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Non-stop, bouncing off the walls, exploring everything, typical kitten. I am always with my BFF (best feline friend) Delilah.

High energy, get under your feet typical kitten. very curious and into everything. Loves to snuggle but not a sedentary lap cat.
Name:   Chubbs
ID#: VA13147
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 5 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 12/08/19
Adopted: 01/19/20
Congrats: Rachel
Foster: Chelsea

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Chubbs has no fear of anything- he even purred through his first vet visit! He happily bounces around the house and sits on Delilah’s head every chance he gets. Chubbs is an absolutely delightful kitten.

Chubbs has stolen his way into my husband’s heart. Chubbs is always there to greet you when you come home and spends his days sitting on Delilah, bird watching from the windows, and chirping his way through the house.

(Last update: May 16th, 2020 8pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Delilah
ID#: VA13146
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 5 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 12/08/19
Adopted: 01/19/20
Congrats: Rachel
Foster: Chelsea

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
very curious, into everything kitten. Of course, I am always with my buddy Chubbs!

Delilah likes to follow you around and is under the feet. She is a very busy kitten. LIkes to cuddle but not a sedentary lap cat. She is a high energy kitten!

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Notes from Home
Delilah is becoming more and more outgoing and opinionated. She cuddles and purrs every night and plays with Chubbs all day. She is wonderful! Thank you to everyone that helped get her here!

Delilah is more and more vocal every day. She has grown so much and is a larger cat now than Chubbs. They are perfect and I’m so glad to have them,

(Last update: May 16th, 2020 8pm)

I am sweet as can be and can hardly wait to play with the other kitten friends here. I was living with lots and lots and lots of other cats so it is very different being alone. Not for long, I am told! I should be ready to go home the end of September-beginning of October.
Name:   Demi
ID#: VA12745
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 08/11/18
Adopted: 12/01/18
Congrats: Ladijah
Foster: Julie


Notes from Home
It has been a little over a year since I adopted Demi and I couldn’t be happier with her in my life! Julie definitely kept me updated throughout the process and although Demi had a few medical issues in the beginning, they were fixed before she arrived and haven’t been a problem since.

Demi is extremely affectionate and has to be in every room I’m in. She will even wait outside the bathroom or kitchen for me. She loves to play in the sheets when I’m changing them. She’s so intelligent and very vocal. She can be a bit timid with new people but eventually opens up. Otherwise I’m her world and we have a really strong bond. Every day is never boring with her due to her having so much personality- I really feel like I have a toddler sometimes! She’s very active and new toys often are a must. She loves mouse toys and will play by herself by flinging them around in the air. She also likes to watch birds and squirrels on the tv and play roach games on the iPad.

She’s a Siamese cat to the T and I’m so glad Siamese Rescue were able to help me find my perfect cat.

(Last update: Apr 26th, 2020 2pm)

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Name: Kami

(FKA Zoey)

ID#: VA13189
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 03/13/20
Adopted: 03/27/20
Congrats: Stephanie
Foster: Elizabeth

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Is gentle and sweet if a bit on the more cautious side in the beginning. Enjoys pets and being brushed. She was somebody's pet for sure.

Did very well for her bath. Hates my female cats - must be the queen bee. If needed I can test her with dogs.

So far a lap cat and very playful. Chasing balls and toys around her room - sounds like a herd of elephants in there. Comes and greets me when I go into her room. Getting to be very doglike following me around and chirpy.

Eating well both wet and dry food and uses the litter box as she should.

See her videos.

Due to the current Corona Virus - she will only be allowed to go to MD/VA/DC/PA/DE adopters at this time.

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Notes from Home
March 27, 2020

We doing great! I was going to leave Zoey alone for a while to adjust but as soon as I went in to give her her water she came running out and wanted to make friends. We have been playing with the cat tracks ball toy, I gave her an Ikea rat which she carried around, and she stole the wand toy from me. She even tried jumping in and out of my lap a few times to see how that felt. She is surprisingly outgoing for a cat in a new place with a new person.

She and I will need to have a talk about names pretty soon because my sister's name is Zoe. But for now she is the princess of the house and that is all that matters.

April 4, 2020

What a difference a week makes! First, a new name. She is Kami. I tried several names and she did seem to react to this one by looking at me or chirping at me. Maybe it sounds enough like "kitty" to seem familiar. With all she has been through, familiar is good. Kami means "spirit" in Japanese. She is out of her safe room and so Kami thinks she is out of quarantine! She seemed a bit overwhelmed when I took her out on walks in the house on a leash so I was a little concerned about how she would be when I set her loose. But she just followed me around the house for a day before going exploring on her own. She is no longer afraid of the windows. She has discovered the cat perches and uses them. She is very well behaved for any cat between 1 and 1 1/2 -- amazing for a shelter cat. She comes and gets me and chirps to tell me she wants to play. I am really enjoying getting to know her, watch her find her courage, and see her learn that she can relax in her new house.

April 25, 2020

Kami is a great cat. She chatters and talks in a high pitched voice. She has a lot to say. This is good because we have had some things to negotiate. She decided that she wants to sleep on top of the wardrobe, so I have put a bed up there and made steps so that she can get up and down safely. She has another bed on the floor that she just plays in. I am explaining that she can't wrestle with my hand. Fortunately she responds to "Ow." Giving her a toy instead of my hand to bite also works. Her favorite toy is the feather wand, so she can bite that. She used to just take that away from me in a second or two and parade it around the house in triumph. Recently she has realized that if she lets me have it back I will make it go again. Sometimes I can even get her to bring it to me! I am not sure if she will be a fetch cat, but she sees the logic in letting me have the wand an she will roll a ball back and forth with me. I am teaching her to let me clip her toenails, one or two at a time. With most of my cats, a treat was the reward. She is more interested in getting a round of play with that feather wand as a reward. She seems more muscular than when she arrived. I weighed her and she is 9 pounds now. I am glad to have this time with her. She is good when I am working at home, but she doesn't understand video meetings. Such a lot to learn!

(Last update: Apr 25th, 2020 6pm)

Just arrived and settling in here. My mom died and I was taken to a shelter where an angel pulled me right away and called Siamese Cat Rescue. I'm still settling in right now, but meowmy said she tell you all about me soon.

Update: I now have a sunny room with my brother, Stryder, a heated bed all to myself and tasty food every day. I don't like other female cats and need to go home with Stryder. I'll sit on your lap and make biscuits, and sleep with you in your bed.

Name:   Arwen
ID#: VA12929
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 03/18/19
Adopted: 04/14/19
Congrats: Nancy
Foster: Jeanne

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
4/14/20 Arwen & Stryder are wonderful. Arwen loves everyone and she lets me know if she isn’t getting enough attention in her opinion. So happy to have them both. Thank you everyone for helping me adopt them.
2/9/20 Arwen loves everyone and is very social with people and loves to play-more than a normal 10 year old. I think as a kitten she was the one climbing the curtains! She is opinionated, playful and loves everyone. She is a lap sitter and at night wants to sleep next to me. She started to get signs of having an allergy and my Vet switched her to a new prescription food but 2-weeks later she became very ill. She spent day at Vet soaking up all the attention and had no issue with any of the tests; she would give kisses and jump in any lap! Turned out it was just food allergies. The X-rays showed some arthritis on her spine- but at her age nothing that wasn’t expected and this doesn’t stop her from playing. She is a very active player and talks to let me know when she has her toy and wants someone to be playing with her. She is off all medicine and just on Royal Canin PR canned food is only one she will eat! For Dry food she gets Roay Canin HP since its good for her and Stryder. Her only downside is at times she is a bully to Stryder and I have to use ’tone’ calling her name for her to stop. If she decides she wants to be sleeping where he is she will just attack his neck/stomach while he’s sleeping to get him to move. He continues to adore her and if she leaves a room while he was sleeping, he searches for her once he’s awake. She is sweet and will be in your lap any chance she gets and there isn’t a person she doesn’t like.

6/14/19 Arwen and Stryder are doing great. They both had rechecked as suggested by original vet, both results were perfect. In the beginning Arwen was ‘fresh” to Stryder but she has calmed down and is usually nice to him. Every so often I do have to call her name with a tone so she behaves towards him. They are bonded are very sweet. Arwen is very playful and runs around a lot, Stryder is active but not at the same level as her. Both are very sweet and gentle and friendly to everyone even the vet so far! Stryder is a lap cat when Arwen doesn’t force him out of my lap! I believe they now know they are home but sometimes are still nervous over a noise. Thank you everyone who helped me get these cats- they are WONDERFUL and so happy to have them.

(Last update: Apr 14th, 2020 9pm)

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Name:   Sinclair
ID#: VA13182
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 5 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 02/21/20
Adopted: 03/15/20
Congrats: Erin
Foster: Julie

I came from the same situation as Noemie, Piaf, Quentin, and Octavous. The nice ladies that rescued us ran out of carriers and had to go back so I have been roughing it for a couple weeks. No food and I am so very skinny. But I am a happy go lucky guy and have already put that bad couple weeks behind me. I am most handsome.

I really need a companion because I have lived with so many that it is a little unsettling to be all by myself.

I will be neutered on 2/28/20 instead of the 24th so my Ask About Me date is moving as well.

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Notes from Home
Sinclair has officially made it to the two week mark! He is loving his new home and was very excited to finally meet his new friend, Duchess, about one week ago. She was a little hesitant at first, and still hisses at him on some occasions; but (as seen in the photos) she’s starting to let him sit closer and closer every day! Sinclair LOVES Duchess, and we’re certain she’ll love him back soon. They especially get along during breakfast and dinner time, of course! They’ll be snuggling and playing together in no time. Sinclair sends his love to all of you <3
(Last update: Mar 31st, 2020 9pm)

I am in search of my castle with people to adore me and cater to my every need. Since I am just a little guy, I will need a young buddy at my new home. Kitten Policies apply to me! A younger cat or kitten would be best with me because I like to pounce on and wrestle with my kitty friend.

Do you have gold? crinkle balls, that is .... I love toys and I am a busy kitten. I am full of energy and curiosity so I will walk with you right out the door if you aren't paying attention. Since I move really fast, I get under feet so would not want to trip anyone with unsteady balance.

Name: Vash

(FKA Bronn)

ID#: VA12954
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 5 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 04/28/19
Adopted: 06/13/19
Congrats: Stephen
Foster: Chelsea

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
He's having fun exploring the bedroom. We're taking turns introducing him to his new home and lavishing attention on the other cats so their noses don't get out of joint. I managed to get one good picture and a bunch of white streaks -- maybe when he finally tires himself out he'll sit still long enough to get more pics.

We've decided to name him "Vash" after the character "Vash the Stampede" from the *Trigun* anime. He definitely lives up to it.
He's curious and smart. I treated some phone charge cords with bitter scent to discourage chewing -- he briefly nibbled on one spot, quit, tried another spot, quit, tried a third spot, and then figured out that it *all* tastes bad and quit.

Vash had a checkup at our vet (6/20/19). Everything looks good, but he'll have to come in for another rabies shot in a month (Virginia requires a vaccination at four months and presumes that ones given before then might not "take"). He was a good boy, though a bit unsure about the whole thing. The staff all made a fuss over him.

Vash is gradually getting introduced to Vir (tabbypoint Siamese) and Dorothy (black smoke). So far, there's been some hissing and posturing, but generally a cautious detente as they get used to each other.

6/25 -- Vash and Dorothy have started playfully chasing and batting each other, with only a very occasional bit of hissing (usually because Vash got too much in Dorothy's face). Vir mostly prefers to ignore the other two. That's pretty much how we expected things to work out from Dorothy and Vir's personalities.

6/29 -- Vash has been making friends (mostly with Dorothy who is the more energetic grown cat; Vir prefers to nap). His face and paws are showing more flame point coloring.

7/11 -- The other two cats are warming up to him, wrestling with him when he gets playful with only rare outbreaks of hissing.

11/30 -- Added a picture of him at ~7mo showing his points coming in.

3/27: Vash and Cocoa (VA13145) love to play together. Dorothy is mellowing out in her middle age but still mostly ignores the two younger cats. Sadly, Vir has passed away (at 15 yr); Vash had really bonded to him. All three cats are glad to have their humans home all day after my office went to all-telework mode. Vash has grown into a big boy -- he has a large solid frame, but we're keeping an eye on his diet to make sure he doesn't put on excess weight.

(Last update: Mar 27th, 2020 8am)

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Name: Cocoa

(FKA Pringle)

ID#: VA13145
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 5 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 12/08/19
Adopted: 12/30/19
Congrats: Stephen
Foster: Sandi

Jingle jingle, it's me Pringle! A cute little Lynx boy with a stellar personality, someone better snatch me up soon! I won't be here long.

Pringle is social, outgoing, incredibly friendly, and playful. He has beautiful blue eyes and a really interesting Lynx coat. His paws almost look spotted like a leopard. A lap cat for sure!

Who wants to ring in the new year with me?!?!

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Notes from Home
1/1: We've named him "Cocoa". He's gotten over much of his initial shyness and come out to explore the room and started asking for attention.

1/4: Cocoa is warming up to his new people, going from accepting attention to actively demanding it. He's also gotten curious about the other cats; at least once Cocoa and Vash have played patty-cake with their paws under the door. Cocoa and the other two cats have occasionally caught sight of each other as the door is opened; they hissed and fluffed tails the first few times but now seem more curious than alarmed.

1/9: Cocoa was a bit nervous but not timid at the vet, curiously looking at two big dogs in the waiting room and tolerating the poking and prodding pretty well. The vet noticed some inflammation of the gums that may signal problems later; we'll keep an eye on that and see if we can get him to tolerate having his teeth brushed. In general, he's in good health.

1/16: After getting the all-clear from the vet based on Cocoa's test results, we introduced him to Vash (9 month old flame point previously adopted from Siamese Rescue) and Dorothy (10 year old black smoke). After a bit of initial posturing and tail-fluffing, Cocoa and Vash have taken to playing chase and gently wrestling. Dorothy preferred to ignore the younger cats and reacquaint herself with the bedroom where Cocoa had been isolated.

1/17: Cocoa and Vash are becoming buddies, playing and sharing the cat tree. Dorothy, the older cat, tends to be more solitary and mostly ignores the younger cats.

3/27: Cocoa and Vash (VA12954) love to play together. Dorothy is mellowing out in her middle age but still mostly ignores the two younger cats. All three cats are glad to have their humans home all day after my office went to all-telework mode.

(Last update: Mar 27th, 2020 8am)

Playful, loving, social, energetic little seal point boy.

Loves people, loves other cats, loves his cat food.

Excellent litter box and scratching post use.

Sleeps next to you under the covers at night.

Would be great with older children, other cats, probably also respectful dogs.

Won't be on website long.....click "ask about me" soon!
ID#: VA11718
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/25/16
Adopted: 11/03/16
Congrats: Robert
Foster: Deirdre

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
I'm afraid I have been lax in updating the information about our adoption of Theodore in November of 2016. When Theo came to us he was about 7 months old and was a quiet, gentle soul. He has not changed at all. Theo moved in to join our other Siamese rescue, Thumper. Where Thumper is a 'people person' who has never met a stranger and tries to make up with anyone who enters our front door, Theo prefers to be private, wants to be cuddled but only when he wants to be. He has slightly crossed eyes which is likely why he was abandoned by the breeder that likely dumped him and some litter mates along the road. We are very thankful that they did! From the day he came to us, Theo has been a joy to his new parents. He loves to lay in wait until his older 'brother' Thumper walks by. Then he leaps out, swats Thumper and starts the wrestling. They share food bowls, water bowls, toys and us. Each of them has chosen one of us to prefer - Theo prefers Linda and Thumper favors me. Our boys get along so well it is almost like they were litter mates. Other than the fact that Thumper is almost 2 years old and came from Peoria Illinois! It is very hard to believe we have had Theo for over 40 months. I wish everyone had the success we have had from our two rescued boys.
(Last update: Mar 24th, 2020 8pm)

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Name: Sunny

(FKA Ava Gabor)

ID#: VA13171
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 02/02/20
Adopted: 02/23/20
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Rebekah

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I am a sweet and gentle lap cat. My sister Zsa Zsa and I ended up in a shelter in Virginia and we are VERY happy to be in our foster home while we wait for our forever home! We are a bonded pair, so we must go home together (we even like to ride in the same carrier!). We adjusted very quickly to our new foster home and didn't make a sound in the car ride!

I am a little friendlier than my sis, but that's not saying much, we both love people and laps! I'll stand on my back legs to get more pets - I never seem to get tired of attention!

Check out my "curly tail" in the video! My foster mom says she saw cats with tails like ours in Thailand!

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Notes from Home
Well, they've been here a bit over a week and have totally made it their own. They are both walking, running and jumping to the best of their ability. Lots of windows and places to perch with intermediate "steps" to reach the bit higher places. Getting glucosamine and Chondroitin to help with joints. Three small meals of Royal Canin Intense Beauty wet food each day with open feeding of measured kibble, WholeHearted from Petco, similar to what they were eating in foster. Taking them off easy to digest food since they seem constantly hungry and I'm hoping the food will sustain them a bit longer.
Excellent litter habits. They also get drops for the ear yeast, that's been interesting. Ava/Sunny is having no part of those. She fights even wrapped in a towel. But ZsaZsa/Sassy responds so well to being wrapped that she is easy to treat! Provided I can drape a towel over her first, then tuck it under, she is completely submissive to ear drops.
We gave them more parts of the house yesterday. First was the 12x30 living room and master bedroom, ranch house with one main level. then opened the kitchen 12x40 with laminate flooring. They are running around the house (circular floor path) and getting even more exercise. Next week we will open the basement and they can run the carpeted stairs and enjoy the bay window with lots of birds and squirrels outside.
So overall they are adjusting super well and we love having them. Lots of lapping and purrs.
Thank you everyone for all of your help.

(Last update: Mar 2nd, 2020 1pm)

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