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I was brought in with two other kittens (a black one and a calico one) - she told the shelter she found us outside, but they are suspicous because I'm a social and friendly little guy. I'm soft and silky too, with longer fur. Foster mom says I look like a Balinese - but since we don't know what I am or who my mom and dad were, we will just call me handsome. I was not the least pleased with getting that awful bath that us kittens always get, and right now I look very supiciously at foster mom when she comes by. I am sure I'll forgive her in a few days. I was very friendly with her and even purred for her until she did that to me! Watch for more picture and an update soon. I need to go to the vet of course, and get my fleas under control, but those are all small things, right? So if you want a silky soft little kitten who hates baths, get ready to ask about me.
Name: Kit Harington

(FKA Ben)

ID#: VA12195
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/30/17
Adopted: 08/19/17
Congrats: Rachel
Foster: Jackie


Notes from Home
Ben (now Kit Harington) is blossoming after a month. He was extremely timid the first couple of weeks, wouldn’t even come out of his carrier for 2 days, but after the 3rd week he settled in. He loves endless pets and will sit in my lap as long as there are pets. He really is the lap cat I’ve always wanted. He and my 2yo Princess Caroline have an amicable relationship, they’re not grooming each other, but they accept each other. Little Kit is a good eater and the only time he uses his Meezer cry is when I’m not feeding him fast enough. Princess Caroline just kind of accepts his dominion over the food even though there are 4 food bowls (2 for each) but Little Kit eats what he wants and she lets him. Little Kit is lower-energy than I thought kittens would be, he plays with his toys but doesn’t want me to join in. He does play chase games with Princess Caroline however – I watch and the claws aren’t out and the tails are up so it seems amicable. He enjoys the windows though and will sit in them and look for birds and squirrels. I took him to the vet last week and got the all-clear on health. He gained a pound since his last weigh-in which the vet said was normal and on track. He’s a handsome little gentleman and a real joy. I also think, in her own way, Princess Caroline enjoys him. I notice that she doesn’t knock over as much of my stuff now that he’s around because he’s must be entertaining her.

2/20/18 Six months with Little Kit! He's becoming "Big Kit" now...the boy loves food! Won't stop eating and will eat his sister's food because she lets him. They aren't snuggle buddies but they have an amicable relationship. Little Kit is a rather happy fellow, usually walks around with a tail up, and is boisterous about anything he wants from attention to food. He loves play and will engage with wand toys and have recently gotten him to "jump" for feather toys. He's my regular alarm clock, will be sure to make sure I'm up around 7am to feed him but is equally happy for pets. A beautiful boy and a lovely Meezer.

(Last update: Feb 20th, 2018 9am)

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Name: Loki

(FKA Naldo)

ID#: VA12460
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 5mon
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/30/17
Adopted: 01/20/18
Deceased: 03/06/18
Congrats: Donna
Foster: Debra

infoKitten Policies apply
Delightful young man. He is outgoing, good around other kitties and is ok around dogs. He likes to play and purr.

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Notes from Home
Loki is doing FABULOUS! Loki has a uveal cyst in his left eye. It just did not look right so I took him the the vet. They said it was benign but to watch it. I is not affecting him and it is small. He is loving being petted, handled, picked up and LOVED! Yes....I said picked up! He paws at us to do so! LOVE IT!!!!!!! He plays tag with the puppies and chased with his big brother every night at 9pm. It is great!
(Last update: Feb 20th, 2018 8am)

I am the sweetest most loving kitty ever! My legs looks a little odd due to possible early malnutrition. They bend too much and I look like I'm crouching when I walk but I am slow and steady - just not agile at running or jumping. Altho I have been known to move fast when food is involved.
I love being on a lap or just sitting next to you getting head scratches and ear rubs. I can see but my vision is not good. Doesn't slow me down or keep me from getting around where I want to go.
Looking for a somewhat quiet home where I can be your best friend. Happy to just lounge around. I can be with other cats if they leave me alone.
Had good vet checkup and bloodwork is Aok.
Purrs, Penny
Name: Pang-Pang

(FKA Penny fka Pang)

ID#: VA11168
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 10/30/15
Adopted: 02/07/16
Congrats: Dorsey
Foster: Kay


Notes from Home
PangPang is doing great! The only objection she has to the accommodations is the placement of the litter box that was in the bathroom and is now temporarily moved into the small dressing room adjacent to it. We will revisit the situation at a later date! Other than that she chirps and meows to greet you whenever you come in to the master bedroom where she holds court all day and sleeps all night. She has a carpeted ramp and/ a cushioned stool to help her get up on the bed and starts purring and rolls on her back for a tummy rub when you start stroking her. She is also getting around with very little problem though her gait is a bit strange due to her deformed front feet (BTW,the vet said the deformity is congenital) but her hind legs have gotten much stronger as she does go back and forth to the kitchen ever hopeful for treats. Her fur is as soft as a bunny rabbit's so I think there might be a bit of Burmese or something else in her. She has darkened down a bit all over and really looks more like a seal point not a chocolate. Net ,net she is gorgeous and as Kay said is also the sweetest. I want to thank everyone and especially Kay for making this adoption possible.

5/15/16 -Pang-Pang continues to get more adorable every day. She now chats in a proper Siamese way when having a serious conversation but continues to chirp while she is purring. Purring starts immediately when you start patting or giving her a body rub and scritching her cheeks. It is also accompanied by flopping on her side and stretching out full length. All her legs have gotten stronger and she motors right along with her strange little gait but still does not venture all over the apartment. However she does call out and come into my office/guestroom when she wants some attention and a treat. She has also accepted and doesn't hide when friends she knows come by. She loves the attention and we all love giving it to her.

2/18/18-Pang-Pang is doing absolutely fabulously thanks to her vet recognizing her deformation was due to the fact she had rickets! He prescribed Gabapentin that has transformed her life. She clearly now has little or no pain as she paddles along her tail now held high and follows you everywhere. She can jump up on low chairs or, with the aid of a small stool, to the top of the bed. She now loves being scritched under the chin and back by her tail and starts purring immediately. You can also now pat her gently and walk around with her in your arms. She now chats endlessly and is sweetness itself. It has been so wonderful to see the transformation and I cannot imagine how she managed to stay alive so long with such crippling pain. She is a wonderful and perfect companion for me and I am so happy SCRC rescued her and let me adopt her.

(Last update: Feb 18th, 2018 12pm)

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Name: Sami

(FKA Ambrose)

ID#: VA10588
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/25/15
Adopted: 02/15/15
Congrats: Lyn
Foster: Donna

Just arrived. More information soon.

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Notes from Home
It has been 2 weeks with this guy and we are finally adjusted. Unlike Siri, adopted female blue point, he was terrified with dinner plate eyes for about a week. I slowly integrated him into the household, giving him free run of the house with Siri, absent. This gave him a chance to see that it was safe. Then I added Siri, my fearless female grooming queen. She just wanted him to pay attention to her.......typical female! Finally, this impatient meowmy lives in a content , maybe happy environment, which looks like a day care center. There must be almost 2 dozen ping pong balls under something and toys everywhere.
His new name is Sami. He is long legged, very slim, eats like a dog and with one leap can be on top of anything. Siri
Is small, about half his size, but has attitude and loves him dearly. She is happy to have a playmate and her sandpaper tongue is applied to Sami and not me......than God. They each have a chair in front of the glass sliders which overlook the marina. They watch the boats and birds. A delightful life for kitties!

Sami has been with us for a month! He is Siri's opposite. A nonstop cat! I bought them a cat tree which arrived today and he was on it before I had it completely assembled. He is nosy, loves high places and wants to eat ALWAYS.
SIRI is my sweet one.......Sami is my wild child! They play well together and though she is much smaller, she is tough.
They are both beautiful and much loved.

Sami, Sami, Sami.......what a piece of work! He has destroyed one living room chair. My furniture is covered in sheets. I did contact you folks and you recommended artificial nails. He lets me put them on and they don't seem to bother him. I am forever yelling at him because he is such a challenge and because he is a challenge I love him to pieces. He no longer eats like a dog. He knows he will always have food so he is picky and never eats what I put down immediately......he picks at it over time. Loves treats...Temptations! That is his lunch He is still slim.....one of those who does not gain weight. Siri and I hate him for that!
I told him in the beginning to just give in to me because I was going to win. He has gone from a totally frightened, distrusting cat to one who finally jumps up on the foot of my recliner and sleeps next to my legs. He won't get in my lap yet, but I grab him and hold him in my lap till he wants to go.....short term, but improving. He is my WILD CHILD!
He reminds me of my all time favorite, Pappilion, who I called Pappy. In fact, I have called Sami 'Pappy' more than once.
He has that same elegance, grace, bright behavior. He already has a special place in my heart.

He is a wonderful guy, so bright and mischievous. He reminds me of my favorite, Papillion (Papoy) who was an amazing creature. In fact sometimes I call Sami...Pappy. He finally trusts me and loves laying next to me on the recliner. He still won't sit in my lap but we are working on that! Be careful what you wish for! He follows me everywhere and if I return home, putting the key in the door lock brings him to greet me. He is gorgeous and a delight, so very nosy.
I started feeding both of them BlueBuffalo, wet and dry. Siri eats the dry. They hated the wet food and I ended up tossing
it. But they both love Friskies. I have switched.....they eat it like vacuum cleaners! Giving them the best wasn't working.
Siri and Sami are total opposites in personality. They get along well, play well, groom each other. They are happy and so am I to have them as part of my family.
Thanks to all of you for making this happen.

February 2018
Right now Sami is laying next to my legs on the recliner while Siri is on the armrest helping me type. These two live a charmed life .....as I do. It is pelican season....they fly in to fish and crash land in the marina 20ft away from my sliders. My kids love watching the big birds. We also watch George, the great blue heron. Sami has gone from a vulture to a very picky eater. Still loves his treats for lunch and snacks, but will eat only grilled Fancy Feast and not the same flavor two days in a row. This summer I will introduce a labradoodle puppy into our furry family. They both like dogs, just something else to play with so Stella will get a warm welcome. The two cats have been a wonderful addition to my life and I thank you all for making such a difference.

(Last update: Feb 15th, 2018 6pm)

Sweet as pie and friendly too! I just need a few days of patience and a calm environment and in turn I will reward you with years of love! I'm a headbutting fool now. I roll around and show my belly and run jump in foster mom or dad's lap. Great habits--grooming, litterbox, and scratching post....I get an A+.

Wait--I am now integrating ---with two large dogs and a herd of cats (okay I'm dramatizing on the herd part) so really---11 days and I've made that kind of progress. Yay for ME!!

Everything to adore here!

Love, Kiki

Name:   Kiki
ID#: VA9825
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/20/14
Adopted: 02/15/14
Congrats: Dee
Foster: Teresa

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Kiki is cautious but coming out from under the bed to sleep on the bed at night and will come to us for pets...still spooked easily, but oh so sweet!

2 months home : still keeping to the bedroom most of the time but comes out in family room to eat and some exploration, friendly to let us pet her most of the time...don't know if she will ever come out to family room to be a part of the family...

3 months with us today, she is doing well...took down the gate to bedroom so she and dog are totally mingled, yet a tad aprehensive yet....very good idea to take it slow.....

2 years, she is doing well, but prefers my husband....he likes her, but I'm the one that wanted her. She still has some skitterish moments.

(Last update: Feb 15th, 2018 11am)

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Name: Habibi

(FKA Timmy Tiptoes)

ID#: VA8274
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 12/27/11
Adopted: 02/15/12
Congrats: Alisa
Foster: Siri

Well I've had my ups and downs and hopefully my bloodwork is on the down side soon, because some of the values have been just too high. I take my meds like a champ, play like there's no end in sight, and believe in loving like crazy. Stay tuned for more as my health improves!

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Notes from Home
I can’t believe Habibi has been with us for 6 years!
(Last update: Feb 15th, 2018 7am)

I'm a cuddle bunny and will be a soulmate to someone special, is that you?

I would fit into your home easily and be the purrfect companion as long as you don't mind loud purrs and have a knee I can take a nap on when I have finished running around.

I'm a super gal and a fun kitten.

Name: Luna

(FKA Lucy)

ID#: VA12466
Location:  Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 12/30/17
Adopted: 02/10/18
Congrats: Cynthia
Foster: Jo

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Luna is doing great! She is eating and drinking, using the liter box, playing and laying in our laps. She seems very comfortable and relaxed. We love her already!
(Last update: Feb 14th, 2018 7pm)

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Name:   Rufous
ID#: VA5494
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 01/20/08
Adopted: 02/13/08
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

I'm just a typical flame male kitten - and that means I love every one both people and other kitties. I'm friendly, loveable, and playful. What more could you ask for? Just ask about me and foster mom will tell you what a great little guy I am.

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Notes from Home
Rufous is s big Wonderful Flame Point.
I could not of asked for a better well behaved and beautiful cat

Rufous is a Great Cat

(Last update: Feb 14th, 2018 6pm)

Just arrived and like my sister, Annie, I'm not afraid of the doggie here, I love to cuddle and play, am good with my litter box and have a good appetite. I, too, would like a male kitty to go home with, so why not pick one from the pages here and ask about me, too!

Name: Olivia

(FKA Molly)

ID#: VA7154
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 07/22/10
Adopted: 08/07/10
Congrats: Christine
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Olivia is doing great. She just loves everyone. Her brother Spencer is also doing great also. He is super affectionate and has become a love bug.

(Last update: Feb 14th, 2018 2pm)

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Name:   Ginger
ID#: VA6666
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 10/15/09
Adopted: 02/14/10
Congrats: Denise
Foster: Jeannie

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Hellooooo! I'm back! My forever home wanted kids and as I now know, kids start off as babies and they are LOUD (yuck!), so here I am, looking for my true forever home. I like kids overall, just not toddlers and kids under 5. Those older ones, they like to cuddle and pet me and pay me the attention I deserve, you know what I mean?

I love to love on you, talk to you, follow you, help you eat - I want to be part of every aspect of your life. And did I mention I am a tortie? My lavender/grey/orange colors and super-soft fur speak for themselves. And if you think I'm fibbing, I'll tell you myself. :) I'm okay with other cats and okay with woofers, and active and vocal.

And I'll be shedding a couple of those pounds - foster meowm says the diet I had to be on with my furfriend made me pudgy and has me on a lower fat diet to let me show off what she calls my beuatiful bone structure. As long as there's food.....

If you think you'd like to add a chatty, somewhat bossy, always hungry and very lovable tortie to your life, let foster meowm know. I'll make sure she replies!

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Notes from Home
2/14/2018: We bought a new house at the end of 2015 and she stopped using the litter boxes shortly after that. I'm not sure if the arthritis makes it painful for her to climb into the cat genies and she doesn't like the other boxes if the other cats use them. She's reliably going on puppy pads on the tile floor, so it's manageable at least.

We're working on trying to improve the arthritis but she also has early stage kidney disease, so some of the things we did earlier (off label Adequan) I'm hesitant to continue. My vet has a few options (like laser therapy) that we're going to try to see if it helps her feel better.

Personality wise, she's great. She's really started snuggling a lot in the past few years and if my husband doesn't spend enough time on the couch she yells at him until he sits on the couch for snuggles. She tolerates the other cats fine, but most of the time the three are in a cuddle pile its because Romeo laid on her and then Oliver laid on Romeo. She doesn't initiate the snuggle pile but will sleep through it.

She also sits at my husband's head in the morning and waits for him to open an eye. When he does, she'll either lick his nose or headbutt his face. She's a very prompt alarm clock for her breakfast!

Thanks again for setting us up with her, she's a real delight even with the box troubles.

7/25/2015: Ginger seems to be done with the inappropriate urination. Hooray! She's been going in the box faithfully for a few years now. Switching to the Cat Genies seems to have done the trick.

She's getting older and developing arthritis (and resisting all attempts to get her to loose weight). Despite the arthritis (which makes her climb the stairs *very* slowly), she has recently started playing with (and WRESTLING) with Romeo (VA 10242). She's always tolerated the other cats that we've had in the house, but she seems to really like Romeo.

Otherwise, she's the same as she's always been. If we aren't paying enough attention to her she yells at us until we pet her or let her sit on our shoulders, or whatever she wants. She thinks she's a 6 lb shoulder cat even though we keep telling her that she is NOT.

Added 5/26/12: I've been hesitant to update because I think we've really really sorted out her inappropriate elimination issues (but didn't want to jinx it by writing).

So, I thought the problem was that she didn't like using the box after another cat used it. We solved that issue by locking her up in the master suite, and it worked... as long as another cat didn't sneak in and use her box without us noticing (when that happened, we had to change the litter and completely wash the box to get her to use it again). Also, when we were home but not in the bedroom she would get very upset (jumping at the door and crying).

This winter, we switched all of the cat boxes to Cat Genies (they use plastic pellets and wash the pellets after a cat uses the box). Ginger took to the new box immediately, almost entirely discontinuing use of the traditional box, and I've only found one inappropriate urination since we installed the genie in the bedroom in January (and that was during the first week transition period).

After we were sure that she had switched over, we started letting her out into the rest of the house with the other cats (for an hour, then gradually increasing the amount of time). We still keep the bedroom door closed at night (don't want the box to run while we're asleep) and when we aren't home, but she's becoming a full member of the household again. :-)

The other cats have used "her" box in the bedroom, but since it washes everything afterwards, it doesn't seem to bother her.

So, I THINK we've got the problem solved. Now to work on her weight... she got very pudgy lounging in the bedroom by herself.

Added 02/22/11: I think we've finally got the urination problems sorted out; she goes outside of the box about once every two months (and has been like that since October). We lock her in the master bedroom/bathroom while we're out of the house or asleep. I suspect the problem is that she doesn't like Juliet using her litter box.

She's doing pretty well. She doesn't like to snuggle, but she always wants to be in the same room with us (often sacked out in a corner somewhere, snoring loudly). She's very fun to talk to. :-) We chat every morning while I'm in the shower (it must look pretty horrifying for her).

Added 04/17/10: Nathaniel got a few snaps of her being cute. The images are on my flickr page



Added 04/15/10: We've been having some inappropriate elimination issues. I've tried a BUNCH of stuff, and things will seem to work for a day or two, but then she'll go back to using the carpet.

Other than that, she's a sweetie and loves to be carried around the house and will hold conversations with us.

Ginger saw the vet on Saturday. She'll be getting her teeth cleaned soon, so she had blood drawn to make sure she was okay beforehand, but otherwise she got a clean bill of health (oh, and she needs to loose weight, but we knew that).

Hunter and Juliet both approach her and she'll let them sniff her for a minute before she tells them to back off. Hunter doesn't get the message as quickly so he's been batted a few times, but he's learning.

When she's closed in a room she stares at the door a lot... she's tired of being closed in rooms and wants to have free reign of the house!

(Last update: Feb 14th, 2018 9am)

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