anyone - ever. You see I have not learned how to ask for your attention. I am gentle and shy.

I will hide until I feel sure of you and my situation. If you put me on your lap I will let you pet me forever and softly purr, but I would rather be with my paws on the ground sitting next to you until I feel safe with you.

Foster is posting videos so you can see my progress. It is slow but sure.

Had my vet visit and was told I am in excellent condition - like an Olympic athlete. My weight and coat are perfect. I am perfect in the litter box and will use a covered box if you like. I love Instinct single protein Turkey wet and dry food. Foster thinks I should stay on a single protein diet.

Can not go to a home where a cat would bully him. Gentle dogs do not phase him and gets along beautifully with gentle cats.

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Notes from Home
Two months and one week ago I adopted Meeko. Everyone was absolutely correct that he would be a bit of a project kitty but it is so incredibly exciting to see how far he has come! Last night was the first time he came to me on the couch, head butted me for pets and then stayed for two hours! I was too happy to move and loved every second of it. He is still quite skittish most of the time but he now talks to me frequently in the sweetest little meowy voice, accompanies me to the bathroom regularly, avidly watches me from the window when I walk the pug, and even keeps me company on the bed when I sleep. It's definitely baby steps with my little lion man but I am loving him more and more each day and he is showing me in his own terms that the feeling is mutual. 😊💖
(Last update: Aug 15th, 2019 10pm)

Oh, could you pick a more beautiful applehead girlie? No, I think not! I was turned in because my people moved. What? OK, so let's get over that. I'm really friendly and loving. I have such a soft, plush fur coat. Seal point fur is my favorite outfit! Foster mom is trying to figure out what my litterbox preferences are so that I can be faithful in going there. She says to tell you that she's working on it! Check out my pics and video and ask about me!
Name:   Gracie
ID#: VA10010
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/09/14
Adopted: 10/27/14
Congrats: Dawn
Foster: Rinn

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Our sweet girl, Gracie, is doing well. I call her my Princess! She is spoiled with toys, catnip bananas and lots of love. I'm home all day and no matter what I'm doing, she's there to supervise - when it's not nap time. Though she recently lost her brother, Porky, she's adjusted well. (They weren't bonded.) My sense is she's perfectly fine with getting all of the attention and play time now. Her health is good overall and there were no significant issues at her June 2019 check up. She did need a few teeth extracted, but healed up beautifully. Occasionally, she has a bout with constipation, which leads to discomfort in the litter box and inappropriate eliminating. She's on a daily dose of Miralax plus Lactulose and subcutaneous fluids, as needed. We've got a system and keep litter boxes available and furniture protected where she tends to mess. It's easy enough to accommodate her needs. Given some of the body language she displays, I'd gather prior owners were less understanding. I must say, she does NOT like going to the vet and it sets her anxiety off the charts. I asked the vet about medicating Gracie to keep her more comfortable and we agreed it would be best if I dose her with Gabapentin in advance of her appointments. Thus far, that has proven quite successful. Overall, our baby girl is a love! We're blessed to have her and she's quite content being spoiled.
(Last update: Aug 15th, 2019 3am)

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Name:   Paulie
ID#: VA4677
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 12/26/06
Adopted: 02/19/07
Deceased: 08/01/19
Congrats: Dawn
Foster: Joyce

Foster Notes

Foster Meowm says that I'm just a big teddybear of a meezer. Yeesh, I'm a cat - not some kind of bear ! She says if you're looking for a laid-back, easy-going cat who gets along with everybody (male & female, young and old), then I'm your guy. Just look deeply into these big baby blues and tell me how you can resist ....

Go ahead and ask and Foster Meowm will be happy to tell you what an absolutely great guy I am ! Oh yes, I've asked Aunt Siri to put it in my adoption contract that whoever adopts me has to keep me supplied with bananas - catnip bananas !!

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Notes from Home
Unfortunately, I have a sad update. Porky had kidney disease the last 3 years and we made the decision to euthanize him last week - 8/10/19. We kept him as comfortable as possible and used an in home service, Final Journey LLC in Connecticut. The vet and her assistant were amazing; kind, compassionate and gentle both with us and Porky. Both were surprised at his condition; how beautiful his coat still looked and how long he lived with the disease. Sadly, we knew he was suffering and unable to maintain a reasonable weight. The vet supported our humane decision and sensed it was made with the utmost love and compassion. He deserved nothing less.

Porky got to eat all of the grilled pork tenderloin he wanted the day before and the morning of his passing. He had lots of treats, lots of pets and lots of love in the previous days. Although we were not looking forward to the day we would lose him, it was peaceful - breezy, sunny, warm and clear skies. He was able to nap in the sun in his favorite place on our breezeway with the windows open and occasionally sniffing at the air. I was able to hold him while my husband pet his head and gave him chin rubs while we both told him how much we loved him and assured him he was okay. He was our gentle giant and our lives are better for having been able to love and care for him every day of his 12 years with us. We know our boy is still around us in spirit and are grateful for being chosen as his mom and dad. It was our honor to help him cross the rainbow bridge and be free from pain and free once again to run and play like a kitten.

I'm incredibly grateful for SCRC uniting us with Porky and his sister, Gracie. Moving forward, we hope to adopt from SCRC again in the very near future. Thank you to everyone that helped in the adoption process.

(Last update: Aug 15th, 2019 2am)

Very Siamese boy who is very outgoing and confident. Does not get along with any other cats and no dogs. He is starting to show some interest in another male foster and kittens.
Playful but not wild and crazy and likes catnip.
He is also very sweet and loving and much better about showing affection.
Needs adopter who has cat experience and will let Maow become a buddy.
Name: Chester

(FKA Maow-Maow)

ID#: VA12643
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 06/05/18
Adopted: 08/11/18
Congrats: Hanna
Foster: Kay

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Chester and I are celebrating 1 year together with a kitty cake, toys, and lots of snuggles. This year was hard for me, but Chester made the good days great and the bad days better. I hope knows that so many people worked hard to bring us together and that he's very loved.

Chester has made my life so much better. I like to think I've made his life better too, but he thinks I'm too much of a stickler when it comes to wet food. He loves laying on the dining room chair across from me while I work, chasing the laser pointer, and looking at squirrels out the window. He's still learning his name and how to snuggle, but he's making great progress :) I'm so grateful for the Siamese Rescue for helping me find my best friend.

(Last update: Aug 11th, 2019 7pm)

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Name:   Clayton
ID#: VA1855
Location:  Ohio
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 12/16/02
Adopted: 01/25/03
Deceased: 01/01/16
Congrats: Stephanie
Foster: Kelly

Hi, I'm Clayton. I am a snowshoe Siamese. Foster mom says I am so sugary sweet I'll give you cavities. She also says I am the cutest little fella she's ever seen. And she's seen lots of cats! I was brought to the vet as a stray and now I am looking for a wonderful family to spend my life with. I am very easygoing and get along with other cats, dogs and even kids. I have perfect litterbox habits and use a scratching post very well. My hobbies are shadowing people, cuddling and playing. I love to play with other cats, by myself or with people. If you have room in your life for a wonderful guy like me just ask. I'd love to go home with you. Foster: Kelly. Congrats Bill & Steph in MD!

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Notes from Home
Pippin (aka Clayton) crossed the rainbow bridge in December 2015. He had kidney failure, was blind, and had started to have daily seizures. He was a wonderful snuggly cat and happy to the end.
(Last update: Aug 11th, 2019 4pm)

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