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First Prize: Tied for Best Black Lab Imitation

Trouble I am not! Fun loving I am! As brother Toby said, if you've got some of those d*gs, we'd be delighted to come live in your home. And if you don't? Then I'll practice my fetching and tail wagging skills, and we'll be black labs for you! And we're a woofer, I mean two-fer, of a deal! We are everything a family needs when starting out, or restarting, their feline family. All those endearing Siamese qualities- vocal, curious, interactive, friendly. meet and greet, laid back, devoted, affectionate - need I say more?
Name: Titus

(FKA Trouble)

ID#: VA3231
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 23 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Oriental
DateIn: 03/05/05
Adopted: 09/08/05
Congrats: Patricia
Foster: Siri



Notes from Home
I go by Titus now, though trouble is definitely my game. Doing great, though I am still a bully, and very worried about where my next meal is coming from.
(Last update: Jul 10th, 2012 5pm)

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Name:   Toby
ID#: VA3232
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 23 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Oriental
Date In: 03/05/05
Adopted: 09/08/05
Congrats: Patricia
Foster: Siri

First Prize: Tied for Best Black Lab Imitation

Let me guess. You're looking for a friendly type guy. Got it. Looking for a lap sitter. Got it. Looking for a cat fine with dogs. You bet. Fine with kids. Absolutely. Funloving and affectionate. Can't beat it. Okay with other cats. Well, yes with my brother, but that's it. You want two cats. We're a pair. You want vocal but not overwhelming. Trust me. You want healthy and active and not too old.

Well what in the world are you waiting for?????

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Notes from Home
Toby is as crazy as ever, and pretty happy for a cat that's been dying for years. :)
(Last update: Jul 10th, 2012 5pm)

A bit shy but once we connect, I'm all mush. I like other cats so would like it best if I had a pal; I'm a petite cat (and cute I might add) so let's talk about getting together some time?
Name:   Calabash
ID#: VA7961
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 08/08/11
Adopted: 09/03/11
Congrats: Patricia
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Callie is doing great. She just managed to delete my first attempt at this, so here goes, again. She was very passive and sweet for the first week, but after some time, her personality is emerging, and she is quite the little imp. She is warming up to the other animals, and does not seem overly shy. She is active, curious, playful, and affectionate. Her health and appetite are excellent, and she uses her box faithfully. She will see the vet soon, though there is nothing of concern to report. We are thoroughly enjoying her.

Callie is doing fantastic. She is no longer petite, but a fairly stocky little snowshoe. Her color has darkened as well. Her personality is awesome. Playful and funny, though prone to chewing through cords. Goodbye mouse, goodbye headphones.

(Last update: Jul 10th, 2012 5pm)

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Name:   Jasmine
ID#: VA8267
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/23/11
Adopted: 06/23/12
Congrats: Stephanie
Foster: Bonnie

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs

It looks like I'm finally going to my fur-ever home :)
I'll have to be nice to Benjamin Bunny, but I can do that. I'll have my own real Paw and Meowme.

Watch for this spot to be empty and then you can cheer to my success.

Thank you VASCR for having faith in me, and believing we could find the right family. John and Stephanie, and Bunny Brother Benjamin are a wonderful family.

Smiling and Happy Ever After,

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Notes from Home
07.10.12 Jasmine continues to do well at home and she has brought so much joy to our home. Her & Benjamin are a very cute pair. She is also getting very fit as we have been playing a lot; she has some favorite toys and loves to play fetch. We have also taught her how to "sit" and "rise" on command! She is so smart :)

Hooray!! Jasmine is safe at home and integrating well into her new family! She was cuddling and purring like a motorboat last night. She has met her new bunny-brother, Benjamin, and they are getting along well already.

Thank you SCRC for everything and we can't wait to keep posting about Jasmine.

(Last update: Jul 10th, 2012 5pm)

Sir Lancelot here, newly arrived and awaiting entrance to my new kingdom! I may be named after royalty, but no snooty-tude here. I am one laid back, lover and my shelter-angels say that they think I'll be everyone's favourite: guys, gals, cats, kids - DOGS even - that's how easy-going I am. Seriously, I even give hugs around the neck with my paws and dignified kitty kisses on the face!

The great thing about me is that I love everyone - the bad thing is that I can't rule everyone's kingdom. SO, since I don't discriminate I figure the fairest way to choose whose roost I rule is to pick the one who chooses me first - click fast!

Sir Lancelot
Name: Pumpkin

(FKA Sir Lancelot)

ID#: VA8542
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/17/12
Adopted: 06/09/12
Congrats: Madeleine
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
its only been a week, but what a boy! We LOVE him so much.. fits right in with the family. Loves to be held
falls asleep in your arms if you walk with him. Have no issues. Did stare at my parakeets for a while, but thats over. Thanks again Jennifer and Lashawn and to everyone who brought him to me on our 13 hour voyage.
It was really smooth sailing.. Happy trails for now .
June 24th,2012: Its been 2 weeks but we feel he has been with us 2 years! Very playful and loving. Likes to take turns sharing his naps on our laps. New thing is to go above the sofa and sit behind my head watching tv.Only bad habit is he likes to get up at 3am and run crazy through the entire house! We have had some discussions about his curfew, but he just smiles and runs. Ha! Anyway Pumpkin is the best cat, loves his kibble and wet. And his large blue eyes will melt the hardest heart. WE LOVE HIM!
7/9/12: All is going very well. Pumpkin is just sooooo loving. He plays with Lucy our dog much to her dismay. Loves to watch all the birdhouses and has claimed the best chair in the kitchen for that!Again it feels like he has always been here. He is so loving and caring. Really misses you when your away, and greets you at the door, Hey mom can I help with the packages? No issues, just alot of loving.. Take care Mady

(Last update: Jul 9th, 2012 11am)

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Name:   Tinkerbell
ID#: VA7579
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 02/21/11
Adopted: 04/03/11
Congrats: Edward
Foster: Julie

Foster Notes

I LOVE kids. They light up my life! I like laps. I am a great biscuit maker. I can greet you when you come home and make you feel very special. But I can't change your life unless you ask about me!

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Notes from Home
Tinkerbell has finally settled in with her new home. It took her a while to trust us but she is now a sweet little girl.
(Last update: Jul 8th, 2012 11pm)

I am a winner! Pick me!

I'm ready to go home--I love activity and playing. I am a young boy with energy and there are too many middle age and old cats here at this rescue rehab place called a "foster home". I need a romp and roll buddy so keep me in mind if you have a cat friend for me and would like a snugglebug for yourself :)


Name:   Cinnabun
ID#: VA5580
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 03/12/08
Adopted: 06/29/08
Congrats: Maria
Foster: Teresa

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
After four years, we're still loving our Bun! Mr. Bun remains affectionate and playful. He's had a change of heart toward the kids and now loves to have them pet and brush him. His main joy is as Daddy's lap cat. He also loves roughhousing with his buddy, Ulrike, late into the night.
(Last update: Jul 8th, 2012 7pm)

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Name: Mya

(FKA Joanie)

ID#: VA8534
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 05/12/12
Adopted: 06/20/12
Congrats: Mark
Foster: Debi

Oh Happy Days~~Here I am all safe & sound~Got my brothers by my side & ready to rock N roll into your home~Are you ready??? If so, get clicking!! I'm a sweet & confident little gal! I'll be ready to come home around the 23rd of June!


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Notes from Home
7 Jul Update: I am the new queen of this house, it is all mine, till they brought home another kitten. He is locked away in my Master Bathroom.. Mine!! I think I will hiss at him from the other side of the door, just to say it is my house. At least the other family members still play and pet me lots. But I am not sure about this sharing of time. I will give Morpheus a few more days to see if I begin to get use to him.. I mean, he has a couple of my toys.. I will keep you posted on new updates as the queen of the household.

Day 5 Update:
Purchase 4 more litter boxes in preparation for Morpheus. Cleaned up downstairs and filled the litter boxes and placed water and food bowl downstairs. Opened the door to our Master Bedroom.. She is taking her time exploring everything.. used one of the new litter boxes downstairs.. She is having fun.. tonight.. she will be back in our bedroom and Bath.. Things are going great.. Will send another update later on..

Day 3 & 4 Update:
My has access to Master Bedroom and Bath. I think her nickname is going to Ms. Rocket.. When goes, she is off like a rocket. Bounding over King size bed and around the room, zoom..zoom.. She knows where the litter box is still and uses it constantly. She love her dry food and drinks lots of water. At night we still place her in the Master bath, as she is wild at night and jumps on the bed and attack toes that stick out of covers. Lol.. she does love chasing the lumps that move under the blankets, she is still trying to find out what they are ;) .. She comes to all family members, and loves to be petted and played with.. she is a joy to be with..

Day 1 & 2 Update:
Mya is having fun in the Master Bathroom. She is eating and drinking well, and using the litter box. She found her new favorite toy, a clothes pin.. lol.. every time she hits it with her paw it spins.. Mya enjoys playing with all family members, and loves to be petted. She misses us when we go to bed, as we can here her meowing for more play time ;).. Soon she will have Morpheus (Gabriel) to play with when her arrives. Though at that time, she will be on the other side of the fence in the big house, and he will be stuck in the Master Bathroom.. lol.. All the updates for now.. will post new pictures soon.. :D

(Last update: Jul 7th, 2012 5pm)

I am a super go with the flow, get along, lap cat kind of guy. What more could you need?

Well, okay, I have to confess that I come with some kitty asthma. We don't know yet how severe it might be. And my lifestyle might make a difference there. Don't open your windows nor have a screen porch for kitties? I might be just the guy for you.

I am affectionate, playful and get along with EVERYONE. I think I am well worth some extra risk.

I love old Georgie. He plays soccer with me and lets me rest my head on him. He was so glad to see me after I spent the day at the vet. I mean really, he plays soccer!

I am the most super boy! I didn't mean to have asthma. Could you love me anyway?
Name:   Utah
ID#: VA8538
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 05/13/12
Adopted: 06/22/12
Congrats: Thomas
Foster: Julie


Notes from Home
Just wanted to let you know that Utah is thriving here. He is the prince here and my girls are his minions. Even the dog seems to understand that he's all that and a bag of chips! Although he still has some asthma attacks, they don't last long and he doesn't seem to be stressed about it at all. He is one cool kitty!

Utah is absolutely adored and already has his own page on Cat Channel and I will be putting up a page on Facebook. Yes, we think he is the bestest cat around!!

We want to thank you for all of your hard work. Utah came with so many goodies and I thought that was the Welcome Kit that I had ordered.. However, when we got home, there was a box with the Welcome Kit. Your fosters are great people who seriously love these little guys!

(Last update: Jul 7th, 2012 2pm)

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Name: Ping

(FKA Whiskey)

ID#: VA8108
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 10/06/11
Adopted: 11/26/11
Congrats: Amy
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Sensitive soul seeks like minded individual to cuddle, snuggle, commiserate, celebrate, and share life paths together. I do get my feelings hurt and I worry about things, though you might never know that from my calm and quick to adjust exterior, deep down I'm insecure. Shower me with a little attention and love, kindness and warmth and I'll be your soulmate type kitty, I promise.

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Notes from Home
Hi Everyone,

Well it has been a little over 6 months since Ping came "home" to us. We had some concerns in the beginning; he needed to trust that he was truly rescued from all the change and chaos that had happened to him. He finally knows he is not going anywhere, and we are (emotionally) moved every day by his growing affection and personality! He is really funny when we play, and he talks to us all the time now. This is a good boy, a great cat. We only wish we could have had him as a kitten, and spared him the bad stuff, the confusion. I am so happy it all worked out that he was the kitty we ended up adopting through Siamese Rescue. It really was meant to be!

(Last update: Jul 5th, 2012 10pm)

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