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Handome romeo of a blue point ready to purr my way into your life! I love to play and purr and be brushed. Do you need a snugglebug for the chilly winter? Do you need a little conversation in your world? I am Siamese through and through - smart, sneaky, a little vocal, and I love people.

I'd be great as an only cat or I'm getting along with some of the others here, too. And even the dog isn't so bad. Foster mom says I'm a character, and that if you're up for a great relationship, ask her about me and she'll fill you in!

Name:   Sir Thomas
ID#: VA8798
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
DateIn: 09/12/12
Adopted: 03/07/13
Congrats: Gregory
Foster: Rinn

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
11/10/13: Let me just start off by saying we Love, Love, Love Thomas. He is such a gift!

He has blended nicely, albeit everyone in this house is quirky!! With regard to his thyroid condition, he came to us on a special diet. Well, with 2 other cats in the house, it didn’t go well. Thomas wanted their food (Science Diet) and Lola developed a liking for Thyroid food!!! It was also difficult to put down food without him running from bowl to bowl. Soooo, we went with Plan B which is the topical medication inside his ear twice a day for his thyroid so everyone could be on the same diet. One down side is that he has gained weightL Should I strike it rich or gain extra moneys in the future, we would definitely consider the radiation treatment. We are fortunate to have very close to us the NC State Vet School/Hospital which is where we would take him and a bonus is that we have friends that are Vets on staff there!

Ok, Greg just walked by and said, “We love him to death till 4:00 in the morning!!” He is being drama like, but Thomas knows his breakfast time and is very vocal about it. Don’t worry, though, he has two partners in crime and Greg is always awake then!!! Thomas is very vocal or should I say talks a lot (so do I). His vocal range is interesting because he can do the softest meow to what Greg calls the James Brown – Meow!!

The first night, Thomas spent the night on the dining room floor. Very shortly thereafter, he moved his digs to the red velvet sofa in the living room (pix to follow) and that has been his bed/chill space since then. Everyone needs a red velvet sofa to flop on, wouldn’t you say??? We don’t mind at all….when company comes, we take off such blankies and then when guests leave, we’re back in business as the day bed. Very early in the morning, he will come up in the bed and snuggle and get some shut eye with us. Not shy at all. I think very much at home and has a definite routine.

He is perfectly fine with the litter boxes (we have three in a row). He greets everyone in the morning with a meow (if you meow back, he’ll meow again and again). He greets everyone as well as soon as we get home. We kept his name “legally” - at the Vet and the Pharmacy we order his meds from in Texas – Sir Thomas. However, we call him by Thomas and Greg has even at times shortened it to T-Bone. Don’t feel bad…..my son’s name is Matthew and we call him Otto!

He is a playful chap. We have a string thing that you hang from a door knob which he is particularly fond of.

The only odd thing I have noticed is that he does not groom or snuggle with the other two cats. I know we don’t know his background, but I’ve never seen a cat not know how to greet another cat, groom, etc. He’s friendly with them, interacts with them, but he will lick my hand, but not either of the cats. He’ll lie next to them but with a little space between. Not a big deal….just have never seen it.

(Last update: Nov 15th, 2013 9am)

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Name:   Cocoa
ID#: VA7306
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 09/25/10
Adopted: 11/13/10
Congrats: Rosemary
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

Okay, so I'm a little fur challenged. But I'm a lovey dovey which makes up for it! I'm fine with other cats, don't have a lot of politics, but am more on the easy going liberal side. I'd probably slot in anywhere, but you may have to keep an eye on that front door, as the other side looks interesting! Love to be brushed and if you need a feather duster, my tail's purrfect!

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Notes from Home
11/13/2013 - We can hardly believe that it's been three years since we adopted Cocoa. He is doing well. Even though he hasn't bonded with either of our other two cats he is completely bonded to me. Cocoa is one of those lovey dovey cats that would love to be cradled 24 hours a day. Fortunately, he is not demanding so he is perfectly content just being in the same room. Look for him in the SCRC 2014 calendar - He is the calendar cat for June.

11/13/2012 - Cocoa continues to do well. Out of our three cats, he is the one that is most dedicated to his human - me. Cocoa follows me everywhere. Sometimes for exercise I'll walk up and down the stairs in the house and Cocoa is with me right by my side. When I'm in the shower, he is "scratching" on the glass door for me to come out. If I'm studying, he sits on the corner of my desk. A great addition to the family - I don't know how anyone would give him up.

11/13/2011 - I may be the quietest meezer (or cat for the matter) and I’m not the brightest bulb on the tree, but I make up for it with my love and dedication. I follow meowmy everywhere she goes just to be with her. I sit on the desk while she’s working, on her lap while she’s studying and above her head when she’s sleeping. I even jumped into the bath tub when she was taking a shower to keep her company. I’m sure glad meowmy adopted Mocha so I have someone to play with. I try everyday to play with Tea, the elder cat, but she is in retired mode and doesn’t want to be bothered. She’s so cranky but I keep hoping she’ll change her mind. Mocha and I are best buds, we play together, clean each other and rough house when meowmy is not doting on us.

Meowmy couldn’t upload the videos but she posted some new photos of me. If you want to see me in action, copy and paste these YouTube links. There’s one of me watching a SCRC video – I love watching those.


11/13/2010 - To all my new friends at SCRC I wanted to thank all of you for all the wonderful work that you do. This rescue organization is fantastic. Everything is done in such a thorough and professional manner and the love and care that is shown towards the cats is amazing. We thank you for our beautiful new ball of fur, Cocoa (VA7306) and for the bag of goodies and toys. Cocoa is doing great and is pretty much settled in his furever home. Now that his isolation period is over he’s out and about in the house. Cocoa is very friendly and loving with everyone. He’s still trying to make friends with our resident geezer, Tea, who has become so cranky in her old age. We’re making progress and things are improving each and every day. We will not be changing Cocoa’s name – what combo could be better than Tea and Cocoa.

(Last update: Nov 13th, 2013 5pm)

Can you believe that summer is almost over? And can you believe I'm still looking for a home?? With summer ending and cold weather just around the corner, you need to be prepared. And what better way to be prepared than by adopting a furry lap warmer? I love laps, and I will keep you warm all winter long. I love to be loved, and will return the love you show me. I am so very soft, and so very beautiful both inside and out. I would be fine as your one-and-only, but I also get along very well with other cats, and will even play chase with them as long as they aren't too rough. I use the cat trees for sharpening my claws, and my litter box like a proper lady (of course).
Name:   Cosette
ID#: VA9266
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
DateIn: 05/19/13
Adopted: 10/11/13
Congrats: Hayley
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Me and Cosette have been great! every time I sit or lay down she hops up on my lap. Because of her I've learned how to basically do anything with a cat on my lap. Whenever I'm trying to do work on my laptop she comes and sits on my chest making it a bit hard to do work but she's too cute to move out of the way. Sometimes when I'm watching something on my computer and she's laying on me she'll pause it with one of her paws. She is the cutest little lady. She Always meows to get my attention and if I'm trying to sleep on my side she tries to lay on my hip but that doesn't really work so when I roll over she usually moves to my pillow next to me. I made her a little box house and put a towel in it and she loves it. If she's not on my lap (which she is right now) she is in the box. She doesn't really play much but every now and then she'll bat her tiny pillow toy around, but that usually only lasts a couple of seconds. She isn't really interested in the laser pointer or cat nip plant I got here. All she wants is all laps all the time.She loves sitting in a cushioned chair in my room and she loves to burrow under the blanket and lay on me under there when I'm in bed. She uses her box like a lady and has been eating and drinking fine. I usually crack the door to my room so she has the option to explore but she doesn't seem to like to leave my room much, but I can't complain I love having her all to myself. She has been sneezing a little and chewing at one of her toes and it doesn't look good so I put some antibacterial creme on it and I'm taking her to the vet today. Other than those little concerns she is the perfect little princess and I love her to death.
(Last update: Nov 12th, 2013 11am)

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Name: Lexie

(FKA Wynne)

ID#: VA9543
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 09/15/13
Adopted: 10/12/13
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

I am a wonderful kitten with lots of strong purrs. I love to be cuddled and will purr the loudest I can right in your ear. I want to play with someone but the other cats here look at me like I am too small for them to bother with. I need a buddy for sure. Do you have a buddy for me?

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Notes from Home
Lexie, formerly known as Wynne, has adjusted to her new home fabulously well in just 2 short weeks! She loves to play, loves to eat, loves to explore, and absolutely loves to purr and purr! She's a smart little thing, and already responds to her name when we call her, especially when food is involved!! She and our little dog, Misty get along and would like to play together, but haven't quite figured it all out yet. Many, many thanks to Diana, Jane, the Meezer Express, and all of Siamese Cat Rescue Center for allowing us to adopt this wonderful, affectionate kitten. We love her dearly!!!

Lexie has been in her forever home a whole month already. She is growing like a weed and is totally adjusted to her new life. She is a very playful, sweet, loving and precious little kitty, and we feel so fortunate that we were able to adopt her.

(Last update: Nov 12th, 2013 10am)

I found a home! I will have a new sisfur and brother and people that love me too!

I'm so excited. I'm super loving and have the drop, roll and crawl to ya purrfected. Ringer
Name:   Ringer
ID#: VA9182
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 04/14/13
Adopted: 05/11/13
Congrats: Deborah
Foster: Teresa


Notes from Home
Wow..6 months already !!!!! seems like yesterday I was bringing him home. He has totally taken over. Everything in the house belongs to him, along with his coheart in crime Gabby and sometimes the elderly gentleman cat Soldier. He is a hoot. We did find when we changed vets he had Giarda and Bartonellas, he has gone thru treatment ,taking his medicine like a champ, well most of the time and is a happy well adjusted spoiled halarious lil guy. He also seems to like halloween when he watched all of our numerous trick or treaters for 4 hours from the end table by the porch window. ( the other 2 were sleeping upstairs)
He has suddenly decided he likes to swing from one particular drape which he knows he gets into trouble for. and always gets caught. He stands there while you reprimand him looking at you like a bored teenager, as soon as your done, he calls play time and hes off...Its really hard to get mad at a charachter like that. He is beautiful and everyone who sees him remarks on his good looks. He also stands with his front legs crossed, something that seems to mezmerize people..i've actully never seen a cat do that either. Oh and di i mention he likes to spit ? yes only at my brother when hes on the stairs and John taps on the side of the staircase..Ringer spits at him. Its kind of funny..as soon as he walks away Ringer goes looking for him.
Yes he has found his forever home, making us laugh every night where we sit at the end of the day. who needs tv ? Hes so easy to love. Hes made our family complete and Gabby is the happiest lil girl cat you ever meet....since Ringer came home.
Thank you again and again for all the work you do to help these cats , we will always be grateful for Ringer comming into our life.....

(Last update: Nov 11th, 2013 4pm)

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Name:   Maddie
ID#: VA8788
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 09/08/12
Adopted: 11/11/12
Congrats: John
Foster: Heida

Foster Notes

Sweet, loving girl looking for my forever home ! I have the softest coat you will ever touch, and a lovely fluffy tail ! I have been playing nicely with the resident female cat, so other easy going cats would be ok in my new home.
Ask about me today !

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Notes from Home
Maddie is doing very well. I am living with my mom temporarily and she and one of my mother's cats have become very good friends. They rush out to meet each other every morning (they're kept in separate rooms while the other cats acclimate to Maddie) and spend just about the whole day chasing each other around. Maddie's leg is still bothering her, but it certainly hasn't kept her down. She's the most energetic cat I've ever met and is very clever and curious. She has figured out how to open some of the doors in the house (much to my amusement and dismay) and has figured out that if she brings the toys I throw for her back I'll throw them again. (I make certain not to yell "fetch!")
(Last update: Nov 11th, 2013 10am)

UPDATE: I finally held still long enough for Mama Katie to get a few new pictures and a new video of me. Oh, my, I guess I've grown!! Purrs and cuddles, Skittles

UPDATE: I've been spayed, I;ve had my shots and I am ready to go to my forever home. If you are ready for some sweetness in your life, you'd better ask about me. I am as cute as a button and a very busy girl. If you have another kitten or young cat for me to play with, I'm just about a good at it gets. One of the ladies at the vet office told my foster mom that she is a "dog person", but she said that I am the best kitten ever. Purrs and headbutts, Skittles

Hi - my name is Skittles and I am one of the :Candy Girls". Yes, we are all as sweet as we can be. I'm the lightest one of the three. Our mama was a beautiful seal point Siamese, but we don't know who our daddy cat was. We were born outdoor and lived there with our mama for about 5 weeks. Then we were taken to the shelter where a very nice lady took us to her home to foster us for a couple weeks until we could get into rescue. Now we are safe, happy and very well socialized kittens. I am the adventurous one - first to the top of the kitten playpen, first out of the playpen and firt to balance on top of hte rolling tunnel. I am a big talker, too,. We won't be ready to go home for a while, but you can ask now. We would like to have short trips home, so please ask only if you are in our transport area. If ;you are interested in any of us "candy girls", be sure to hit that :Ask about me" button. Purrs, Skittles
Name:   Skittles
ID#: VA8794
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 09/10/12
Adopted: 11/10/12
Congrats: Mia
Foster: Katie


Notes from Home
Lulu continues to delight our family. She is an active and lively member of the household! She loves to play, and she digs through we toy box to find mice and other toys that she carries all over the house. She loves to sit in an open window and watch the birds, and she is disappointed that we won't open her favorite window in the cold weather. Perhaps we should! My adult cat still isn't thrilled with her presence, but they recently began some chasing play, which we consider a breakthrough! We feel blessed to have her!
(Last update: Nov 10th, 2013 6am)

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Name: Mugsy


ID#: VA9566
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 09/25/13
Adopted: 10/05/13
Congrats: Theresa
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

Hi there all you flame fans!! My name is T K and I am named after the famous race car driver Tony Kanaan. You see, foster mom picked me up at the Speedway PetCo which is within sight of the Indy 500 race track. And, yes, I'm fast, so she gave me a famous driver's name. Around these parts, Tony Kanaan is know as T K, so that's my name.

I am an adorable little flame point kitten who has a huge "motor" and love to "race" around the house. I am already a bit of a door dasher, so you'll have to be prepared to "chase me down" and "pass" me if you want to "catch" me. I am a WINNER just like my namesake, so please "ask about me". I am about ready to go to my forever home because the nice people who took me in initially had almost all my vetting done already. Remember, kitten policies apply to me.

Purrs and headbutts (but no "accidents") from T K

Foster Mom promises more pictures later when she can "catch" me reving my "motor" and not running at "race speed" around the house.

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Notes from Home
Well the little guy and Molly have discovered chestnuts in the shell, tney slide and roll so easily on all surfaces
(Last update: Nov 6th, 2013 11pm)


HMMM....Life at Foster mom's is turning out to be pretty good. She has wet food!
And toys! Lots of toys! She had to show me how to play with them, but I caught on pretty quick. Foster mom's grandson shared my room with me last night and
I kept him up playing with the ball in the track! Hee Hee! She also gives the best cuddles and snuggles and I really like it. I just settle in to her arms and enjoy.
She was so happy last night when she realized I found my PURR! Yep, me, purring away. My life is definitely improving and hopefully I'll soon be ready for my
furever home.


Name: Samurai

(FKA Anak Agung)

ID#: VA8135
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
DateIn: 10/20/11
Adopted: 11/05/11
Congrats: Terry
Foster: Nancy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Hello!!!!! Samurai couldn't be better!!! He has some mouth issues..(at 2 !!!!!) and has had a dental. Other than that...all is well!

(Last update: Nov 6th, 2013 4pm)

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Name: Nanaimo

(FKA Dusty)

ID#: VA8149
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 10/27/11
Adopted: 11/06/11
Congrats: Anita
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

Hi - Dusty here ready for my introduction. I'm finally over my shelter cold and feeling like talking to you all about myself. Let's start by saying that foster mom, who runs Hotel delShue, says I am one of the most handsome and stuuning snowehos she's ever seen. And, she should know since she "loves her shoes" so much. I am a "true shoe" in that I love people, I'm good with other cats, I love to purr and snuggle and have that easy going laid back snowshoe personality. I haven't met any doggies yet or young children, but with my personality, foster mom thinks I will be fine with them. Foster mom took a nap with me the other day and I just purred, headbutted, snuggled and begged her for loving until we both fell asleep side by side - she was breathing heavily and I was purring - I like my sounds the best, though. If you would like a warm, snuggling, purring, headbutting, handsome, happy and WONDERFUL snowehos boy, youj'd better ask about me quickly before I leave the "shoe hotel". Purrs and headbutts, Dusty.

P.S. Wanna know how I got my name. Foster Mom's first nowshoe was a blue point snowshoe that had markings just like mine only she was a blue. She went to the Rainbow Bridge on New Years Eve, so I'm named in memory of her. But you can change my name if you want to if you take me in as your forever family member.

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Notes from Home
November 6, 2013. Nanaimo's second anniversary! Feels as if she has always been here. Loving, spunky friend.
(Last update: Nov 6th, 2013 2pm)

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