Previously Adopted Siamese
The Meezers on these pages have been adopted and are now in their new homes. These pages allow the adopters to provide updates and pictures of their new cats for their friends and our volunteers to see. Only cats with updates are listed below. If you are an adopter and would like to make an Update, visit your Application Status page and look in the Previously Adopted section for the Update button.
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Last Update: Mar 11th, 2025 7:20:21am |
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Look into my big blues and tell me you can resist me. My foster meowm, who has only known me for 2 days is already under my spell. We're still getting to know each other and I just recently started coming out of my shell, catnip bananas are a big help. You see, I was a little shell shocked from having to leave my family, not by any choice of theirs. But I have my own room now with lots of toys and 2 tall cat trees that look out the windows. I'm still getting use to everything here so please be patient.
Come back soon and I'll tell you more about me.
Name: Casper
(FKA Sherman)
ID#: VA8320
Location: Massachusetts
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 01/21/12
Adopted: 02/04/12
Congrats: Theodore
Foster: Lisa
Foster Notes for Sherman [VA8320] |
I'm a very gentle soul with no attitude. |
Foster Notes
Not with Dogs
Notes from Home
Casper says: I am SO LUCKY to have found this forever home. My parents think I am THE BEST! (And they are right, of course!). I've got them wrapped right around my all four of my paws. I love to sit in their laps and get endless scritchies in all my favorite spots--ears and cheeks especially. They LOVE when I roll on my back and show'em my tummy. I don't know what the big deal is, really. But if it makes them happy, oh well. They go bonkers over pretty much everything and anything I do.
I love my vet--well, as much as anybody CAN love someone who does what vets do. Like when he puts that cold round metal thing on me to hear my heart. And taking my temperature. I'm not even going to go there. (I wish HE wouldn't either!) But he's very gentle, and he talks baby-talk to me, just like my parents do.
Playtime is lots of fun. Sometimes I just run and run all over my house, from one end to the other, up and down the levels of my condo, and through the tunnel too. We play with all different kinds of toys. When I need a rest, I have my OWN chair in the living room, with this awesome puffy warm blanket that I can crawl under, and I don't think they know I'm there. Mom and Dad have same kind of blanket on their bed, and we share that one when it's their bedtime.
Well, I'm going to sneak under that puffy blanket on my chair now. After sitting in Mom's lap, getting all loved-up, I'm exhausted!
(Last update: Feb 4th, 2015 6pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Queen Beatrice
(FKA Beatrice)
ID#: VA9909
Location: Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 03/14/14
Adopted: 06/28/14
Congrats: Charles
Foster: Ellen
Foster Notes for Beatrice [VA9909] |
I am a typical easy going, laid back snowshoe - just a precious baby girl. |
Foster Notes
OMG! Am I not the cutest kitten ever?! My eye has responded very well to antibiotic ointment and I am now runway ready. I purr non-stop and love to rub my entire body all over my foster mom. I am not the least bit shy and love to play -- my favorite toy is my "brother" Richard. My foster mom is planning a photo session soon. Stay tuned.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
All week we have been celebrating the one-month anniversary of Bea coming into our lives. She is pure delight and we are enjoying every minute she chooses to entertain us with her antics, our favorite which is when she tosses her favorite fuzzy toy, a spider, up in the air and then catches it herself only to throw it up again and again catch it. She has begun to seek us out, but still is not real fond of being held yet. Our vet shows she has gained 1/2 pound and has suggested keeping her on the diet that foster mom Ellen had her on. We've learned that she likes to be photographed--it's just hard to catch her slow enough so that the photo is in focus! We call her Bea, as did those who came before us, but when we first saw the "fur kids" on a rainy Sunday as they were arriving via the Meezer Express, we knew they were royalty and needed, at least formally, to have regal names. So Bea is officially Queen Beatrice and we try to see that she is treated as such!
Queen Beatrice is our gorgeous snow shoe who is a constant delight for us. Now some 15 months old, we have had her, along with her best friend King Richard, for 7 months. She has an endearing quality of lifting her “gloved†right front paw and offering it to you to be “honored.†Her favorite hang out place is on top of the table next to the huge window in the living room from where she can watch all the activity of the outdoors.
She has a special dining ritual of jumping onto a stool near her dish to indicate to her parents that she is ready to be served dinner..and breakfast…and brunch…and lunch….
Her favorite morning activity is following her mom around the house wherever she goes, chattering all the time in a voice which sounds more like a little bird chirping than making kitty sounds.
Around strangers she is still quite shy but can’t resist coming out from her hiding place to see what she might be missing. Although she wants to be near the parents, loving to be stroked, she, like her brother, does not liked to be cuddled, but we are working on that also! (February 2015)
(Last update: Feb 4th, 2015 11am)
Richard is a very handsome little seal point Siamese. He is very curious, playful and loves to run and chase toys. He is talkative and when he initially came to rescue did not like to be left alone in a room. Now he, like his sister Beatrice, has adjusted very well and is happy and easy going. He loves to be with both his sister and his foster mom.
He is still thin due to malnutrition and diarrhea, but is rapidly gaining weight and catching up. He has not as yet been neutered and will most likely be sometime in mid-April. Due to his long term diarrhea, he is not as yet consistent with the litterbox, but we are working on that.
Name: King Richard
(FKA Richard)
ID#: VA9910
Location: Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 03/14/14
Adopted: 06/28/14
Congrats: Charles
Foster: Ellen
Foster Notes for Richard [VA9910] |
I am a busy active boy kitten who loves to purr and make biscuits. |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
As I write this, Richie is in his favorite napping place--in the "penthouse" of the cat condo. Of course since he is King Richard, we call it the top of the "Castle" He is strong and energetic and determined to get something when he wants it. He will bring his feather wand himself when he wants us to play with him using it. He loves to walk beside the vacuum cleaner. I don't know if he is protecting his sister Bea who is afraid of it or if he wants to make sure it leaves the area! He loves to pose for photos which means we have a hard time getting a photo without the dreaded "red eye" and that is a shame because he has the most beautiful blue eyes. While we call him Richie, he is formally King Richard and he certainly rules in our home!
Seven months have passed since we met the “Meezer Express†to bring a regal seal point King Richard, along with his friend Queen Beatrice, home with us and every day he lets us know that the title definitely fits him.
He chooses the various locations from which he wants to observe his realm but naptime is spent on the “good†couch.
King Richard is quiet—rarely vocalizes—but when he lets go it is loud and long—and a tone different from any other thing in nature.
He has a habit of “dropping†right in front of you and stretching out his full length on the floor to have his belly rubbed.
Richie has made his parents neater house keepers; his favorite toys are anything on a table that he thinks would look better on the floor being batted around. His favorite is the TV remote which he knocks off the table just so it will open the battery compartment so he can play hockey with the cover.
He likes to nap in the lap of his Daddy—but only when he chooses. He still will not let anyone hold or cuddle him, but we’re working on that also! (February 2015)
(Last update: Feb 4th, 2015 11am)
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Name: J.Lo
(FKA K.Lo)
ID#: VA7697
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 05/04/11
Adopted: 06/26/11
Congrats: Janie
Foster: Rinn
Foster Notes for K.Lo [VA7697] |
K.Lo is a terrific young cat. She'd be great with an active family. She'll probably need another feline to play with in her new home so she doesn't drive the humans crazy. Wonderful, energetic sweetie. |
Foster Notes
I'm a sweetie blue point snowshoe mix with extra toes! I'm 7 months old we think, and so is my bro' Firecracker. We'd make a great pair if you like, but we don't have to be. I love to run and play, and I talk a little bit, too. I like to carry toys around in my mouth. Are you looking for someone with lots of energy? Well, that's me! I'm all ready to leap into your arms!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Our J.LO is the sunshine of this family. She is growing leaps and bounds, she is sleek , happy and mischevieous. She keeps us laughing all the time.
She is so smart that she has her favorite small basket type of ball that she can put her teeth in to it to hold it in her mouth. She brings the ball back and with tiny little meow when asks you to through the ball again. You ask her to sit than we throw the ball and so on.
She loves all of the four dogs and she plays with our Havanies dog a lot. She also hangs out on top of the fish bowl we have in the basement and she thinks she myth one day get to them as well.
Chloe our other Siamese who is 8 years old mothers her and they play and ruff house. When they sleep in same kitty pillow they curl up so they look like yang and yang. Dark seal point and still white J.LO.
I can go on about her but I would be bragging :)
> Ol' Blue eyes J.LO is grand. I try to add comments on line but I could not.
> If you can give me your phone number I can send you some wonderful pictures
> of her.
> She is wonderful and funny and loves playing fetch. I sometime find her
> sleeping with one of the dogs. Our other Siamese Chloe always mothers her.
> Feeding time she knows exact time and she is at her feeding area least 15
> minutes before. We show her the wall clock and tell her 15 minutes to go
> she gives you this little meow like she understands. we forever take
> pictures of her but they are in my I phone.
> I don't know if I told you we entered her to cat show for her south paw.
> They had this special show by cat fanciers club last year for south paw
> cats, and she got a price for being the 4th best south paw out of 69 cats. LOL. she is adorable.
(Last update: Feb 3rd, 2015 3pm)
Hi, I'm Ho-Chi. I was a beloved companion all my life to a wonderful daddy, and then all of a sudden he was gone. I'd been living in our home all by myself since he died in August and was so lonely. The nice housekeeper came avery few days and tried to comfort me and make sure I had food and a clean litter box but she realized how lonely I was and since none of my daddys family wanted me, she called Siamese Rescue.
I was so happy the day she came in with meowmy to see me that I ran up to her and flooped over and asked her for a belly rub, which she gave me!. She then said that I should just hang in there for a little while longer and she'd be back to get me, and she did! I was so happy I didn't even mind the car ride or the bath she gave me.
Now she said she's going to help find me another forever home.
Would you like a senior gentleman like me to love you? If so, ask about me and maybe we can make it happen.
Name: Ho Chi
ID#: VA7477
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 12/20/10
Adopted: 02/25/11
Deceased: 01/12/15
Congrats: Diane
Foster: Jeanne
Foster Notes for Ho Chi [VA7477] |
Affectionate, slightly over weight, male seal. |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Ho Chi is adjusting very nicely to his new home. Ho Chi is a sweetheart and is my constant companion. Just like my first Siamese resuce cat I feel in love with him the moment I saw him in his carrier.
6/9/11 - Ho Chi is doing great and has settled in quitey nicely. Ho Chi is by my side day and night and I just love having him as part of my family. Ho Chi and my other siamese rescue, Chou Chou, have adjusted to each other nicely, but Chou Chou still gets a diva attitude once in awhile and lets Ho Chi know who is boss of the house. Ho Chi just looks at her like OK Chou, I know your the boss and goes about his business. I am so glad I adopted my older gentleman Ho Chi and my Princess Chou Chou from
the Siamese Rescue Center.
Ho Chi passed away 1/12/15 - I miss my geezer meezer so much. The house is not the same.
09/08/11 - Ho Chi is just a charmer, and is very happy in his new home. For anyone who worries about adopting a senior cat, I can tell you Ho Chi is 14 yrs old and is still a great cat. I would adopt another meezer geezer in a minute!!
(Last update: Feb 3rd, 2015 10am)
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Name: Tako
(FKA Andy)
ID#: VA8285
Location: New Hampshire
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 01/02/12
Adopted: 01/28/12
Congrats: Bridget
Foster: Mary
I'm the brother of Joe (VA8284). I got the looks and brain, Andy got the short end of the stick.
I also got the sophistication gene. My bro will roll around on the floor till he find himself under a chair, he even sniffs feet!!!!! I'm not doing that. I even have to go behind him and cover up his jobs. It's my lot in life I guess.
Our Dad had to go away but he left us in a kennel rather than in a shelter where we would get separated. The rescue people saw our potential and made sure we would go through life together. Sorta like Batman and Robin.
My brother can easily get himself into trouble and I have to save him. There is a resident boy kitty here who hissed at my bro - I was right there to make sure there wasn't going to be any trouble. My bro ain't got the brains to defend himself (he's a lover not a fighter) but I can get a poofy tail like nobody's business so that big orange boy backed down. Yeah Batman and Robin.
My brother Joe is a bit more outgoing than myself. I like to test the waters so to speak (don't want to get my well-manicured paws wet), Joe just jumps in.
We are a purrfect pair, my bro and I.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother
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Notes from Home
2/2015 3 years? No way! My bro' and I are havin' a good time - See our new photos!!
2/7/2011 I'm told they're calling me Tako now. I guess that's ok by me. Doesn't matter too much what they call me as long as the meals keep coming on time. Oh! And turkey snacks! Lots of turkey snacks!! And I get to keep chasing these silly girls! I stare at 'em real good until they try to run away! But I'm very, very fast!
Thanks SCRC! You guys did good!
7/5/2012: Greetings, SCRC from The Underfoot Boys of New Jersey! Just a quick note to let you folks know how awesome they are.
The Boys arrived in NJ at the end of January, just about 5 months ago. Suki and Tako have no fear of anything, requiring the 2-legged residents of the house to tread very carefully - oncoming feet just get looked at like they're beings from another planet. They have a definite preference for men over women: the poor handyman that attempted to repair some windows a few weeks back found himself closely supervised, his tools thoroughly inspected, and his trousers coated in lovely white fur by the time he was done. They put a smile on my face every morning.
Tako believes that he is in charge. Of everything except the 12-pound Maine Coon girl who put him in his place most effectively when they first met. He tries to test her once every couple of weeks, but she is bigger and louder than he is and she just keeps winning. He consoles himself by making sure that that our DSH tortie knows who is the Top Cat and wrestling with his brother. Tako is inordinately fond of the hard little mousies covered in rabbit fur. He can amuse himself endlessly tossing them in the air and playing floor hockey. Of course they usually end up under the furniture and must be rounded up regularly.
For the first couple of months, we were pretty well convinced that Tako was the world's only silent cat. We never heard a peep out of him and the only time we heard him purr was when he was diving into his breakfast. Now we know that he was just trying to figure things out. Now that he's decided he lives here, he's still a very pretty quiet guy - the occasional complaint, a chirp every now and then to announce himself... but that's only until he wants something that he can't have. Then, the HOWLING will just about curdle your blood ;-))
Today was a big day for Tako. After months and months of seeing the vet every two weeks (something he really doesn't approve of), today his mouth received a provisional all-clear! The ulcers are finally completely gone and so now we move into close follow-up to make sure that if they come back, we catch them immediately.
(Last update: Feb 2nd, 2015 10am)
Dear Dad,
I'm sorry you are incarcerated (did I spell that right?) but right now we are too.
I keep trying to make a run for it but this foster lady puts me back into my room.
The eats are good, litterbox clean - so it's not all that bad.
Brother Andy and I will be fine, you needn't worry about us.
This foster person says it won't take long for us to find a forever home.
I'm keeping an eye on Andy (VA8285) to make sure he behaves himself.
Can't say I'll talk to ya again Dad. Time for us to be mov'in on.
I'm a gorgeous young lynxpoint boy who found myself homeless, but safe. The rescue angels took me and my brother Andy (VA8285) in to find us new forever homes. We want to stay together. We're a ready-made duo who will keep you on your toes.
I got the looks, Andy got the brains. I think Andy will agree, won't you Andy?
Andy is also a bit more reserved than myself. He has class whereas I have the ability to make you chuckle. You see we are a purrfect pair (odd couple). I like dry food, Andy likes wet. I don't cover my business, Andy does. I sleep on my back, Andy sleeps on his belly.
Night and day, Ying and Yang - but together forever.
Name: Suki
(FKA Joe)
ID#: VA8284
Location: New Hampshire
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 01/02/12
Adopted: 01/28/12
Congrats: Bridget
Foster: Mary
Notes from Home
2/2015 3 years? No way! My bro' and I are havin' a good time - See our new photos!!
2/7/2011 Hi Guys! Suki here. They tell me that I'm a Jersey Boy now. This Jersey place is pretty good - lots of stairs (my bro and I like to stomp up and down and up again) and lots of feathers! I have my very own feather and when anybody comes near it, I make myself big and poofy and I grrrroooowl so nobody can take MY feather away from me! Oh! And there is a great big thing for climbing! (ed: cat tree) My bro and I can fly up this climbing thing very very fast!
There are two girl cats here and the orange one with lots of fur might be OK, but that little one with the big teeth isn't very friendly. Doesn't bother me too much - when she looks at me like that and gets all poofy, I just walk away very slowly so she doesn't get too mad. My bro likes to chase her. I think that makes her really mad.
The people here are ok too. They like it a lot when I rub myself on them and purr. Thanks SCRC volunteers! My bro and I are very happy in this Jersey place.
7/5/2012: Greetings, SCRC from The Underfoot Boys of New Jersey! Just a quick note to let you folks know how awesome they are.
The Boys arrived in NJ at the end of January, just about 5 months ago. Suki and Tako have no fear of anything, requiring the 2-legged residents of the house to tread very carefully - oncoming feet just get looked at like they're beings from another planet. They have a definite preference for men over women: the poor handyman that attempted to repair some windows a few weeks back found himself closely supervised, his tools thoroughly inspected, and his trousers coated in lovely white fur by the time he was done. They put a smile on my face every morning.
Suki is a gentle soul who wants no drama and goes out of his way to avoid conflict with the girls. He chirps and trills when trying to herd the humans into the family room where his toys live, but isn't too vocal otherwise. The only thing that Suki likes more than a mid-morning snooze in the middle of the bed or killing his favorite feather toy is food. Any kind of food at all. To the extent that he managed to gain a whole pound between the time he came home and the end of May! So as of two weeks ago, our entire Thundering Herd of Felines is on short rations. Suki is a veritable vaccuum cleaner and has now taken to scouring the kitchen floor, nose down, looking for crumbs somebody might have overlooked. His silly crossed eyes start looking hopeful several hours before dinnertime.
Suki is also being watched closely for likely membership in the Bad Teeth Club. He saw the vet a couple of months ago for the worst bad breath imaginable and we found a pretty amazing tartar buildup for a guy his age in addition to some very sore-looking gums. We gave him a course of antibiotics to see if that might improve things and two weeks later, his halitosis was much much improved, indicating that he probably had some infection going on in there. A dental was done at that point and the vet was very happy to find nothing loose or otherwise in bad shape. Just to be on the safe side, he is now on a 6-month schedule for regular dental checkups.
(Last update: Feb 2nd, 2015 10am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Martin Francis
(FKA Pogue)
ID#: VA9727
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/06/13
Adopted: 01/04/14
Congrats: Sandi
Foster: Belinda
Foster Notes for Pogue [VA9727] |
A shoulder climber - such a wonderful little guy. |
Foster Notes
Hi! My name is Pogue. I'm a bottle baby from the local shelter and this weekend I was separated from my littermates for the first time. I haven't skipped a beat though! I love my foster mommy and I want to be with her ALL the time. I try really hard to get along with these other fosters but they've got baggage. Geesh... all I want to do is play and I get grumbled at, swat at, and then they steal my food. All I need is some fun playmates and a loving momma and I'll be the happiest boy ever.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Pogue was renamed Martin Francis ( Marty) in honor of two saints that are patron saints of animals, St Martin De Porres of South America and Saint Francis of Assisi. He is a wonderful, happy, little boy who is loving and is a non-stop purr machine.
1/20/2014: Meowmy is going to write my updates soon. She wants to first write thank you very much to Siamese Cat rescue, Director Siri, foster Mom Heida( Meowmy had made an inquiry from her before adopting me), especially foster Mommy Belinda for taking such good care of me before I was adopted, Peggy, Meowmy's interviewer, the transport co-ordinators, Meezer express drivers Susan, Shirley, Leslie, Glenda, Jo. Thanks to " Aunt Marilyn" for being part of my journey home. Thanks to everyone else, that I didn't mention by name, if I inadvertantly forgotten anyone. Marty is doing extremely well, a very joyful little boy, healthy, and very happy to have brothers and sisters! More soon!! Thanks everyone!!
(Last update: Jan 31st, 2015 6pm)
My passions are my wand toy, catnip toys, sitting on the sofa with my human and sleeping on the bed at night. If you are looking for a laid back cat to follow you around the house I am your cat. My litter box habits are purrrrfect. I have a soft quiet voice and purr. I am especially fond of receiving pets when I am eating. I would do best in a home without small children or with another laid back cat.
Name: Sophie
(FKA Samantha)
ID#: VA10066
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/07/14
Adopted: 10/13/14
Deceased: 05/01/16
Congrats: Constance
Foster: Reid
Not with kids under 5
Not with Female Cats
Notes from Home
I don't have any good pictures of Sophie right now because every time I get the camera, she comes to rub all over it!! I am so fortunate to be guardian of such a sweet girl. Thanks to her foster dad (Reid), she transitioned very well. Her confidence is growing every day and I think she's learned that she "owns" me ;) Her favorite place to sleep is in front of my patio doors, unless it's cold and cloudy. On those days, she naps in her bed in my walk-in closet. At night, she either sleeps in bed with me or in her Millie bed, which is on the floor next to my bed. Playtime and treats are VERY important to her! Our normal routine is for me to get up and dutifully follow her to the kitchen so I can watch her eat. This seems to be a big deal to her, although I have no idea why! Then I'm allowed to have breakfast, while she sits by her toys and waits for playtime. She has 4 favorites: her wand toy with the fabric strip, her banana, a small gray mouse, and a wand toy with a pink and yellow caterpillar. She tries to bite the head and wings off the caterpillar when she plays with it and it's hysterical to watch. We usually play until she's tired, then she naps for a while. Mid-morning is treat time and if I'm not on time, she will follow me until I remember. She loves Temptations and also the soft Blue Buffalo (all flavors). She rarely runs and hides now, unless something really unusual occurs. When I first brought her home, she would hide if I put on my coat, or came home - really she hid about any time I started to do anything. Now when I come home, she comes to greet me and check out anything I may have brought home. Sophie is so quiet; she rarely meows, but she's very expressive. She knows just how to sit in front of me with her ears up and a look of expectation on her face. Of course, then I say "show me what you want" and she's off to get me to do her bidding :) I love it!!! She is definitely a lap cat. The only time she fusses is when I try to move her off my lap. She gets all settled in and after a while (a long while - like over an hour!) if I try to move her, she will growl. It makes me laugh and it's just adorable. I will pet her and say "Sophie, I have to get up" over and over, and after a few minutes she'll usually get up, although grudgingly. Her FH has been pretty stable. I have noticed that big weather changes (mostly warm to cold) will make her congested. It lasts from a couple of hours to less than a day. I've talked with her doctors and they've told me the same things that I've read online - there really isn't anything to do except for her supplement. It just hurts me to hear her when she's congested because I can't make it better. I ordered some eye wipes from DrsFosterSmith to clean her eyes. Those seem to be softer and less irritating than tissues and her eyes do need to be cleaned at least once a day. She's still a little iffy with hands, but I've been working with her on that and she's much, much better. When I first got her, if she was on my lap and I moved my hand for any reason, she would try to give me a swat or act like she wanted to nip. I didn't react; I just held my hand steady beside her. A couple of times I got a little nip (no big deal to me) and I didn't flinch,etc. but just held steady. That progressed to a reaction of "maybe I should swat - no - I'll rub her hand - no - not sure what I should do" . Now, if I start to scratch her head or under her chin and she doesn't want me to , she gets her paw and pushes my hand away! AND a couple of times I've received a very fast little lick on the side of my hand. That was a huge deal to me! I was thrilled, to say the least. I'm also working on picking her up. When she first came home, she could be picked up, but would struggle and tense up. I have very, very slowly been picking her up, giving her a brief, light hug, then putting her down and immediately started playing with her. My big "woo hoo" moment came a couple of days ago. I picked her up, held her for a short time ( less than 30 secs), and when I put her down - before I could get her wand toy - she immediately rolled on her back in front of me!! So, I think I'm making strides in making her feeling secure. She follows me from room to room and lays on the floor beside me; she checks out absolutely everything and rubs on it so I know that it belongs to her, and now pretty much rules the house. In my opinion, that's how it should be, so it suits us both! I'm so glad she's accepted me and seems to feel secure here with me. I love her so much and I'm so happy we ended up together!
(Last update: Jan 31st, 2015 2pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Flynn
ID#: VA10537
Location: Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 1 Yr
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 12/31/14
Adopted: 01/17/15
Deceased: 07/27/15
Congrats: Marcia
Foster: LaShawn
Foster Notes for Flynn [VA10537] |
I love to be held and kiss your face! |
Foster Notes
Lover boy alert!
I am the sweetest, snuggliest, cuddliest, kissiest cat and Foster Lady said somebody better adopt me before she does! Easy going, laid back friendly boy that will likely get along with anyone and anything.
Purrs and face-kisses,
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
I tried to send a couple pictures but this site told me the cat I requested could not be found. I will try to figure it out. Thanks. Flynn is a wonderful cat.
(Last update: Jan 31st, 2015 10am)
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